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Please write your concerns to our IAM international. tbrickner@iamaw.org. I have Canale' email but he never writes.
We are at CRUNCH TIME!
1. First and foremost, I think that I am worth all of the seniority that I have earned while working on the ramp. Not just a portion of it. Which means that i am worth my DATE OF HIRE.[/b]

2. Second since I have been through all of the paycuts, I know that I am worth at the bare minimum $25.00 per hour. Had it not been for 911 and the bankruptcies, I feel that those of us that are topped out would have exceeded the $25.00 mark long ago.

3. One sick day earned, one sick day taken, one sick day paid.

4. 401k with a company match. Damn an iam pension. I'll take a company match now, over who knows what with the iam at some later date.

5. My vacation and holidays back!

1. Shift Differentials
2. Line Pay
3. Longevity Pay
4. Doubletime
5. Paid Meal Periods for those who work 3rd shift

1. Seniority and date of hire : yes

2. 25 dollars an hour ? HA HA sorry this isn’t southwest , not gonna happen

3. What your asking for in a sick policy sounds reasonable , so it SHOULD happen

4 IAM pension is fine , I doubt it would be worth the cost to us to negotiate for the company to include us in the 401 k again .

5 all workers should get the West vacation and holiday policies that we now have , as far as seeing a 5th week , highly doubtful , and if it did come about it would probably cost too much in any negotiating .

1. Shift differentials ? We shouldn’t bother to request it in any contract , if the company wants unreliable new hires to work during the shift that requires all the agents to have experience ,show up week after week to work and know their job , then I say let them .

2. Line pay , never heard of it

3.longevity pay , never heard of it , sounds like a reward you get for working here a long time , us airways doesn’t want to reward you for that so I’m pretty sure they won’t .

4.double time is a possibility , but should be traded away if it can result in a higher hourly wage

5 paid meal periods for those who work 3rd shift ? Well if you work full time aka 8 hours , you should get a paid lunch

6 outsourcing is a fact of life , and something we should be ready to accept , the conditions in which we accept it should be reasonable ones , for instance if we have a crew at a station that gets only 1 flight a day mainline/express , then for the health of our company we should be prepared to let it go . Of course we should ensure that those who are out sourced are treated far better than they are today .

We need to focus on what’s reasonable and concentrate all our efforts on achieving those goals
1. Seniority and date of hire : yes

2. 25 dollars an hour ? HA HA sorry this isn’t southwest , not gonna happen

3. What your asking for in a sick policy sounds reasonable , so it SHOULD happen

4 IAM pension is fine , I doubt it would be worth the cost to us to negotiate for the company to include us in the 401 k again .

5 all workers should get the West vacation and holiday policies that we now have , as far as seeing a 5th week , highly doubtful , and if it did come about it would probably cost too much in any negotiating .
1. Shift differentials ? We shouldn’t bother to request it in any contract , if the company wants unreliable new hires to work during the shift that requires all the agents to have experience ,show up week after week to work and know their job , then I say let them .

2. Line pay , never heard of it

3.longevity pay , never heard of it , sounds like a reward you get for working here a long time , us airways doesn’t want to reward you for that so I’m pretty sure they won’t .

4.double time is a possibility , but should be traded away if it can result in a higher hourly wage

5 paid meal periods for those who work 3rd shift ? Well if you work full time aka 8 hours , you should get a paid lunch

6 outsourcing is a fact of life , and something we should be ready to accept , the conditions in which we accept it should be reasonable ones , for instance if we have a crew at a station that gets only 1 flight a day mainline/express , then for the health of our company we should be prepared to let it go . Of course we should ensure that those who are out sourced are treated far better than they are today .
We need to focus on what’s reasonable and concentrate all our efforts on achieving those goals
By Gosh! This is true! Details to the contract have been only East members only. WHEN have any of you on this site related to truly relating to the merger, not just yourselves. Get on and relate to a union that is temporary and then can relate to a contract after 2009./
1. Seniority and date of hire : yes

2. 25 dollars an hour ? HA HA sorry this isn’t southwest , not gonna happen

3. What your asking for in a sick policy sounds reasonable , so it SHOULD happen

4 IAM pension is fine , I doubt it would be worth the cost to us to negotiate for the company to include us in the 401 k again .

5 all workers should get the West vacation and holiday policies that we now have , as far as seeing a 5th week , highly doubtful , and if it did come about it would probably cost too much in any negotiating .
1. Shift differentials ? We shouldn’t bother to request it in any contract , if the company wants unreliable new hires to work during the shift that requires all the agents to have experience ,show up week after week to work and know their job , then I say let them .

2. Line pay , never heard of it

3.longevity pay , never heard of it , sounds like a reward you get for working here a long time , us airways doesn’t want to reward you for that so I’m pretty sure they won’t .

4.double time is a possibility , but should be traded away if it can result in a higher hourly wage

5 paid meal periods for those who work 3rd shift ? Well if you work full time aka 8 hours , you should get a paid lunch

6 outsourcing is a fact of life , and something we should be ready to accept , the conditions in which we accept it should be reasonable ones , for instance if we have a crew at a station that gets only 1 flight a day mainline/express , then for the health of our company we should be prepared to let it go . Of course we should ensure that those who are out sourced are treated far better than they are today .
We need to focus on what’s reasonable and concentrate all our efforts on achieving those goals
Actually 6 weeks for 25+ year guys was in our original CBA. So I don't think that is an unreasonable request. Get rid of double time :shock: are you crazy? Traded away for what kind of hourly wage. BTW anything that the I AM MANAGEMENT negotiates costs us something and it shouldn't. That is why we are seeking change. The I AM MANAGEMENT pimps us out to the company like we are slave labor. It has to stop. The company owes Fleet Servise a fair and equitable contract, period. But the I AM MANAGEMENT does not see it that way. They see it as we owe them and the company for OUR efforts. That to me is unacceptable.
Actually 6 weeks for 25+ year guys was in our original CBA. So I don't think that is an unreasonable request. Get rid of double time :shock: are you crazy? Traded away for what kind of hourly wage. BTW anything that the I AM MANAGEMENT negotiates costs us something and it shouldn't. That is why we are seeking change. The I AM MANAGEMENT pimps us out to the company like we are slave labor. It has to stop. The company owes Fleet Servise a fair and equitable contract, period. But the I AM MANAGEMENT does not see it that way. They see it as we owe them and the company for OUR efforts. That to me is unacceptable.

i would say that the IAMs view of our current value to this company is low , but on the other side of that coin if your thinking we shoud be getting 6 weeks back then i would say your view is overly high .

If we were going to trade away double time then i personally would like to see a top wage of 20 dollars an hour .
To my brothers and sisters in the west:

I feel your pain as do most of the east employees. I know quite a few people that are struggling daily just to make ends meet. Many are puting in a 50-60 hour work week just to pay the bills. I'm talking about topped out senior rampers. Career employees should not have to resort to such things just to survive. I can't imagine being in your shoes. There is no doubt the west should be getting paid the same as the east. I know of no one who will say otherwise.
No offense, but you sound just like the I AM MANAGEMENT. The glass is half full not half empty. The I AM MANAGEMENT should, on behalf of its members here at USAirways, ask for all of this and more. Both East and West deserve all of this. Not just the East. Although the "Easties" gave all us this up, so I , being part of the East for 18+ years, understand our mentality of it is owed to us. When in reality it is owed to both east and west, but not in exchange for the COC and profit sharing. I am sorry if you do not agree with me on the outsourcing part, but IMO any union that agrees to outsource any jobs is not doing what they should for its members. We will just have to agree to disagree.
If we were going to trade away double time then i personally would like to see a top wage of 20 dollars an hour .


We were at $21 and change pre BK. So anything less than that is a slap in the face. You sell yourself short. Maybee $23-$24 per hour if no double time, maybee.
i disagree with your mentality PJ , while it would be NICE to have everything back that you once had , is it realistic ? I would say no it is not , you’ve been through bankruptcy TWO times , I don’t think both occurrences can be blamed completely on mismanagement , I think the old us airways cost structure was too lopsided as far as employee compensation goes . While we are making TON’S of money this year , it is if I’m correct still not more than the total give backs by all employee groups combined . While you on the east want what you had before , you can’t have it because there’s only so much to go around and EVERY other us airways work group ALSO wants what they had before , and they also can’t have it either. Our only hope is to blitzkrieg now while there are profits and the other work groups are tied into their contracts .The more contracts that open up for talks the less likely we will be to achieve our goals because the company negotiators will be under more pressure to hold the cost line .I even think a new strategy of accepting limited gains traded against a speedy contract negotiation would be worth while if it meant we were getting to have talks over the next contract sooner .

In many respects I’m a poor negotiator , in that I don’t over inflate what I’m discussing , I want what I feel is reasonable and that’s what I want , I won’t budge from the issue , that’s why it’s good that people like myself aren’t negotiators .
Why are you only addressing Freedom. You are addressing all of the West. You on the East will have to share until at least 2009.

We were at $21 and change pre BK. So anything less than that is a slap in the face. You sell yourself short. Maybee $23-$24 per hour if no double time, maybee.

PJ , this isn't the OLD us airways , it's just never going to be like that again .... you don't KNOW how tempe controls costs ... doug parker and this management will NEVER pay you wages like that again , not unless you chuck health care or some other major element .. that's just not how tempe does business , and if you think brining in a new union will change that , then your absolutely wrong .

As much as some of you hate doug parker , you should still respect his business sense , the man's not an idiot , he will only budge SO far , and from what i've seen he's very effective in controlling costs
I can see your piont. With that said, I still disagree with you. If you think that you are a poor negotiator, look at the I AM MANAGEMENT. They are the absolute worst. Any gains we get are paid for by giving more money back to the company. Either way we will see won't we.
we will see . The IAM aimed too low last time ... will see how it goes with the next offer ...
Again, write in behalf of salvaging IAM Email addr deleted by moderator

Unless you can show proff you have permission to post Mr Brickners or anyones email address do NOT do so.
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