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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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Very well spoken WEB1 The IAM guys that are running around threatening the membership should be using that kind of piss and vinegar against the company! They instead are fighting with the group they have the most distain for the front line union dues paying member! Let’s face it they have no juice they just want to keep getting paid for going to all of these lush conventions! The IBEW guys who want your votes are going around the system using as little of the union dues paying monies as possible, but using enough to get the message out there. Not one dime is unaccounted for, why is that? Because they will not spend the hard earned money that belongs to every union member with out a promise of a good return. They hold everyone accountable and that is what you need! 8 for 8! Good pay for good work. Respectable employees! They don't just expect respect from companies. They earn it by looking for better ways to save companies money without doing it on their member’s backs! Having connections with Washington helps out with a lot of their issues. The IBEW is very active in the electoral process because it is good for the membership. Your union should be as active in DC as the company you work for. GO to this website and check out the pact funds and see who lobbies for their workers more! How do we get DC involved with making futures more secure!!!!!!!! Go to pac fund donations and see who is invested in your futures and who is not!
Hang in there CLT. C-13 is booked up next week. They will answer all your questions.
Well guess what folks. I just heard from a good source that our I AM MANAGEMENT leader Canale is telling his boys to spread the word the we will lose the arbitration. How inept are they. Did the present the case they should have or the one the company wanted them to? For their sakes they better hope we get a favorable decision. They already have 1 foot out the door. Typical scare tactits and "I TOLD YOU SO's". Please. If they had half a sack maybee we would have had a better TA to vote on instead of that's the best we could do.
Well guess what folks. I just heard from a good source that our I AM MANAGEMENT leader Canale is telling his boys to spread the word the we will lose the arbitration. How inept are they. Did the present the case they should have or the one the company wanted them to? For their sakes they better hope we get a favorable decision. They already have 1 foot out the door. Typical scare tactits and "I TOLD YOU SO's". Please. If they had half a sack maybee we would have had a better TA to vote on instead of that's the best we could do.
Canale said by letter that he and the IAM believed there was a change in control. To that end I agreed with him and felt it necessary and obligated to pursue the grievance, even though he eventually wanted to throw it in Parker's trash can so he could obtain positive space travel for his boys.
What's more disturbing is the latest messenger I received where Boss Canale refused to recognize the west siders taking part in any future award. Even Parker recognizes that the west may eventually be included in any such award. Canale isn't a United Board of Airline director for nothing. His interest lie in United and doing his best to make sure any merger with US AIRWAYS is 'seamless' and 'cheap". Screw Canale and his treason to extend the bankruptcy contract which he still admits is 'a good contract'.

My question is simple, why on earth are we still talking about Boss Canale when we have been taking it in the shorts with him for years?

Canale said by letter that he and the IAM believed there was a change in control. To that end I agreed with him and felt it necessary and obligated to pursue the grievance, even though he eventually wanted to throw it in Parker's trash can so he could obtain positive space travel for his boys.
What's more disturbing is the latest messenger I received where Boss Canale refused to recognize the west siders taking part in any future award. Even Parker recognizes that the west may eventually be included in any such award. Canale isn't a United Board of Airline director for nothing. His interest lie in United and doing his best to make sure any merger with US AIRWAYS is 'seamless' and 'cheap". Screw Canale and his treason to extend the bankruptcy contract which he still admits is 'a good contract'.

My question is simple, why on earth are we still talking about Boss Canale when we have been taking it in the shorts with him for years?

Talk about the future IBEW!!!!! :up:
Well guess what folks. I just heard from a good source that our I AM MANAGEMENT leader Canale is telling his boys to spread the word the we will lose the arbitration. How inept are they. Did the present the case they should have or the one the company wanted them to? For their sakes they better hope we get a favorable decision. They already have 1 foot out the door. Typical scare tactits and "I TOLD YOU SO's". Please. If they had half a sack maybee we would have had a better TA to vote on instead of that's the best we could do.
This could be nothing more than a preparation to another lackluster T/A about to be born. Make the mebership think that the aribitration is a lost cause, and then they will be more than glad to vote in favor of anything we offer them. It wouldn't suprise me one bit... :blink:
This could be nothing more than a preparation to another lackluster T/A about to be born. Make the mebership think that the aribitration is a lost cause, and then they will be more than glad to vote in favor of anything we offer them. It wouldn't suprise me one bit... :blink:

That would not surprise me one bit and IMO I would say there is a very good chance of seeing that happen. All you have to do is look at the past and you can predict the future with the IAM at the helm. They truly are a POS union.

The IAM spreads fear just like the company they are one in the same.
I just heard from a good source that our I AM MANAGEMENT leader Canale is telling his boys to spread the word the we will lose the arbitration.

When people begin to believe their own propaganda and BS, then you will begin to have problems. Boss Canale was cheerleading and using the leverage of CIC as a stratagem for a new TA. Unfortunately, he didn't bother tell the rank and file who still believed it (and didn't want to hear it).

Do you think for one second that the Tempe boys didn't have the best, high-priced contract attorneys crawling into the ass of every expensive agreement before accepting anything, especially when US was still in bankruptcy and facing liquidation and could use BK laws as a hammer to get the terms desired?

As I said in my very first post a month ago... I don't think the IAM will win the CIC issue.

In the meanwhile, where has Boss Canale been for the two years and now figures maybe West should have an agreement? I am tired of being treated as an after thought by the IAM and Boss Canale! Go IBEW!
The first post from somebody not working in a tiny cube in Tempe who thinks the people there have a clue what they are doing.

Or a post from a corporate stooge pushing for a decertification vote.

Either way not a person who wants a union.

Keep up the union bashing. The more corporate does it, the more likely any result will be invalid.

Can you say invalid Tim?
If calling out the IAM who has done nothing but bring back concessionary contracts is wrong! I don't want to be right! These guys have gotten away with this stuff for so long. They were not concern till the letter [that they predicted would come out] didn’t come out. They are now back on their heels and trying to reel if the golden fish once again! It is time that the real labor [IBEW] take the lead in represent ting the group [the laborers themselves.] This means that the group should take back control from men who have misrepresented what a real union should stand for. The IBEW is asking if you want a change. If you really do want a change and if you really want to take back your respect.Pick up a pen and sign a card!!!!!!!!Lets let corporate America and union self appointed entitlist know that hard working Americans deserve to be respected!
The first post from somebody not working in a tiny cube in Tempe who thinks the people there have a clue what they are doing.

I don't have my tongue in Doug's ear nor am I going to tell you about how wonderful of a job he and his Crew of done since this merger, but let's keep it real and not under estimate the Tempe boys either.

Consider that America West was the worse mainline airline in the US for years prior to Parker becoming CEO in terms of on time performance, customer complaints and MBRs. While he is not Gordon Bethune who scripted "From Worse to First", Parker went from "Worse to Middle of the Pack" which is an accomplishment in its own right. We'll see if Parker has the same luck eventually after assuming the US East mess that not a single other investor group would touch after its second bankruptcy.

He also saw the value of taking two anchors and making them float. You might not agree with the means of lowering quality, lowering wages and benefits, and lowering various other metrics of customer satisfaction, but I think he will have nearly 1 Billion reasons this year to prove he knew a great deal more than you give him credit.

Parker is a finance guy who understands profits and any CEO worth a damn (not to mention the venture capitalists who helped made this deal happen) will have some top-notched contract attorneys reviewing any agreement which might seriously threaten the profits of the organization, including the potential of the CIC issue at that time.

As I stated in my prior post, don't fall into the trap of calling Parker an incompetent or clueless as you end up believing your own propaganda.

So says Jester.
I just received the union rag ( Messenger ), the name should really be called The United Messenger.
Four notes to the Usair group, the front page horn tooting of the CIC and three other articles about Zuger, Gushi and Rusk, all upgraded to district positions with out getting voted on. No word of retirements or obits. Pretty sad when the union that represents you has no mention of our
own dues paying members.
Time for change has come folks, our welcome has been worn out in the IAM.
I don't have my tongue in Doug's ear nor am I going to tell you about how wonderful of a job he and his Crew of done since this merger, but let's keep it real and not under estimate the Tempe boys either.

Consider that America West was the worse mainline airline in the US for years prior to Parker becoming CEO in terms of on time performance, customer complaints and MBRs. While he is not Gordon Bethune who scripted "From Worse to First", Parker went from "Worse to Middle of the Pack" which is an accomplishment in its own right. We'll see if Parker has the same luck eventually after assuming the US East mess that not a single other investor group would touch after its second bankruptcy.

He also saw the value of taking two anchors and making them float. You might not agree with the means of lowering quality, lowering wages and benefits, and lowering various other metrics of customer satisfaction, but I think he will have nearly 1 Billion reasons this year to prove he knew a great deal more than you give him credit.

Parker is a finance guy who understands profits and any CEO worth a damn (not to mention the venture capitalists who helped made this deal happen) will have some top-notched contract attorneys reviewing any agreement which might seriously threaten the profits of the organization, including the potential of the CIC issue at that time.

As I stated in my prior post, don't fall into the trap of calling Parker an incompetent or clueless as you end up believing your own propaganda.

So says Jester.
The one large item that you fail to realize here, is that Bethune cared about his employees and realized their value. He never lost sight of the "Happy Emmployee = a productive Emmployee" philosophy. Bethune wasn't onboard to line his pockets with millions on the back of his employees either. While on the other hand, Parker is off and running to the bank while his operation is in shambles, and his workforce is very unhappy overall. Sure the airline is showing a profit now, but don't look for that to be long term with the poor service that is being offered today. IF Parker was 1/2 the CEO that Bethune was, he would do what it takes to settle ALL of the contract issues and let labor move forward as one group. It is he and his cronies that have putzed around for nearly 2 years now trying to nickle & dime his employees out of everything he can, while his bank account continues to grow. Comparing Parker to Bethune is actually laughable, as they have nothing in common. Parker and this Airline both now and prior to the Merger have been somewhat successfull one the backs of labor. We all know just how low the wages at AWA in the C/S and Fleet groups were, and in some cases still are. Heck, they made Walmart wages look good.
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