Tim Nelson
Bingo, if someone is not an employee then it does matter immensely! That is exactly my point about having Boss Canale continue to 'hammer' US AIRWAYS employees. As Labor Dawg has said, this is about removing Canale, and unfortunately for the I AM Management union, it is easier to remove the union than it is to remove the United Airline Board of Director.That's not what I asked.......And it matters immensely if he is an employee or not....he is manipulating the way people think and will have a direct impact on this group as he has had before if we have an election and become decertified, I just want all of the people here to fully understand this as they are listening to what all is being said, if Tim is not an employee, he will not suffer the wrath of Tempe if we become decertified......but they will.
Why can't he just answer the question?
What is the big deal?
OTOH, I am not representing fleet service and therefore it is irrelevant if I am or am not an employee. What is relevant is that I am a current member of DL 141 and I have every right to talk to my fellow members, and I have every reason to exercise my right to organize.
Q & A About the IBEW Election drive
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