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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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That's not what I asked.......And it matters immensely if he is an employee or not....he is manipulating the way people think and will have a direct impact on this group as he has had before if we have an election and become decertified, I just want all of the people here to fully understand this as they are listening to what all is being said, if Tim is not an employee, he will not suffer the wrath of Tempe if we become decertified......but they will.

Why can't he just answer the question?

What is the big deal?
Bingo, if someone is not an employee then it does matter immensely! That is exactly my point about having Boss Canale continue to 'hammer' US AIRWAYS employees. As Labor Dawg has said, this is about removing Canale, and unfortunately for the I AM Management union, it is easier to remove the union than it is to remove the United Airline Board of Director.

OTOH, I am not representing fleet service and therefore it is irrelevant if I am or am not an employee. What is relevant is that I am a current member of DL 141 and I have every right to talk to my fellow members, and I have every reason to exercise my right to organize.

Q & A About the IBEW Election drive


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This is what it's all about, not being recognized by the union leadership.
The drive behind the IBEW is to oust Canale. I firmly believe if it comes to a vote
the rank and file will win. The masses will be forced to vote due to the threat of decertification.
It's time for a move, the ball is rolling and it's picking up speed.

Jimmy you have your opinion but your turning this thread into a pissing match. I've been told
your in Reno right now. Is it as hot there as it is in the biggest hub. I broke a sweat today, what about you?
It's everyones choice on how and whom they will vote for, but most agree the IAM has blown the last
13 years If you guys want to dispute each other, present the facts, not your personal opinions.

Also Jimmy tell them the other slate is running wild here.

If we sign a card that opens this whole thing up !! The IAM and the IBEW would both
be campaining to get your vote. I do not think that 50% of the workforce would not vote.
The IAM would have to ask for your vote. The IBEW would have to ask for your vote. Even
if the IBEW were to lose, and the IAM was retained as our rep., isn't there a chance this process
might wake them up. I mean I'm for the IBEW and I feel a change is needed, but this could be
a wake up call for the IAM. It was posted earlier somewhere in this thread and straight to the point.
Sign a card to choose the IAM-IBEW-COMPANY or don't sign a card , which means you choose the
IAM. That simple....
sign for a choice or don't sign , and ask yourself are you happy with your current
situation. If anybody on here says thier not happy but don't believe the risk of being decertified isn't
worth it....youv'e been beaten to long. If your not satisfied with your current place in all of this..SIGN.

Bingo, if someone is not an employee then it does matter immensely! That is exactly my point about having Boss Canale continue to 'hammer' US AIRWAYS employees. As Labor Dawg has said, this is about removing Canale, and unfortunately for the I AM Management union, it is easier to remove the union than it is to remove the United Airline Board of Director.

OTOH, I am not representing fleet service and therefore it is irrelevant if I am or am not an employee. What is relevant is that I am a current member of DL 141 and I have every right to talk to my fellow members, and I have every reason to exercise my right to organize.

Q & A About the IBEW Election drive


Get your station involved: email the network


Jimmy, in other words Tim no longer works for USAirways. He is stating on this board that he has everyone's best interests at heart, and the IBEW at this point is the best option. That being said, it does not take a genius to realize that he is trying to wiggle into a position and make a living off the backs of his former peer group.

Read what he has to say, but do yourself a favor and fact check everything. He is not the genius he is making himself out to be, and clearly has his interests at heart 1st. If we were Bakers, he would be trying to get us to join the Baker's union or his own union. Oh wait he tried his own union once and failed!
GoldenRam and Jimmy Neutron how about starting a topic thred about Timmy and then the 2
of you can finally have have a topic you can post and reply to that you can both agree. This
topic is about the IBEW not Tim Nelson. Maybe 700 will join that thred too...Have fun and BYE
BYE ...
Now The IBEW....lets get back to the topic ..ohhh and I am still an employee
of USAIRWAYS...........BEGIN..........
Its a lot better than trying to gain a whole new contract and keep this thing for another 3 or 4 years,
while a new union if we got one trys to negociate a new one.

Canale stood in front of 250 union members (ikes there hub guys) and said THIS WAS A GOOD T/A

so there you go.. YOU got the best from CANALE.. IF you think in 09 or 2012 that CANALE is going to go and

get you a BETTER DEAL .. then think again.. If you hire a drywaller to hang drywall and leaves cracks and doesn't tape

or other words does a sh--y job are you going to have him finish the rest of your house.. one other side note

will you quit contradicting yourself .. The hubs this the hubs that.. you guys voted to contract out class II

yet .. here you sit and DID THE SAME THING THIS TIME to our former AWA citys.. I guess you were just looking out for yourself and the 2 dollar raise..

Can't have it both ways ..

"I am not an IAM loyalist---very far from it actually-"

just curious does your bosses out in reno know you feel this way... i guess you just happened to pick the same week

to take the family on vac to RENO .. cause anyone thats NOT AN IAM LOYALIST wouldn't want to be around a bunch of IAM flag wavers

how bout giving us 5 valid reason to keep the IAM on property .. You can leave out the scare tactic of decert.. as 1 reason..

can't wait to hear your thoughts
GoldenRam and Jimmy Neutron how about starting a topic thred about Timmy and then the 2
of you can finally have have a topic you can post and reply to that you can both agree. This
topic is about the IBEW not Tim Nelson. Maybe 700 will join that thred too...Have fun and BYE
BYE ...
Now The IBEW....lets get back to the topic ..ohhh and I am still an employee
of USAIRWAYS...........BEGIN..........

:stupid: You are a funny man!

You followed the IAM blindly and look at the leaders you got with guys like Arms representing themselves first. If you do not question who is leading you, then you will find yourself facing the same problem again.

No, I think we are still on topic.

I doubt that our boy Timmy will step in and really say what his true intentions are.
:stupid: You are a funny man!

You followed the IAM blindly and look at the leaders you got with guys like Arms representing themselves first. If you do not question who is leading you, then you will find yourself facing the same problem again.

No, I think we are still on topic.

I doubt that our boy Timmy will step in and really say what his true intentions are.
If you guy's knew everything you would know where Tim works, ask anyone in PHL or Clt
and they could tell you, I know too but won't reveal out of respect. I also know who and where
Jimmy is at this time ( tell canale hello for me ), but who cares right.
Let's get a vote going and either change union reps or get the iam moving in the direction we
want them to go. Get the west on board and lets crank it up.
Bottom line.......are you tired of not getting raises and good bennies? Have you done the open enrollment?
Yes the premiums went up.
5 valid reason to keep the IAM on property

#5 , changing over to another union will take time . I am a west worker , and time's UP .

# 4 just because we change unions doesn’t mean this union will make any more progress than our current one

# 3 , being in the IAM , we should in theory have the support of MX in the event of a strike , I know many of you say they won’t support us , but I think that MX workers in general have been made afraid since NW and will support us in the hopes that we would then support them .

# 2 not all of our local leaders are bad , there is still hope to put trustworthy honest workers in positions of power at our union . key word HOPE .

#1 It is not necessary to switch unions because we will not need union leadership to try and “bargain “ us a better agreement ,I just have this feeling that as the temperature outside begins to drop our temperatures will begin to RISE , there’s a lot of pent up emotion out there at what’s been done to workers , and I just feel that this holiday season , it might be good to explore our feelings and see if we can’t work out some of the issues that gnaw at us …
I agree with #2, because there are good people trying to make
a difference and they can't. Thier hands are tied. The other 4 are opinions
not reasons. I think I know where you and a couple of other poster's stand.
I'm not gonna get in a ''he said, he said'' match. Reason is ''the thing that makes
some fact intelligible.'' Opinion is '' belief stronger than impression and less strong
than positive knowledge , a generally held view.''
This is just my opinion..
Go ahead and reply that I'm wrong, I'm expecting it but I'm not gonna do that.
So you can have the last word.

??? and keeping the IAM is going to get your beloved 1.26 hr raise quicker how..

from the words of a griev. committe person.. There are NO neg going on... so YOU can wait till 2009

and go through the 2 yr period the IAM likes to take there time with us.. or you can see what the IBEW

will do...
??? and keeping the IAM is going to get your beloved 1.26 hr raise quicker how..

from the words of a griev. committe person.. There are NO neg going on... so YOU can wait till 2009

and go through the 2 yr period the IAM likes to take there time with us.. or you can see what the IBEW

will do...

That is your reality Freedom. You are going to wait a long time for the IAM to come to your rescue. You shot down their T/A and now are trying to replace them as your leaders.

You are just going to pay dues, and work under the same conditions.
Its a lot better than trying to gain a whole new contract and keep this thing for another 3 or 4 years,
while a new union if we got one trys to negociate a new one.
Whats the difference at least in the mean time we would have gained some better pay.

who told you that if you vote a new union in that you would have to gain a whole new contract and keep things for another 3 or 4 years???

Such talk is in error and not substantiated with the law. Please read Q & A IBEW ELECTION INFO

btw, it's been 13 years and the US east still don't have a union contract. What they have is a company contract. Remember, you will NEVER get a thing from this company or any company without a fight. And having a United Airline Board of Director as your negotiator whose interest is in protecting United airlines and seeing them through any mergers will never produce a fight for you. It's actually bigtime bizarre for workers to even be discussing this with 101 questions. You folks should kick him back to the boardroom where he belongs.

Keep the updates coming thanks. The IBEW has some loyal members.
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