These 3 things your talking about here are nothing but pipe dreams, come on---they will represent us----how in the world will that be any different then the IAM or anyone else representing us---they are still dealing with the same Tempe management team and no one can tell you they can force them to do one thing better then the other, please---
US does not own any of the buildings they occupy, they lease them and you think that Tempe is actually threatened by this you are really dreaming----
I have yet to see one instance where any lobbying power has done one thing to help the little guy in labor------
As for the 4th point you make is exactly what I am telling you----the IAM preached this that and the other thing, and guess what--it was also all a bunch of BS empty promises----No different then the IBEW---
What I am trying to explain to you is that just weeks ago Tim was praising the IBT, now since that didn't materialize he's praising the IBEW---so if this doesn't work out who will he praise next....The Bakers Union?
If you really think that by changing unions at this time will change the eventual outcome of what you will get and when you will get it, you are sadly being mis-lead...
I am not an IAM loyalist---very far from it actually---Not management as you accuse just because I present real facts, but I am smart enough to know when, where and how to fight.....And taking a chance on decert. with a bunch of rhetoric and empty promises is not the way to do it...
Think about it, what you have now is what you have going forward FACT-----a decert. will again mean that Tempe will scour your contract and take the little you have left for sure...leaving you with absolutely nothing going forward...If don't think it can happen, you better wake up and realize the way these elections are run and do your research yourself and quit listening to people who jump from one boat to another every time they don't get their way....
Jimmy, your fundamental thinking on this is flawed and corrupted. Make an "L" with your finger and your thumb and that is what you see, it's the left hand corner of the big picture.
Kindly, reread your first paragraph, your opinion just isn't supported with any facts. Your opinion makes 'bad sense' and is nothing short than delusional. Do you really think you are a represented employee? Show us the facts Jimmy, we are waiting???????
At any rate, Just because you have a Collective Bargaining Agent does not mean you are represented. You aren't.
There are 3 groups of workers:
1. Non represented, non contract [Delta, Continental rampers]
2. Represented, contract [IAM mechanics]
3. Represented, non-contract [our period with the IAM from 1994-1999]
In essance, the IAM has created a new group of workers, i.e., 'non-represented, contract'. This is every company's dream. A CBA that makes offers that company's can't refuse.
If you want to masquarade like you are represented then you are only fooling yourself. Most already know that fleet service isn't represented. Either you have been to one too many IAM conventions or you are delusional to think that somehow you are represented. I think most will agree with me on this.
It's much deeper than my opinion Jimmy. My opinion on this matter is backed up with references. Take the non-represented fleet service workers in this industry. Start with Delta and Continental. Delta and Continental both make much more than US AIRWAYS fleet service in the hubs. Let's not even get into the bottom dwelling wage rates for 90% of the IAM stations [east & west].
Not surprisingly, Delta and Continental both have better overtime provisions and sick/holiday/vacation provisions. Both have just as many stations. FWIW: The second class stations are really just contracted out stations that pay dues.
NEITHER non-union airline has the IAM exclusive 60 day screwing policy, class 2 [second class] wage scales. 700 will say that you have what you have because of Bankruptcy but Delta went bankrupt too. Yet, Delta rampers make more cash and have better benefits, and their profit sharing checks blew ours away incredibly.
Hate to rain on your parade Jimmy, but please save all the 'i don't like the IAM either' **** ****. It's because of people like you that the masses are oppressed.
You ask, "How can another union do any better since we are stuck with the same management?"
That's a very easy one to answer. You start with representation, unlike our present situation, and you go from there. The IAM is the company bed partner and Boss Canale is doing back flips on the beach trying to impress Parker. Gotta have representation and right now you don't even have that.
As aside, to that end, if the IBEW does pull out then I'd be for getting any representation than being non-represented, the whore union can represent you better than being non-represented with the IAM. Color me with any union that wants fleet service. My preference was the IBT but they pulled out. The IBEW is a respectable union with plenty of resources and they want fleet service, they are worthy of our support for them.
The facts are clear, you and fleet service are in the worse group of workers,i.e., workers who are not represented but under contract. Unlike Delta and Continental, you are also contracted to pay about $500 bucks a year for this big fat collar.