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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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Tim, you can spin it anyway you like----there are enough of us out there that are smart enough to see what's really going on here.....

Why just weeks ago was the IBT the greatest thing since peanuts with you and just like that, their gone, no where to be found....

Now it's the IBEW, come on electrical workers union, do they even know what an airplane looks like or what we even do for a living? Get real...

Now once they pull out, if they do that is---who will you put on the pedestal next, UAW-AMFA, I mean it's getting old already.....

You need to quit filling these folks with false hopes and get on with your life, doing whatever it is you do...you are not even a member of Fleet service anymore, are you!
Jimmy, I'm still watiing on the facts from you. I spun nothing. Please convince me that somehow you have representation?????
If you are convinced that you are represented then kindly share with us facts that support your opinion. Is that too much to ask? We are waiting?

As for me, yeah my first choice was the IBT, but the IBEW sez 'game on' so I think it is obligatory to support this group since we need representation. If the IBEW pulls out then give me the whore union. Even the whore union is better than being represented by the company whore.

We are wating Jimmy for you to substantiate your opinion.
I don't need to get into ridiculous debates with you Tim, you know it all.....

You never answered the question, are you or are you not a current member of the IAM Fleet Service group on US Airways property, yes or no?
I don't blame you for voting as you did. If I were in your shoes I would have probably voted for instead of against. Just because you work in a Class II station does not mean you are worth less. You do the same work as I do and are worth just as much. I too am very frustrated and very money poor.
When it comes to the COC I really do not expect to see one dime even if the ruling comes out in our favor. Some will say I am an optimist and some say a pessimist. I am neither. I am a realist. The reality of this situtation is we are worth more and in the case of Class II or a former AWA station(notice I didn't say west station) a lot more than you are getting. I have to disagree with Tim's assessment that you are a contracted out station who is paying union dues. Are you not an employee of USAirways? Most of the people in these stations are long term employees who deserve to be rewarded for their loyalty and dedication to this company.
Joe, I'm still waiting on Tim's response to my question....
I do believe that Tim is not even a member of US Airways Fleet service himself.
I don't need to get into ridiculous debates with you Tim, you know it all.....

You never answered the question, are you or are you not a current member of the IAM Fleet Service group on US Airways property, yes or no?
There you go again Jimmy.
Jimmy, if you really want to know the answer to that question then email me at: appearances1@aol.com. Do what you wish.

At any rate Jimmy, please answer the question, do you really think you are represented right now? What gives you proof that you are represented????????????
We are waiting for you to substantiate your reasoning Jimmy. You being such a strong labor type of guy, please answer it and don't cop out and say "I'm a know it all." I'm no smarter than you Jimmy. If you continue to want to be a non-represented person then destroy your IBEW card.

There you go again Jimmy.
Jimmy, if you really want to know the answer to that question then email me at: appearances1@aol.com. Do what you wish.

At any rate Jimmy, please answer the question, do you really think you are represented right now? What gives you proof that you are represented????????????
We are waiting for you to substantiate your reasoning Jimmy. You being such a strong labor type of guy, please answer it and don't cop out and say "I'm a know it all." I'm no smarter than you Jimmy. If you continue to want to be a non-represented person then destroy your IBEW card.

Tim, Tim, Tim, I asked a very very simple question----Are you a current member of the IAM Fleet Service Group at US Airways or not....I am not going to email you to find out, I want you to answer the question so everyone listening to all of your posts knows exactly what they are dealing with....

A simple yes or no will do Tim......What's wrong, are you afraid that once all of these fine hard working folks here on the ramp at US Airways will think a bit different of you and your posts here if they know you are not even on the same team or in the same league!
GUYS It is obvious that we all care about how the fsa has been treated. How about stoping the personal attacks and trying to find a common ground. That would be the fsa. We gain nothing from the personal attacks on Tim. If you disagree with him, have a educated debate with him. You really show that you have nothing inportant to say if you are looking to fight with Tim. How about using that energy on a change for the group we all care about. If you think that status quote is the way you need to go, by all means vote for the IAM. If you seek a change in representation then by all means do so with the IBEW, but don't just sit on a fencepost and do nothing. If you do that you really have no grounds for complaining! This is a great time to put your differences out on the table. A few of you guys have said how you feel about Tim, but that is all you have done. I haven't heard one thing that is productive with what is going on. This is not to disrespect anyone but it is the truth. Lets not fight among ourselves we must unite against the common foe which is a making millions
off our backs! This is also a fact!!!!!!!
No personal attack from me, I just asked a simple question, that's all....

Is Tim Nelson a current IAM Fleet Service member or not?

I think everyone here deserves to know, don't you?
I think Tim has been more of an open book than anyone on here! He has opened himself to many attacks for his beliefs. What does it matter if he is an employee or not? Do you think everyone on this page is an employee? I don't feel it is relevant!!!!! I really don't think that he would spend as much time on here if he didn't care for the group!
No personal attack from me, I just asked a simple question, that's all....

Is Tim Nelson a current IAM Fleet Service member or not?

I think everyone here deserves to know, don't you?
1. This is not about me and you know that, your contempt to back up your opinion is witness to your deceit and IAM support.
2. How's the dirt biking going? Know what I mean?
3. I've found out that you know quite well if I work for US AIRWAYS or not and if you really wanted to know you would have emailed me. You failed to do that. BTW, I'm not the one that is hiding behind the handle, I stand up with things I post. I could ask you the same thing, especially since I know who you are but I wouldn't want to bust your balls like that on this forum. This isn't about me or you so don't take my question to you personal. You made a statement that you are in fact represented. Back it up is all I'm asking. I've heard your dribble for 2 days now about how you dislike the IAM, but I grew full blown annoyed at your post when you explicitly said you were represented.

You are the one who engaged in this thread with your babble. I'm just asking you to back it up or be quiet. Jimmy, are you represented right now????? Puh leeessseeee provide some evidence for your statement. OTOH, I have tried my best to present objective info for workers, and all you have accomplished is Canaleistic dribble of gloom and doom. Geez, you sound alot like Canale's letter. All you and Parker's boy do is talk the talk but don't substantiate any opinion with fact or references.

Jimmy, you are not represented and you know that. If you want to continue to be non-represented then destroy your IBEW card.

I think Tim has been more of an open book than anyone on here! He has opened himself to many attacks for his beliefs. What does it matter if he is an employee or not? Do you think everyone on this page is an employee? I don't feel it is relevant!!!!! I really don't think that he would spend as much time on here if he didn't care for the group!
That's not what I asked.......And it matters immensely if he is an employee or not....he is manipulating the way people think and will have a direct impact on this group as he has had before if we have an election and become decertified, I just want all of the people here to fully understand this as they are listening to what all is being said, if Tim is not an employee, he will not suffer the wrath of Tempe if we become decertified......but they will.

Why can't he just answer the question?

What is the big deal?
That's not what I asked.......And it matters immensely if he is an employee or not....he is manipulating the way people think and will have a direct impact on this group as he has had before if we have an election and become decertified, I just want all of the people here to fully understand this as they are listening to what all is being said, if Tim is not an employee, he will not suffer the wrath of Tempe if we become decertified......but they will.

Why can't he just answer the question?

What is the big deal?
Jimmy, you have failed to support your position with supporting facts. Jimmy, you are a non-represented worker and you know it. You support your company and Parker's boy by destroying your IBEW card.

The wrath of Tempe has already been 'broken off' on you. You are non-represented but unlike Delta and Continental employees, you have a contract that forces you to pay for your non-represented status. You are worse off than the non-represented, non-contract employees in this industry and your suggestion for the masses to destroy their IBEW card is treason against labor.

FWIW: You also insult all workers by suggesting that somehow I manipulate them into voting a certain way. Remember, Jimmy, just because people work the ramp doesn't mean 'we are stupid'. If I have said anything in error on the IBEW Q & A, or the T/A Q&A then kindly let me know. Otherwise, I think it is not only a necessity but an obligation for workers to not only listen to what Canale has to tell them, but also to entertain other opinions that are supported with sources, as opposed to just other opinions.

Remember, by voting in the IBEW, workers gain representation and lose the company whore.

IBEW Card click here


This is what it's all about, not being recognized by the union leadership.
The drive behind the IBEW is to oust Canale. I firmly believe if it comes to a vote
the rank and file will win. The masses will be forced to vote due to the threat of decertification.
It's time for a move, the ball is rolling and it's picking up speed.

Jimmy you have your opinion but your turning this thread into a pissing match. I've been told
your in Reno right now. Is it as hot there as it is in the biggest hub. I broke a sweat today, what about you?
It's everyones choice on how and whom they will vote for, but most agree the IAM has blown the last
13 years If you guys want to dispute each other, present the facts, not your personal opinions.

Also Jimmy tell them the other slate is running wild here.
Jimmy...Please.....do you thnk we are stupid?
Everyone on here knows that Tim and 700 too for that matter are not US employees.
However, that does not make them any less knowledgeable.
We don't need that brought up in every thread.
We are fully capable of forming our own opinions...much to the dismay of the IAM.
Let the personal attacks go......
Bring us FACTS.........or stay home.
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