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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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''the fact is that we are not in any kind of position or condition as a group (a very weak one at that) to risk even the slightest chance of de certification------''

When then ? This card signing has united and in some ways seperated the group. Were
seeing the people who want change and those who chose to remain status quo. The people
who seek change are out numbering those who don't in alittle over 2 weeks (for the IBEW).
Jim, you sound a little unsure of making a change and thats' fine, but there are those who
are demanding it and thier huge. I don't know your role in all of this, but if your not in support
for change and your only argument is the possibility of decertification, I'll need more. I can't
let this go on any longer. Do not assume people like me are not union. I am and have been for
years and will vote for representation again. This time though for the IBEW. I'm not looking for
decertification but I'm willing to take the chance that won't happen. The IAM will have the same
opportunity in thier campain to keep the workforce under thier name. Do you think that 50%
of the current workforce won't vote. Look at that way , The company needs 50% of the workforce
not to vote. Do you think the company has that number, I don't. I'm not saying the IBEW will get
all 50%+1, but I'm thinking between the 2 unions there is that number. So don't sign a card, thats'
your call but that is also a vote for the current represenitve.
You can always sign a card and hope
the IAM cleans up thier act and listens to you and cast your vote for them. The IAM could win again
and if so I hope they listen to us, they haven't yet...til now that THIER jobs and FAMILIES are being
threatened. Jim, read that post from the ''spouse''. Thats' the families being affected now...To me
its' worth the ''slightest chance''.
Mind you this is just my opinion.

I am not listening to Tim. I can make my own mind up with the information he provides.
This is exactly my point------you are making your decision with the information he provides----I guess you don't realize that there are other people here that are telling you to think for yourself and that Tim is not exactly what some of you think he is....

That's all I'm trying to say here
The I AM MANAGEMENT wants us to think that they did "the best that they could". Please they saw $$$$$$ in the form of the west dues. We as a whole gave up alot, so we should not have to give anything back to a "profitable" company!
And what basis are you making a claim the the IBEW/UAW/CWA/IBT/Bakers Union or any other union can force this Tempe management into giving you anything better just because you changed unions----you would have to be pretty stupid to think that any other union/organization will be able to secure you anything better then the other......

Remember, you will only get what the company is willing to give---the strength comes from the membership sticking together as a single voice as we did by turning down the agreement.....

If you happened to be a CWA-IBT member on the US property you would not even have had a vote--PERIOD--So how do you feel that would be better---the TA would already be in affect....

So you are saying that you would rather be the company's, sorry the I AM MANAGEMENT unions whipping boy. I for one am not. I have some good friends in the IBEW and some working with them to sign the cards. So I am not just using the info Tim provides. I am using the info from my other sources also. And you did not answer my question. What exactly do you think is going on here?
''the fact is that we are not in any kind of position or condition as a group (a very weak one at that) to risk even the slightest chance of de certification------''

Do you think that 50% of the current workforce won't vote. Look at that way , The company needs 50% of the workforce
not to vote. Do you think the company has that number, I don't. I'm not saying the IBEW will get
all 50%+1, but I'm thinking between the 2 unions there is that number.
You may be right but you may be wrong-----the cards are stacked against you before you even vote---Tim and whoever can spin it anyway they like----but the probability that you will be decertified is very likely-----You voted the TA down/give the process time to work---at least you will be here to fight another day-----

Again, I could sit here and tell you anything you want to hear about how my plan will work and someone else's won't-----does not mean I can guarantee it no matter what type of promises I make---

So like I said if you think this Tempe management team will cave in and give you the world just because you switched unions----you must either be very naive or just plain stupid....

Think-Think-Think----Before you do something you may regret for the rest of your life----
And 1 more thing I AM AWAKE! Maybee you should wake up, or take your blinders off at least.
You keep dodging the question. What do you think is going on here? The time for action is now. The process has already run it's course and our "so called union" sided with the company not us, it's members. You do what you want, heck you probably would not vote in an election just to prove you were right about the possible de-cert, by the way you talk. Heck maybee even lose one of those cushy I AM MANAGEMENT jobs.
So you are saying that you would rather be the company's, sorry the I AM MANAGEMENT unions whipping boy. I for one am not. I have some good friends in the IBEW and some working with them to sign the cards. So I am not just using the info Tim provides. I am using the info from my other sources also. And you did not answer my question. What exactly do you think is going on here?
All I can do is present you with the facts, what you do with them is out of my control-----

We were put in this position by 2 BK's and an abrogated contract that we voted in FACT

We currently are the only group on the property who even got a chance to vote on a transition agreement FACT Ask CWA/IBT members if they would have liked to vote!

We are the only group on the property (Fleet & M&R) pursuing the change of control grievance FACT

We are the only group on the property with a traditional pension FACT

Singing and dancing by any other organization about how much they can get you is flat out false advertising FACT

The probability of being decertified in any NMB run election is very real and likely no matter what Tim and the IBEW tell you FACT

Secure some type of transition agreement and some type of raises before you stall the entire process to a halt----if your still not happy move from there----with a bit more cash in your pocket---

Although I may agree with you on some of your points, the fact is that we are not in any kind of position or condition as a group (a very weak one at that) to risk even the slightest chance of de certification------

And if you continue to listen to Tim, you will likely be snowballed right out of you very job.....

if I remember correctly just a few weeks ago Tim was singing the praises of the IBT-----now he just jumps over to another union---

Listen to the people who have seen what havoc Tim has wreaked on our group...we are not lying....Just stop and think about what's really going on here....
You still haven't answered the question. What exactly do you think is going on here? Quit dodging that question.
I did answer your question---

And I've explained it in full detail---what part don't you understand?

You explain to me exactly what you think will happen if the group is lucky enough to actually win the election-----I can't wait to hear this!
''We were put in this position by 2 BK's and an abrogated contract that we voted in FACT''

I'm gonna have to say we agree to disagree. Though the above is a FACT.
I would like to add, The IAM brought back a concessionary TA, FACT.
The IAM is still negotiating as if were still in bankruptcy, FACT
and many more but we would just continue to disagree. Good Luck in your posts and
I hope the best for all of us. Maybe in time you'll see my views as yours ,cause I living
your views now and I seek a new direction.
I'll leave you with some qoutes of better people than myself...take it for what its' worth

''Life is not easy for any of us.
but what of that ? We must have
perserverance and above all
confidence in ourselves. We must
believe that we are gifted for something,
and that that thing, at whatever cost
must be attained.''
Marie Curie

''We have enough people who tell it like it is---
Now we could use a few who tell it like it can be.''
Robert Orben

''When a blind man carries a lame man,
both go forward.''
swedish proverb

So you are saying that you would rather be the company's, sorry the I AM MANAGEMENT unions whipping boy. I for one am not. I have some good friends in the IBEW and some working with them to sign the cards. So I am not just using the info Tim provides. I am using the info from my other sources also. And you did not answer my question. What exactly do you think is going on here?
Jimmy is typical IAM loyalist. He sez he isn't, heck I've heard Flynn say the same thing. Jimmy supports the IAM by not signing a card. Like 700, he resorts to personal attacks instead of engaging in the information that has been provided/

JIM I understand that you think we have not thought this out, but we had 13 yrs to think. I respect your right not to sign, but you must respect my right to sign! That is what makes this process so great. Its is up to the workers to decide. If you think that Tim Nelson is the only one with information then you are sadly mistaken. Tim is just very smart :up: in the fact that he is using a free forum to distribute the info. That is creativity. I for one have spoken to Doc and many other IBEW people. You must not have read my other post so I will restate it for you. The IBEW will have the ability to use many ways to get the company to listen to them. One being they will represent us. Two being that if US Airways wants to build or repair the buildings. Three they have tremendous lobbing power to help with other issues that may be facing US Airways. Four the IAM preached "strength in numbers", but has yet to use the very thing they promised.Quite the contrary they have devided us from the very strength they told us we would have! If you are not labor then you must be management either way you can't dispute this! If you don't want the IBEW all I can say is that if you are labor just vote for the IAM when the time comes. The fact that the IAM has shown no remorse for the [****] :censored: TA they brought back shows how in tune with the workforce :angry: they are.
JIM You must not have read my other post so I will restate it for you. The IBEW will have the ability to use many ways to get the company to listen to them. One being they will represent us. Two being that if US Airways wants to build or repair the buildings. Three they have tremendous lobbing power to help with other issues that may be facing US Airways. Four the IAM preached "strength in numbers", but has yet to use the very thing they promised.Quite the contrary they have devided us from the very strength they told us we would have! If you are not labor then you must be management either way
These 3 things your talking about here are nothing but pipe dreams, come on---they will represent us----how in the world will that be any different then the IAM or anyone else representing us---they are still dealing with the same Tempe management team and no one can tell you they can force them to do one thing better then the other, please---

US does not own any of the buildings they occupy, they lease them and you think that Tempe is actually threatened by this you are really dreaming----

I have yet to see one instance where any lobbying power has done one thing to help the little guy in labor------

As for the 4th point you make is exactly what I am telling you----the IAM preached this that and the other thing, and guess what--it was also all a bunch of BS empty promises----No different then the IBEW---

What I am trying to explain to you is that just weeks ago Tim was praising the IBT, now since that didn't materialize he's praising the IBEW---so if this doesn't work out who will he praise next....The Bakers Union?

If you really think that by changing unions at this time will change the eventual outcome of what you will get and when you will get it, you are sadly being mis-lead...

I am not an IAM loyalist---very far from it actually---Not management as you accuse just because I present real facts, but I am smart enough to know when, where and how to fight.....And taking a chance on decert. with a bunch of rhetoric and empty promises is not the way to do it...

Think about it, what you have now is what you have going forward FACT-----a decert. will again mean that Tempe will scour your contract and take the little you have left for sure...leaving you with absolutely nothing going forward...If don't think it can happen, you better wake up and realize the way these elections are run and do your research yourself and quit listening to people who jump from one boat to another every time they don't get their way....

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