Tim Nelson
Ish,What bargaining did the I AM MANAGEMENT do philly? The company told them this is what we will give you and they took it. BTW how is it that the I AM MANA?GEMENT guarenteed that the TA was a sure thing? Can you shed any light on that subject. Or maybee why the I AM MANAGEMENT team decided that a concessionary contract was a "good thing"?
let's clear up one thing. THere was no bargaining from this negotiations team. One of canale's boys told me that there was and that Canale MF'd hemmingway, etc, etc, etc. Sorry Ish, Canale and his boys can't posibly bargain unless they fought with 8,000 soliders. It is nothing against Canale. Nobody can bargain, including superman himself and expect to get anything without a fight from 8,000 workers. The problem with Canale is clear, he's Parker's Boy and his interest is clearly the United Airline Board of Directors.
Also, I have asked several IAM supporters [insert everyone here who has not signed a card] what makes them think they are represented. Alot of smoke blowing but I still haven't had one person show me that they are actually being represented.
As aside, some IBEW campaign flyers will start to be circulated on Monday.