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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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seems to get confused .. One day he seems on the fast track to management . the next he's on the union wagon..

guess depends on what beverage he has in his hand,
Give me a break, I'm no fan of any of the IAM scum leaders, and if you know who I am then you would know that.....But I am not stupid enough to risk doing anything stupid right now...it's not the time...

And this group is way to weak to think that we can come together on anything let alone beat the Company and the NMB right now....hell, if we are so strong we would have slowed this company down to a crawl with the BS stall tactics they have been using over the last 2 years, but as usual we come to work bust our asses and cry about everything that does not go our way...

So get off of me for stating the facts and let everyone in the group look in the mirror...we are all to blame.....and thats a FACT...

I disagree with you 100% about this group. It's not the ramp rats that are weak but the leadership that is weak.
I know the IAM boys are telling people that this group is weak but the exact opposite is true. This group shut down that last contract by 65% which shows solidarity since the Union preached from atop the hill how this was 'a good contract'. It takes coordination, organization, and solidarity to shoot down any contract from a union. Workers didn't vote against the contract because they were stupid or confused like Jeff Hayden wanted everyone to believe, they voted it out because they are 'FED UP". And other stations are just as solid as yours. Workers are ready to rock.

The problem is that the other part of 'we' is not ready to do anything and hasn't done anything for 13 years. While all can admit the IAM has no fight, the reason is debatable. I personally believe it's because of Canale, who has United airlines interest at heart. BTW, I heard Lolly told Canale last week that he will bring Canale his nomination from PIT when Canale runs for office this February. Time will tell but i would hope PIT wouldn't do squat for Canale.
Anyways, this group is oppressed by the IAM and collared by them for the simple reason that the IAM does not want to fight. You can't blame the horse if the jockey has been pulling back the reins. I whole heartedly reject even the hint of a notion that ramp rats are weak....not today.

5 valid reason to keep the IAM on property

#5 , changing over to another union will take time . I am a west worker , and time's UP .
If you change unions, in essance you are gaining representation. right now, the reason why nobody is home at your negotiations table is because for the last 2 years you have been a non-represented employee. You will continue to experience 'pain' with the IAM and your newly appointed AGC who is another one of Canale's boys.

# 4 just because we change unions doesn’t mean this union will make any more progress than our current one
Gaining representation is the start. Right now you are a non-represented employee who has AGC's masquerading as your representatives. At this point you have what the company picked for you to have. Heck your contract is so dreadful that your company actually had to increase your pay to $9 starting pay. Then you have the privilege of staying there for 3 years. But don't be misled, many east siders make $9 an hour too, it's not just a west thing. Your contract supercedes the east contract bigtime regarding benefits. Still, you and the east have less than even non-union workers get. The starting point must be in becoming a represented employee and this you aren't.

# 3 , being in the IAM , we should in theory have the support of MX in the event of a strike , I know many of you say they won’t support us , but I think that MX workers in general have been made afraid since NW and will support us in the hopes that we would then support them .
The IAM thinks Mechanic and United first. Theories aren't facts for a reason. Canale was prepared to sell you out so the mechanics could have a bigger piece of the pie. When fleet service voted their contract down, all of the sudden almost immediately it was manufactured that the M & R talks broke down. Even the company's memo on 'contract talks: Hub" pointed out all the fine things the M & R were set to get.# 2 not all of our local leaders are bad , there is still hope to put trustworthy honest workers in positions of power at our union . key word HOPE .
Key word "False Hope". I hate to sound crude but let me put it this way, if Superman himself was your local chairman, then the district would be kryptonite. In other words, all the juice in the IAM rest in the district level. There is no way to put trustworthy honest workers on Canale's team without them first being castrated by Parker's boy. That's how it works, bottom line. That's also why you got a unanimous vote on the last T/A from Canale's boys. One held out for an extra nickel in the pension but then he got tricked when Hemmingway even made that small nickel an IOU. Hemmingway is a giant among boys with the present group of 'negotiators'. He eats them for lunch.
#1 It is not necessary to switch unions because we will not need union leadership to try and “bargain “ us a better agreement ,I just have this feeling that as the temperature outside begins to drop our temperatures will begin to RISE , there’s a lot of pent up emotion out there at what’s been done to workers , and I just feel that this holiday season , it might be good to explore our feelings and see if we can’t work out some of the issues that gnaw at us...
Now we have reduced ourselves down to feelings. Your rising temperature will be put on ice if it isn't organized. You can count the IAM and United Airline Director OUT on that one.

Freedom, it's bad, like in really bad. Don't kid yourself. And although the company is to blame, the union has not represented you and has done all it could to extend a bankruptcy contract.
Hopefully, you won't have to keep the IAM as long as the east has.

IBEW UPDATE: Wednesday October 17, 2007


DCA: IBEW reps went to DCA today and were very impressed with the DCA brothers and sisters. In 3 hours, the IBEW reps signed up 85 cards and contacted special key people to secure a solid committee in DCA.

My understanding is that DCA will most likely have 150 signatures in the next 48 hours. Network contacts say a 90% signup is possible in the next two weeks.

Awesome report on DCA.

Get your station involved and get out the vote. Email the network and coordinate things with the IBEW in your station. Email

IBEW Election Q & A

IBEW cards

Anyone know just how powerful Al Hemingway (US Airways Labor Attorney) is? Hear he goes way back in acquisitions for airlines and Phoenix Station Manager John Daley told us when we were going either TWU or IAM he would let us know when Hemingway lets him know from Washington. He seems to carry a low profile. Tried to get his BIO. There's not much that is given away freely.
It is my understanding that IBEW reps and committee workers will be out in force on the road visitng several cities to make contact with workers. If your intrested and want to help and get involved please PM Tim Nelson and he will coordinate with committee reps in the field.

Thank you Tim for all the help
Anyone know just how powerful Al Hemingway (US Airways Labor Attorney) is? Hear he goes way back in acquisitions for airlines and Phoenix Station Manager John Daley told us when we were going either TWU or IAM he would let us know when Hemingway lets him know from Washington. He seems to carry a low profile. Tried to get his BIO. There's not much that is given away freely.
I'm not sure Hemmingway is a labor attorney. He is/was coached by Jerry Glass which means he found ways to appease the IAM and get the IAM to cheat against its members. First there was the 1113 letters that they trumped up and sold as 'future guarantees' and proclaimed with all of Canale's boys. Then there was the MDA 'future guarantee" and "Jets for Jobs" where the IAM hosed and lied again to the members who wanted so bad to believe them.
Then there was the "Concession stand is closed" where the IAM bought the necessary time to manufacture more fear and threats so they could lie again to fleet service who desperately wanted to beleive them for a 4th time.
Then there was the "COC Grievance is not being negotiated and is off the table" Lie. Dude, it never stops. I'm sure Hemmingway doesn't tell the IAM to lie and screw over its own members, but in each case where the IAM was appeased [see $2 million for coming through for first contract, dues paying members at contracted out stations (second class cities), IAM Board of Director, IAM Pension, MDA, Positive space travel, etc.

Hemmingway is allowed to be good at what he does, he'll steal the IAm socks off by leaving their shoes still on. Key word 'allowed'. Don't be mad at Hemmingway, be mad at the I AM Management union for not fighting to get what you deserve. Rampers have some responsibility for that also and should sign an IBEW card so they can stop being non-represented employees.

It is my understanding that IBEW reps and committee workers will be out in force on the road visitng several cities to make contact with workers. If your intrested and want to help and get involved please PM Tim Nelson and he will coordinate with committee reps in the field.

Thank you Tim for all the help
Thanks for the kind words. But to be clear, I'm certainly not the guy that calls the shots on that. Im just one of many committe members and the committees are growing bigtime each additional week.

I do make myself available to help fascilitate things for stations/employees where they can get hooked in with the IBEW folks. And I make webpages available for IBEW meeting notices.
To that end, our network has helped to get people involved with visiting stations, station signups, etc.

Get your committe setup at your station, email here

The IAM is so mad about the IBEW cards getting signed that they are exploding under pressure!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the DCA report Tim and to add to it, I just hung up with a IBEW rep
leaving DCA now with over 100 signed cards. What is the total of workers in DCA?
I was told about 130-140. The IBEW set up a committee and are confident that number
will continue to grow. The IBEW is setting up a committee in every station thier visiting.
They want to able to keep in contact with the workforce and keep the workforce up to
date on any new information. They also want to be available to answer any questions
anyone may have.

Thanks :up:
Thanks for the DCA report Tim and to add to it, I just hung up with a IBEW rep
leaving DCA now with over 100 signed cards. What is the total of workers in DCA?
I was told about 130-140. The IBEW set up a committee and are confident that number
will continue to grow. The IBEW is setting up a committee in every station thier visiting.
They want to able to keep in contact with the workforce and keep the workforce up to
date on any new information. They also want to be available to answer any questions
anyone may have.
Thanks :up:
DCA has 271 workers

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