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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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The IBEW is NOT committed!!! Call and ask their international...I did! And as for CLT...I
called some friends there and they wouldn't one (1) foot to sign away
their pension!!! Remember DELETED BY MODERATOR they, unlike you, have seniority and a vested
interest in their pension! Most CLT employees don't depend on their spouses' income like
you and Tin Melson do!!! Don't you dare screw me and thousands of other Fleet Service Agents
out of our pension...understand!!!

Your time is appreciated!

Oh for the sake of that "Killer" IAM pension, but nevermind the wages of 20 years ago along with less vacation, holidays, sicktime,no double time, no differencial, and so on. Maybe when the IAM agrees to let the comapny outsource the ramp in CLT you will wake up. :huh:
The IBEW is NOT committed!!! Call and ask their international...I did!

Due to the law suit that the IAM has filed against them for raiding, the IBEW will not officially announce any commitment until they have enough cards to show a true interest in an election.

Don't you dare screw me and thousands of other Fleet Service Agents
out of our pension...understand!!!

Just how much do you think you will be getting from the IAM pension?

It is my understanding that your IAM pension will be frozen...just like PI and US.....and you will receive a check from that upon retirement. The money that the company is contractually obligated to pay into your retirement will go to your 401k until an agreement is reached with the IBEW and that pension is set up.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
You know what's funny. Before the POS TA was brought for a vote, the COC was a shure thing. Now that we voted down the TA, our union guys, fresh from RENO and the district 141 convention, we will lose the COC. Funny how that 180 happened just after the TA was voted down. Did the I AM MANAGEMENT team do a crappy job of presenting the facts before the arbitrator? Either way, they need to go!
Yo 700

How was the cornfield..... kinda lonely !!!

glad your back missed some of your ignorant post
never was in the field, try again and post on topic, not about me.

good thing you are not a detective as you would go broke.
don't need to be a detective to be broke, just let the IAM represent you.. they do a really job at keeping you broke.
You know what's funny. Before the POS TA was brought for a vote, the COC was a shure thing. Now that we voted down the TA, our union guys, fresh from RENO and the district 141 convention, we will lose the COC. Funny how that 180 happened just after the TA was voted down. Did the I AM MANAGEMENT team do a crappy job of presenting the facts before the arbitrator? Either way, they need to go!
c'mon pj use your head here.. why would the union ever put out that they believed we actually had a weak case from the beginning? if that was put out dont you think that the company would also know it? That would greatly reduce any bargaining that they could do. You have to agree with that dont you?
Station Report: LGA

IBEW committee members were in LGA today to talk to LGA workers. Many of the LGA workers didn't know there was a union drive on, and many were confused about their pension and decert. Seems the IAM has been telling people that a decert means you go without a union for two years.
Decerts happen all the time and all it means in union raids is that you change unions and there is NO waiting period. FWIW: This happens alot and what the IBEW is attempting to do is 'common'. Again, there is NO waiting period under the law if you decert one union by certifying another.

At any rate, LGA needs work but there were some folks there who were interested and may be able to form a solid committee to get the cards signed.

West coast update: PHX, LAS, SAN
Card signup was initiated in SAN yesterday and around 20 out of 65 signed up in the first day. Very good 24 hour showing.

PHX continues a strong and consistent showing. LAS also very strong showing with a steady signup.

PHL: PHL is approaching 1500 cards with another 30 collected today.
PIT: Pit needs work and a committee still needs to be established. To this end, I believe some are flying to PIT next week. If we can ever get PHL, PIT, CLT on the same page, much would be accomplished. Until then, fleet workers will continue to get 'hammered' with piss clam representation.

Big push will be to finally get CLT's motor running. That will be next week as the CLT conference room was booked for next Thursday. A Flyer is being posted 'soon'.

Where have you been ? Anyway glad to see the ''Jeff'' supporters back.
So, can you tell everyone who hasn't left the board the past month what's going on ?
The TA's done , so now you'll have to combat the IBEW. Welcome Back......Were all
waiting..........by the way did you bring ''IAM1176'' and ''goodoleboy'' with you ?

c'mon pj use your head here.. why would the union ever put out that they believed we actually had a weak case from the beginning? if that was put out dont you think that the company would also know it? That would greatly reduce any bargaining that they could do. You have to agree with that dont you?
What bargaining did the I AM MANAGEMENT do philly? The company told them this is what we will give you and they took it. BTW how is it that the I AM MANA?GEMENT guarenteed that the TA was a sure thing? Can you shed any light on that subject. Or maybee why the I AM MANAGEMENT team decided that a concessionary contract was a "good thing"?
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