No, I am not waffling at all. This argument is simply getting beyond old to the point of stupid. One final time, you are claiming to have spoken to the NMB, FAA, the moon and God, but you fail to admit that their rules have not been challenged in court. You state that there is NOTHING that can be done about the NMB rules, and the Teamster attorneys say YOU ARE WRONG.
How much more simple does it need to be for you.
As to your other point, I was amfa too, and as I do not know how long you have been a mechanic, might make a gamble that I have fought for them longer than you. I worked on several campaigns to get them as representatives at UAL and spent many long hours defending and promoting their name. In very short order as a full member, I can tell you I have never been so disappointed with anything in my life.
I give a similar warning. Stay with the TWU if you must, but by no means believe that amfa is the answer to your problems. Just listen to SWAMT. He speaks for amfa and openly admits the battle for you is over with the NMB before it ever begins. It is not just a question of section 6, failure will be the normal process for all issues at amfa. They have a democratic union, and the members are able to guide their contract...But please all of you realize this;
The amfa Democratic process is like 4 foxes and 1hen voting on what to have for dinner.
The normal and regular membership much too often seem to be the hens.
Anomaly, Anomaly, Anomaly; The ONLY reason this is getting old to you is b/c you have been prooven wrong and are still misleading and spining the truths when you get prooven wrong.
1- Never claimed to have spoken to NMB or anybody you poated. I do know of mechanics that have and seen and read the responces after inquiring with the NMB. Matter fact the teamsters have done it in the past.
2- I have never said that their rules were never challenged. Let get it straight here and now Anomaly; You have been stating the teamsters can and will re-open nego when they take over at AA. I have been telling you that they cannot garrentee such as they have to have the company agree to a re-opener. Then the attorney's letter comes out and you continued to post that you still believe and understand the teamsters could re-open the contract. I still corrected you saying both parties must agree to re-open. Now you are flipping what you were saying in the beginning that you now agree with the attorney that the law has never been challenged. I don't think the law has ever been challenged as it is very clear what "newly certified" means as well as a replacement union taking over from another union. Again I was not saying the teamsters couln't challenge the law, hell, any union can do that. I was correcting you, as well as, the teamsters that it is not automatic on the re-opener, priod.
3- Again Anomaly your twisted spin on everything. I have never said you guys have lost with the NMB before it ever started. I did say that your teamsters will waste more of the dues from the members as they already know the answer to the sec 6 re-opener as this very same was brought to light here at SWA while we still had the loosers, AMFA was asked the very same thing and AMFA said no that they could not "UNLESS" the co. was to agree to it. The teamsters know already, they have already addressed this same exact issue in the past.
4-Anomaly--I don't give 2 ####$ how long you have been a mech or how long you have been a teamster requiter. You guys really need to keep listening to the teamsters as it is helping the AMFA card drive. The teamsters are well known for doing this at SWA. All their actions and lies and promiced retoric was the key to the record drive here, and we thank them, best thing that has ever happend.
5- This subject is only getting old to you b/c you have been constantly prooven wrong and all your lies brought to light. Like TWUinformer has stated, You are now irrevelant, too many times have you been brought to light and not once have you addmitted it. You just twist it into some sort of diffent meaning and TRY to run with it again. Anyone has the option to search back thru all the posting and verify everything, it's all in writing Anomaly, easily followed. Pls keep be a chearleader for the teamsters...