Anomaly you claim everything just because you read something. Your not even a mech for SWA yet you claim you know everything that happens here. Again you are completely wrong. We were not in mediated talks. There was no mediator present. It was in fact company and lead nego (at that time) Sam in a hotel room making behind closed doors deals. This is where the retro was givin away in "behind closed doors deals" I was here when it took place, I do believe I have more first hand information than you reading up on things.
Now since you claim to be so versed on other airliners issues-try indulging us with the few times it happend at CAL prior to the merger with UAL, where they too were represented--oh gee, by the very same local 19. You are wrong again Anomaly, to this day I have friends that are in the union now that was in these nego's we are talking about at SWA with the back door dealing teamsters. It was in fact done. The teamsters even admitted to this later (after contract was settled) This was one of the many items on the list that got the teamsters fired from SWA in a record 2 wk card drive. Again, this meeting had NOTHING to do with a mediator. And as you claim (once again wrong as usual) there was no 3rd party in the hotel room with Sam, it was Sam and company and that's it... You also claim that we are calling this a back door deal just because we didn't get a reto'd pd lunch. AGAIN you are wrong. This was a back door deal dumb a$$. And you want to call it a misunderstanding, funny, that's exactly what the teamsters were calling it until they finally admitted it after the fact.
Anomaly every post you post always gets proven wrong. There has only been one with a partial truth. Keep up the good work for your teamsters, your doing great...