Would you rather have no representation?
No matter how many times I ask, no one can provide any connection between the real IBEW and the 'ibew committee'.
Where is it?
Dog Wonder,
Its fingerprint is all around you. The organizing drive is going very well but remember, Roach said, "The IBEW is not conducting an organizing drive."
The results are that 3100 workers signed cards which is already 60% of the total needed to hit 65%. Need about another 2,000 cards before the IBEW petitions. A new Card Count will be updated on Monday and the goal is to get the majority of CLT and LAS to be signed for the IBEW within a few weeks. Once we get PHL, CLT, LAS majority to the IBEW, then we will branch out to the mid level cities and get the campaign out towards smaller cities who haven't contacted us yet.
PHX seems to be an IAM stronghold at this time. We have over 300 cards signed there but things have dried up there for now and more work needs done to get the majority there [1080 workers]. A meeting is being scheduled in PHX. I have no idea how the IAM has such a grasp over PHX since the IAM has done absolutely nothing in 18 months there.
This drive is quite unique and interesting in that it is functioning as a committee driven organizing drive. Most drives need money but this drive is furthering itself with people. No INTL organizers have ever been dispatched and all organizing activity is being fueled by the rank and file who have the passion and determination to get rid of the company whore union that has oppressed them for 13 years with lies, deceit, and treason. It would be convenient to have the IBEW dispatch its own organizers but because of AFLCIO stipulations, this won't happen at this time.
The alternative is to believe there is no IBEW organizing drive happening. If you wish to believe that then that's fine. After all Roach thought he was crushing the belief of an IBEW campaign by saying, "The IBEW is not conducting an organizing drive". Ironically, he has added fuel to the drive. In fact, the IAM is so odd that everytime they open their mouths we get more cards signed. This is good.
Station Update: CLT had its single biggest week this week and the card count numbers will surely turn. All it took was a meeting in CLT to build the committee, we didn't have to discuss how the IAM was screwing the masses over. 100% of everyone that came to our CLT meeting was already aware of the oppression and arrogance of the IAM in regards to fleet service.