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IBEW Fleet Service Union Campaign Update

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What bargaining did the I AM MANAGEMENT do philly? The company told them this is what we will give you and they took it. BTW how is it that the I AM MANA?GEMENT guarenteed that the TA was a sure thing? Can you shed any light on that subject. Or maybee why the I AM MANAGEMENT team decided that a concessionary contract was a "good thing"?
let's clear up one thing. THere was no bargaining from this negotiations team. One of canale's boys told me that there was and that Canale MF'd hemmingway, etc, etc, etc. Sorry Ish, Canale and his boys can't posibly bargain unless they fought with 8,000 soliders. It is nothing against Canale. Nobody can bargain, including superman himself and expect to get anything without a fight from 8,000 workers. The problem with Canale is clear, he's Parker's Boy and his interest is clearly the United Airline Board of Directors.

Also, I have asked several IAM supporters [insert everyone here who has not signed a card] what makes them think they are represented. Alot of smoke blowing but I still haven't had one person show me that they are actually being represented.

As aside, some IBEW campaign flyers will start to be circulated on Monday.

Hard working Americans are the backbone to the US, but the corporate machine continues to rape their families! Take time and look back to the success we have had in this country. That success has been because of the middleclass working families. The problem is that we are shrinking everyday and it is because of company greed just like US Airways. They are going to make if not a billion dollars close to it this year. This is the same company who said that they wanted the profit sharing that they gave you in bankruptcy. That is the funny thing they agreed to this in bankruptcy and now that they are so profitable. They want to rape us again, and the sad thing is that the IAM is pulling down our pants for them! This union who is supposed to have our best interest at heart brought back a concessionary T/A! It is unreal that they could possibly believe that we would accept this. Then they have the gaul to try and pull the old trick they used on the maintenance [ you don't understand!]. These guys again are the ones that were in D.C. telling the guys there why they have to vote it in. They have devided us more than the company. They are the ones spending dues paying members money left and right in Reno when there is a real crisis on the property. They are the ones who have denied they election process to the brothers and sisters in LAS. Please IAM come out and say I'm wrong on this. They Iam and the TWU came to their accord on the 2 of may 2006. The NMB came out to say they agreed with the agreement on the 11th of May 2006. The elections happened in October and the brothers and sisters were denied their due process in the elections! Thats the same ones who say one thing but clearly do another!
Why am I not surprised. The IAM is slick bigtime.

As aside, we have initiated some card signup campaigns at some smaller western stations and I should be getting the results sometime this weekend. Further, I have made 'several' contacts with work groups at AA Mechanics and even US Mechanics about their desire to get the IBEW. IMO, first things first, US fleet is the focus.

Hey Tim,
Nice meeting you yesterday @ PHL. Just a little concerned about contacting the US mechanics. I know you said first things first is correct. I just dont want to get in a mess with the mechanics ,they could care less about bag tossers. It was a nice thought. How are their views on the IBEW?????
Hey Tim,
Nice meeting you yesterday @ PHL. Just a little concerned about contacting the US mechanics. I know you said first things first is correct. I just dont want to get in a mess with the mechanics ,they could care less about bag tossers. It was a nice thought. How are their views on the IBEW?????
thanks for the kind words. What I meant is that several mechanics have contacted the network and inquired. I have told each one, the focus is on fleet service at this time.

Hey Tim,
Nice meeting you yesterday @ PHL. Just a little concerned about contacting the US mechanics. I know you said first things first is correct. I just dont want to get in a mess with the mechanics ,they could care less about bag tossers. It was a nice thought. How are their views on the IBEW?????
We{US Airways Mechanics} ARE VERY INTERESTED in The IBEW.
WHAT Tim is Saying is True Lets Get One Foundation Built{Fleet} First.
Success First. :up:
I was concerned. Not a problem at all. Its nice to see Mr. eagle on the same page w/Fleet. Its been nasty blood in PHL w/ mechanics not wanting us to be "ONE" remember "NUMBERS WERE STRENGTH" until we were busted off !!!!!!
What's the feedback from mechanics??? Just curious!!Oh by the way I met you for about 10 seconds If you can recall before you left :up:

Hi Tim,
A little humor to break the ice. Your avatar looks familiar............take a look......Oh! you also played a short clip in South Park...
All in good faith :up:
Home Depot and Lowes pay more to start... $12.You get what you pay for. As for Usair PHL airport, I've seen workers ride over luggage full speed on purpose. Morale is very very low. I've heard conversations. "I'll ride over bags all day long and toss luggage on the cold belt with 5 minute departures so it will miss ,until Parker treats us like people not wilder beasts." The contract that was offered, especially NO profit sharing!!That sent anger throughout the system. It made PHL workers run over bags more than once ,until they were MULCH or shredded wheat. It looked like a crime scene. The bag was destroyed beyond recognition. The manager came out and was asking workers what that tattered object was. People laughed and told him it was luggage. He thought they were lying. Until he walked over and saw the underwear.
I'm not sure I get your point.

You are so mad about being treated badly you act the part?
I'm not sure I get your point.

You are so mad about being treated badly you act the part?
Trust me you have to be at PHL to understand. You see it and hear it in the breakrooms. Come down and take a visit. By the way who said or stated I was mad??? No reason for me to get mad. It doesnt make anything better on my end. I go with the flow!!!!
I'm not sure I get your point.

You are so mad about being treated badly you act the part?
Trust me you have to be at PHL to understand. You see it and hear it in the breakrooms. Come down and take a visit.

I have been there many times. On the ramp, in the breakrooms.

Who benefited from these acts of civil disobedience?
I have been there many times. On the ramp, in the breakrooms.

Who benefited from these acts of civil disobedience?
Noone, Its just a normal reaction from workers. You cant blame them. Its a mental disorder .Just like any neurological disorder throughout years of abuse.
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