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I'm ready to go AMFA

I agree.

I see more problems with guys who don't have to work under the same work rules that they negotiated for us.

I'll keep our system.

In fairness, I was incorrect about the statement that IBT Local employees are independent of the company. The Local I belong to is, but not all IBT Locals follow this same model. I looked up Local 19 in the DOL LM2 reports and they are consistent with your point of view. Local 19 executive members appear to be paid by the company they represent.

I still hold my opinion, however, that I would rather have an independent union NOT subject to company rules and discipline. I want my union representative to have the freedom to tell the company to go F themselves without any fear of reprisal. Maybe that is just me.
I know this responce is late so I opologize for the delay. Going by memory here; I believe it was in late 08 or early 09. I remember being impressed by the short time it took us to get to the million mark. I was expecting it to take between 5-10 years to hit it, and as you can see we did it under 5.

According to the DOL LM2 report filed Mar 19, 2010, Local 11 shows a beginning asset balance of $937,974 and ending with $1,129,376 for the 2009 reporting period. The local has only $621 in liabilities bringing them to a total of $1,128,755. reporting 933 members.

SWAMT, your memory is correct in the million dollar mark being broken in 09.

However, the earliest records listed show in 2003 total assets were only $146, 502 reporting a total membership of 689. It took 6 years.
Anomaly you claim everything just because you read something. Your not even a mech for SWA yet you claim you know everything that happens here. Again you are completely wrong. We were not in mediated talks. There was no mediator present. It was in fact company and lead nego (at that time) Sam in a hotel room making behind closed doors deals. This is where the retro was givin away in "behind closed doors deals" I was here when it took place, I do believe I have more first hand information than you reading up on things.
Now since you claim to be so versed on other airliners issues-try indulging us with the few times it happend at CAL prior to the merger with UAL, where they too were represented--oh gee, by the very same local 19. You are wrong again Anomaly, to this day I have friends that are in the union now that was in these nego's we are talking about at SWA with the back door dealing teamsters. It was in fact done. The teamsters even admitted to this later (after contract was settled) This was one of the many items on the list that got the teamsters fired from SWA in a record 2 wk card drive. Again, this meeting had NOTHING to do with a mediator. And as you claim (once again wrong as usual) there was no 3rd party in the hotel room with Sam, it was Sam and company and that's it... You also claim that we are calling this a back door deal just because we didn't get a reto'd pd lunch. AGAIN you are wrong. This was a back door deal dumb a$$. And you want to call it a misunderstanding, funny, that's exactly what the teamsters were calling it until they finally admitted it after the fact.
Anomaly every post you post always gets proven wrong. There has only been one with a partial truth. Keep up the good work for your teamsters, your doing great...

This sounds/reads just like the way AMFA does things. By the way It's written into our contract. And have got get deals from it....
According to the DOL LM2 report filed Mar 19, 2010, Local 11 shows a beginning asset balance of $937,974 and ending with $1,129,376 for the 2009 reporting period. The local has only $621 in liabilities bringing them to a total of $1,128,755. reporting 933 members.

SWAMT, your memory is correct in the million dollar mark being broken in 09.

However, the earliest records listed show in 2003 total assets were only $146, 502 reporting a total membership of 689. It took 6 years.

As I originally posted, "I was going by memory", If you look up the exact date of the million dollar hit it does fall in the within 5 years column.
Keep trying Anomaly. You are working hard to try to discredit me, very hard...
Not that it matters and I am taking what I want from your post, but I am very proud of you.

LOL. You noticed too huh? Notice he has not done that with me yet. Oh maybe a smigent when he said I was correct about the million time frame. But what, if any member of AMFA would know this? A non-member, non SWA employee would always know more than us.
BTW; I would like to see a teamster member request to see privious quarterly finacials and open the books to their members like AMFA does. We've tried it in the past and they refused at Local 19 in Grapevine Tx Local..
According to the DOL LM2 report filed Mar 19, 2010, Local 11 shows a beginning asset balance of $937,974 and ending with $1,129,376 for the 2009 reporting period. The local has only $621 in liabilities bringing them to a total of $1,128,755. reporting 933 members.

SWAMT, your memory is correct in the million dollar mark being broken in 09.

However, the earliest records listed show in 2003 total assets were only $146, 502 reporting a total membership of 689. It took 6 years.

Anomaly, swamt, seriously I have read some of the back and forth about how much money the union has or how long it took to get that amount.
If you think for a moment that we at AA are looking at replacing the TWU because how much a union has in total assets both of you are way off base.

The amt's at AA are just sick of the TWU plain and simple. If you both are AMT's its the unions money. DUES. how they use it depends on the membership or unless the union is corrupt. I was under the impression that we at AA are trying to bring a union which we feel will represent us. Seperate us from the ramp and stores, give us more say as to our future. We are all on the floor so talking about money that is for the accountants. If your turning a wrench not for you to worry about. Keep track of at local level but if you had the knowledge of finace you should be doing that rather than turning a wrench. Let get back on track here and figure out the best way for us at AA to come up with enough cards to file for a election. Which I hope will rid us here at AA of the TWU.

What happens at SWA is good for us to know because it shows us just how AMFA operates. Good or bad its info we can use, to show just how different the TWU/IAM/IBT are to a craft union. We all talk about how things should be, what we expect from the union. Its what we do each day we hit the floor or the line, the job we do. How we look out for the other memebers of our crews. The safe operation of the aircraft we maintain. Its time to change the I GOT MINE thinking. Time to vote out the TWU.
Anomaly, swamt, seriously I have read some of the back and forth about how much money the union has or how long it took to get that amount.
If you think for a moment that we at AA are looking at replacing the TWU because how much a union has in total assets both of you are way off base.

The amt's at AA are just sick of the TWU plain and simple. If you both are AMT's its the unions money. DUES. how they use it depends on the membership or unless the union is corrupt. I was under the impression that we at AA are trying to bring a union which we feel will represent us. Seperate us from the ramp and stores, give us more say as to our future. We are all on the floor so talking about money that is for the accountants. If your turning a wrench not for you to worry about. Keep track of at local level but if you had the knowledge of finace you should be doing that rather than turning a wrench. Let get back on track here and figure out the best way for us at AA to come up with enough cards to file for a election. Which I hope will rid us here at AA of the TWU.

What happens at SWA is good for us to know because it shows us just how AMFA operates. Good or bad its info we can use, to show just how different the TWU/IAM/IBT are to a craft union. We all talk about how things should be, what we expect from the union. Its what we do each day we hit the floor or the line, the job we do. How we look out for the other memebers of our crews. The safe operation of the aircraft we maintain. Its time to change the I GOT MINE thinking. Time to vote out the TWU.

You need to understand. Our back and forth goes alot further back than you have been on here. The reason I say this is a while back both TWU and teamsters were claiming that AMFA has no money at local or National levels. We have proven them wrong. In the 25 plus years of teamster representation they had a measily 50K when we fired them in local 19. Our National level has funds that represents $75-$85 per member. The current teamster international level represents below $10 per member. Yea the teamsters are large, but the airline division is a very small piece of that pie, as well as the funds to support it. Huge difference on the split of union dues going to each local as compared to the teamsters international takes alot more. Be patient my friend. This will come up again hot and heavy when you guys get enough cards and file. That's when you will really start hearing all the BS from the other two unions. You may not want to hear or read this stuff, but some of your members need to hear it.
You need to understand. Our back and forth goes alot further back than you have been on here. The reason I say this is a while back both TWU and teamsters were claiming that AMFA has no money at local or National levels. We have proven them wrong. In the 25 plus years of teamster representation they had a measily 50K when we fired them in local 19. Our National level has funds that represents $75-$85 per member. The current teamster international level represents below $10 per member. Yea the teamsters are large, but the airline division is a very small piece of that pie, as well as the funds to support it. Huge difference on the split of union dues going to each local as compared to the teamsters international takes alot more. Be patient my friend. This will come up again hot and heavy when you guys get enough cards and file. That's when you will really start hearing all the BS from the other two unions. You may not want to hear or read this stuff, but some of your members need to hear it.


Your correct as far as me being new on this site but its not my first attempt at ridding the airlines of the industrial unions. I am at AA and this is my 5th carrier all the others are gone. I also have been here now 14 yrs and was apart of every AMFA drive here. Remember the-machanics.com web site I do as well.
Talking about $$$$ and who has what is not the main objective. Ridding ourselves of the TWU is. The line stations here at AA have NO worries as far as the IBT most are AMFA supporter stations. Tulsa is and has been our thorn. Getting them to understand that the AMFA guys are not thier enemy and understand that it all about representation, and being able to have a voice. Talking about 1M$ is the least of thier concern. Jobs, and if AMFA will treat them fairly is something they need to understand.
The airlines are changing, contracting out work and what is going to happen the O/H facilities is tulsa's most important issue. They have been for yrs brainwashed by the TWU and lead down the path of no return. The Intl. of the TWU has never had thier best interest at heart. Its always been about dues and headcount. We should be giving info as to the possitive side of AMFA and how it will effect each of us now and those who follow. Showing how you at SWA have a direct input to whats happening now that you are getting ready to submitt improvements you want in your contract. Telling them that it is a fact that each member of AMFA can sit in on the negotiations. Tell the AA amt's how the local operates different from the IBT how transparent it is. Tell them that you can remove officers that don't look out for the best interest of the members. Each member has a vote and can elect Intl. officers. Stuff like that we have tried to get them to understand. You live it at SWA so show the Tulsa Amt's info on that. local 19 in texas is not who we need to care about. If we switch AMFA has a local # set aside which will represent the Tulsa members.
I agree with you MIAMI.
The comment about our local vs IBT local 19s money was mine.
It was just an off the cuff aside to the conversation, was blow up by Anomaly, it was not my main point and has absolutely no bearing on these issues you raise.

Sorry to allow it to side track the discussion.
Why are you trying to hang onto this one single event?
I already told you we never trusted the Ibt because of the way they treated us all along.
Our local was always broke and rife with corruption.
Look up Local 19 trusteeship and J.D.Potter.
This event was only one of many, we just can't prove it. We don't have to, we know how we were treated.
We didn't care for the IBT crap anymore, and voted them out.

Our local now has millions and our dues don't go to support truckers pensions, political donations to groups we as individuals don't care to support, or layers of corrupt union bosses.
We will spend our dues the way we want by voting on it.

As you can see, it was not my major point.

Sorry again for the distraction.

PS. I modified my statement to say we now have "over a million" not "millions".

Your correct as far as me being new on this site but its not my first attempt at ridding the airlines of the industrial unions. I am at AA and this is my 5th carrier all the others are gone. I also have been here now 14 yrs and was apart of every AMFA drive here. Remember the-machanics.com web site I do as well.
Talking about $$$$ and who has what is not the main objective. Ridding ourselves of the TWU is. The line stations here at AA have NO worries as far as the IBT most are AMFA supporter stations. Tulsa is and has been our thorn. Getting them to understand that the AMFA guys are not thier enemy and understand that it all about representation, and being able to have a voice. Talking about 1M$ is the least of thier concern. Jobs, and if AMFA will treat them fairly is something they need to understand.
The airlines are changing, contracting out work and what is going to happen the O/H facilities is tulsa's most important issue. They have been for yrs brainwashed by the TWU and lead down the path of no return. The Intl. of the TWU has never had thier best interest at heart. Its always been about dues and headcount. We should be giving info as to the possitive side of AMFA and how it will effect each of us now and those who follow. Showing how you at SWA have a direct input to whats happening now that you are getting ready to submitt improvements you want in your contract. Telling them that it is a fact that each member of AMFA can sit in on the negotiations. Tell the AA amt's how the local operates different from the IBT how transparent it is. Tell them that you can remove officers that don't look out for the best interest of the members. Each member has a vote and can elect Intl. officers. Stuff like that we have tried to get them to understand. You live it at SWA so show the Tulsa Amt's info on that. local 19 in texas is not who we need to care about. If we switch AMFA has a local # set aside which will represent the Tulsa members.

No prob MIAMI. We will continue to post as we live with AMFA. Sorry for the rant. Will continue to better focuss on issues at hand.
LOL. You noticed too huh? Notice he has not done that with me yet. Oh maybe a smigent when he said I was correct about the million time frame. But what, if any member of AMFA would know this? A non-member, non SWA employee would always know more than us.
BTW; I would like to see a teamster member request to see privious quarterly finacials and open the books to their members like AMFA does. We've tried it in the past and they refused at Local 19 in Grapevine Tx Local..

They are all on line, stupid. ALL OF THEM. EVERY UNION. I have been trying to tell you this. You are like trying to educate a rock. ALL OF LOCAL 19's AS WELL. I have every complete LM2 from 2002 to 2012 for Local 19 on the next tab. What do you want to know???


I have explained how to see them twice, but here is another link to an outside explanation YOU would probably appreciate.


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