I appreciate your kind words when you say, "Good luck over there on the west and we on the east do feel you pain because we have been there!" However, I also realize there are many on this board who think any raise that comes West way be subject to East voting on it, which brings back my contention that West is a "hostage" various parties as there will be no raise for West unless East gets something too.
I enjoyed your responsed to my question, although respectfully, I think you were a tad intellectually dishonest in that you left out key conditions subject to "the changes in the industry, the skill set involved and if Company closes tomorrow what would be your options and pay scale even at another airline (or subcontractor... egads!) doing the same job?" Yes, the industry has changed and only a fool would say otherwise, but let us not ignore that relative worth or value would probably be close to what others would offer for same type of work and not just one employer heavily dependent upon longevity being in a company for 20 years. If the 20 years of experience was such a great personal asset to another employer, the new employer would be willing to pay a premium over the entry level rate (as so you wouldn't be hired by a competitor or find work outside of the industry), and I doubt you would see that happening. So I'll ask again: "What are you really worth?"
Even though your following statement was not directly asked to me this time, "just curious.. I know the wages you make out west are poverty stricken... but did they (the company) not tell you your wage scale when you were hired.. did you not make a decison to work under," I feel compelled to reply. Do we work for the same company? Do we perform the same type of work? Are we represented by the same union? Do we work on the same types of aircraft? You are right, it was the terms under which I agreed to work, but keep in mind West has been working without a contract for years and that's subject to negotiation for which the IAM has conveniently forgotten and it is an issue of fairness as to why East should be treated in such a material difference as to West. I could make the same argument with you and say, "What's your problem? You have a valid contract through 2009 and yet, you stay here knowing the terms, so stop complaining."
So speaks Jester.