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Organizing drives to oust the IAM 141

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CWA National made all the decisions on the COC grievance for CWA. The IBT had no say in COC. The National levels have had quite the time making deals with the Company. Iam, Canale and CO. also tried on a National level to push a T/A down the throats of their members and knew better not to go with a survey but to do the right and legal thing and bring it to the membership of the union.
Just remember, that a lot of the guys who represent now in the IAM were quite active in the IBT when they were on site in PHL. Nothing changes with that move, trust me those guys will still be in leadership positions when the dust settles.

nice post and your are absolutely correct..

more people need to stand up at the local level to get the voices heard nationally
I was a witness to one of these so called Democratic elections...it was so crooked it was funny...First Hitler... I mean Canalle decides who he wants then goes around certain locals (especially United) and gets them to vote for who he wants....and that my friends is who gets elected to AGC'S and above. Even in the Messenger, every leader of a committee writing articles in that piece of garbage are hand picked stooges of Canalle. Some Democratic union. Canalle should be in jail. :down: :down: :down:
tim, i was told that the ibt imposed a transition agreement on the customer service agents without the csa agents being able to vote on it. can you explain this please? also i heard that the value was far less than what the iam had negotiated for fleet service. can you also explain how an alliance between the cwa and the ibt benefits their members. that appears to be two unions that are just unwilling to give up the dues collection. from these members thank you

I thought it was ratified by the combined membership

Here is the newsletter that was put out:

Teamsters, CWA CSRs at Merged US Airways Achieve Major Victory

Historic Labor Alliance Recognized, Pay Parity Achieved for America West Workers

The Teamsters and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) have reached a transition agreement with US Airways, securing significant wage increases and work protections for former America West customer service representatives (CSRs). The agreement also formally recognizes the workers’ joint association-ratified by the more than 8,000 America West and US Airways CSRs-as their collective bargaining representative.

The Teamsters will continue to negotiate with the company on behalf of the 3,400 former America West workers who are still seeking their first contract after overwhelmingly choosing to join the union in September 2004. As part of the transitional agreement, some Teamsters will receive wage increases of up to $5 per hour that will be implemented over the next 24 months.

"This alliance has already produced results for America West CSRs," said Jim Hoffa, Teamsters General President. "We're moving forward in negotiations to reach our ultimate goal of bringing all workers under a strong, fair contract."

In late September, America West Airlines and US Airways merged to form the sixth-largest air carrier in the country. Soon after, customer service representatives at America West, represented by the Teamsters, and their counterparts at US Airways, represented by the CWA, agreed to form the Airline Customer Service Employee Association, IBT-CWA, to represent the workers.

The agreement also protects the existing holiday, sick time, and vacation policies for the for the former America West workers until the parties conclude an agreement to integrate the two work groups.

Continue checking the "Merger News" section of this page for the latest news on the merger.


hope thats answers your question,
hello new to the board and looking for some information the cwa union people say that the teamsters did the majority of the transtion agreement and then the ibt and cwa forced the transtion agreement on the customer service group without a vote i would like to know if this is true or not and why do they have an alliance with the cwa that cant be good for the membership any info would be helpful
GoldenRam94 Posted Today, 07:17 PM
Just remember, that a lot of the guys who represent now in the IAM were quite active in the IBT when they were on site in PHL. Nothing changes with that move, trust me those guys will still be in leadership positions when the dust settles.

Not alot...Chandlee and Flynn. Armedio was a shop steward. Also I'd say 80% of the currnet
shop stewards in Phl were not active with the IBT in Phl when they were here. When they were
here it was one of, if not the best, contracts we ever worked under. We lost the IBT when USAIR
acquired PIEDMONT. The employees were given the chance to vote for representation after the
aquisition. This never should have happened we were IBT and they should have come into the
IBT after the purchase but it was ruled otherwise, and with the Piedmont workforce out numbering
the USAir workforce voted out the IBT and we lost our representation (the Colodny guarantee). A couple years later we all realized the mistake and in a vote between the IAM, IBT and Steel Workers, we voted
the IAM in. This was a good move ,though now we question it. We needed representation and the
selling point of the IAM was 1 company and 1 union =IAM. Well times have changed and since the
IAM has taken over we as a workforce have seen our wages, OT, benifits, etc.. be either stagnet or
diminished. I know 9-11 happened and severly impacted the aviation industry, but now companys are
reporting profits every quarter and we helped in making this happen with everything we gave up or
had imposed on us. This past TA was a disgrace to bring before a membership who upon hearing
about all these ''profits'' were looking for a company and union to do the right thing and start giving
back what was taken to keep them a float.. That didn't happen. I said it before and I'll say it again this
TA should have been about plus's not minus's. ''Profit Sharing'' the ''COC'' ,''Full Time to Part Time Ratio''
should have never came up. As far as the IBT...when they were here they were great. We had a
great contract and if you don't believe me ask anyone who worked for USAIR in the 80's. Now we
have an opputunity to replace the IAM with the IBEW or the IBT and its' about time. This IAM hasn't
done right by us. The Canales' of the world don't care about our plight their concern right now is ''how
to get thier hands on the AW dues sitting in escrow waiting for an agreement''. We need a new union.
This will NOT BE an election for representation, this WILL BE an election for change. A chance for us
to vote for a union to fight for the needs of the many and rid ourselves of the union who looked to
the needs of the few. The IBEW is a very strong union with good leadership and a passion to fight
for a fair and equitable agreement. The IBT will look to do the same. So when the day comes VOTE !!

The current IAM leaders will not be in a position to hold a position in the IBT or IBEW. They made
thier perverbial beds ...now lay in it..Mind you they have nice beds, $100,000 ++ .

GoldenRam94 Posted Today, 07:17 PM
Just remember, that a lot of the guys who represent now in the IAM were quite active in the IBT when they were on site in PHL. Nothing changes with that move, trust me those guys will still be in leadership positions when the dust settles.


MOD NOTE: AGAIN do not quote entire posts in your replies if the post you are quoting is immediately prior to your response or within the same page.

Couldn't have said it better myself....and everyone else should too because it feels really good...try it........CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE........nice campaign slogan :up: :up: :up: :up:
IBT CBA superior?

Every other US Station made more than the IBT cities, BOS, BUF, PIT and PHL.

How is less pay and benefits superior?
IBT CBA superior?

Every other US Station made more than the IBT cities, BOS, BUF, PIT and PHL.

How is less pay and benefits superior?


MOD COMMENT--This is WAY over the line--enjoy time off.


Does this not constitute a personal attack!

Does inflammatory language of this type not warrent time away from the forum?

MODERATOR NOTE: Vacation granted. Anyone else?????
In a representation vote you can only vote for representation. If you don't want representation you don't vote. A ballot voting against representation would be void

In a Telephone, Internet or Mail Vote.

You need 50% +1 of the eligible voters to vote for representation in a representation election. All that matters is did 50% +1 of the eligible voters cast a valid ballot for representation. You cannot cast a vote for no representation you cannot cast a vote for the Company you cannot vote for yourself. Those ballots would be voided. The voters ballot must show clear intent to vote for representation.

If a majority (50%+1) of eligible voters vote for representation then the organization or individual that received a majority of votes cast for representation will be certified as the representative even if that organization or individual did not receive votes from a majority of the craft or class.

When a majority of the eligible voters have cast valid ballots, but no single organization or individual has received a majority of the votes cast, a run-off election may be held.

In a run-off election, the ballot includes only the two representatives receiving the greater number of votes cast in the initial election, and does not include a space for write-in votes. The representative receiving the higher number of votes in the run-off is declared the winner even if fewer than a majority of the eligible employees cast run-off ballots.


Lets not play semantics here. The reality is if you don't vote for representation in all essence you are voting for the company. You either vote for a union or you don't vote and that is the same as voting for the company. I was here when USAir bought Piedmont and the company went to the NMB and requested an election stating that the nonunion Piedmont employees deserve the right to decide whether they were represented by a union or did not want representation. The outcome was that the majority did not want to be represented and the union was out. You must have 50%+1 of all eligible voters vote for representation. If you don't get that you have no union. That's the straight poop!
I am going to make the same statement I made on the ALPA threads.


It is fine to disagree with each other and discuss matters in a civilized manner, but making it personal will get you a guaranteed trip to the corn field.

If the attacks continue despite that, we will close threads.

We know these are emotional issues, but keep on subject and STOP making it personal.

No more warnings.
IBT CBA superior?

Every other US Station made more than the IBT cities, BOS, BUF, PIT and PHL.

How is less pay and benefits superior?
Are you suggesting that a non-union, at-will employee group is better off that a union represented group?

IIRC, we had triple-time and a half, OJI time, great work rules, and I for one made more money then than I do today, 20 years later with a similar amount of overtime. I've neglected to mention much of our benefits to keep it brief, maybe some other FSA's from the 80's can add things.

Another thing is that everyone knew that Colodny kept the inside pay rates a little higher to piss off Genoese, the IBT airline director. Also, after aquiring PI the company used that higher, and I mean only slightly higher Payscale to insure a no vote. And it worked.

If you ask any PHL, BOS, BUF or PIT FSA who worked at that time you'll find out that we all made more than our upstairs counterparts.

Have a nice day.
Sorry, to follow up on my previous post I remember AGC Bill Freiberger at a union meeting in PHL around 96' telling us, ' You guys will never get as good a contract as the IBT one, you might as well get used to it.' Other FSA's from PHL can bear me out on this one, and back me up, if they're not all in the cornfield, that is.
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