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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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southwind said:
It's mostly an ex-NW employee campaign.
I think you'd be surprised at the "mix" of people involved; I certainly have been.

From the last results, might want to depend on luck...especially since the NMB changed the rules to benefit unions and that didn't help!
Didja miss the part where our employer lobbied successfully to get the bar raised again?
Glenn Quagmire said:
Really? Now it is the moderators fault for your being condescending and narcissistic.

Maybe that is why the threads get locked as soon as you get in too deep. You should really look into the mirror for the root of the problem here.
condescending is a HANDFUL - and it is ONLY a handful of PMNW people who came to DL six years ago determined to transform DL into the likeness of NW.

In case they missed it, the NW board specifically gave DL carte blanche authority to build a new DL that is based on the successes that DL has long had, including its employee relations and in that transformation eliminate most of the identity and symbolic vestiges of NW.

that is borne out by reality. No other board other than FL's gave the merger partner as much freedom to alter the culture of the acquired company as NW did.

Condescending is listing to a few malcontent DL employees (really just one on here) continue to refuse to adapt despite the fact that tens of thousands of PMNW people have and aren't about ready to turn back to what they knew.

I have never tried to argue that everything that DL does is perfect - but it should be abundantly clear that NW is dead along with its contentious culture.

DL people are not interested in being dragged into the cesspool that is labor relations for most of their unionized network carrier peers.

If this supposed campaign was really representative of DL employees, there would have been votes years ago and the unions would easily have won.

But this campaign on this website is driven by one malcontent DL employee who has to rely on outside interests in order to push the union agenda.

As long as the evidence overwhelmingly is against this campaign being representative of multiple DL employees, there will be every effort made to ensure that the campaign and the people involved in it never succeed.

Do tell us, Kev, what DL is petitioning for with new rules? Are they going to make DL FAs pay for the donuts, flyers, and Mexican food that the IAM now pays for?
Foot stomping duly noted.

This is one little corner of the interwebs, and there's no correlation between my activity here and the strength of either campaign.

What did DL lobby for? C'mon. You know better than to ask questions you already know the answer to.

But do tell: What exactly do you mean by the "union agenda?"
So Kevin, I see the man of the bible is calling you names again, you are a malcontent for wanting to improve your work conditions.
I guess WT would have been a Benedict Arnold back in the Revolutionary War Days.
Shame on you Kevin for standing up for yourself and coworkers (sarcasm)
This is one little corner of the interwebs, and there's no correlation between my activity here and the strength of either campaign.

But do tell: What exactly do you mean by the "union agenda?"
I'll be sure and remind you of the former point... which is what I have contended all along... you have tried to frame yourself as a Champion of the oppressed - but no one else other than those from other Airlines are following you.

The fact that you have to rely on a outside union leader to provide your talking points says volumes about who is driving this.... there is no groundswell of DL employees behind you and your support comes from union members OUTSIDE Of DL.

the union agenda is rather simple - inject themselves into a discussion that has been repeatedly shown in the airline industry to harm rather than help the people they say they represent all the while forcing them to sign a lifetime, non-revocable automatic withdrawal.

No one honestly believes that anyone that is guaranteed a job for life with no economic consequences whether they succeed of fail has much incentive to perform.

NW's board recognized the unionized labor dynamics in the legacy segment of the airline industry doesn't work, wiped out the mechanics, and then gave DL freedom to purge the rest of the company from the union influences.

DL has succeeded, the vast majority of the employees aren't looking back, or in the case of PMDL employees, ever want to be a part of the labor relations disasters that are part of the airline industry.
Show the board how NWA came out better than DL. Many NWA stations went to ZW, NW had fewer employees but the IAM kept riding high collecting dues. I remember MIA got contracted, not sure about FLL. The IAM encouraged NWA to outsource BDL, MHT because they still collect dues.

WorldTraveler said:
I'll be sure and remind you of the former point... which is what I have contended all along... you have tried to frame yourself as a Champion of the oppressed - but no one else other than those from other Airlines are following you.
No martyr complex here. Sorry.
The fact that you have to rely on a outside union leader to provide your talking points says volumes about who is driving this.... there is no groundswell of DL employees behind you and your support comes from union members OUTSIDE Of DL.
What outside union leader?

This groundswell of support is internal. You may not like that, but you need to figure out how to wrap your head around it. You also need to accept that while I may be the only one left posting here, I certainly am not the only pro labor employee on the property.

Are there people at other carriers that support what's happening? Of course! That shouldn't surprise anyone. But to say it's some sort of detached entity preying on the DL workforce simply shows how out of touch you are with the day-to-day happenings at the carrier. Like I said a few pages ago, you clearly need to get to a ready room ASAP.
the union agenda is rather simple - inject themselves into a discussion that has been repeatedly shown in the airline industry to harm rather than help the people they say they represent all the while forcing them to sign a lifetime, non-revocable automatic withdrawal.
So many stale  stereotypes to unpack in that paragraph, so little time...
No one honestly believes that anyone that is guaranteed a job for life with no economic consequences whether they succeed of fail has much incentive to perform.
Can you show us where a "job for life" has ever been a talking point? I must've been too busy hearing about accountability & professionalism to have caught that one...

DL has succeeded, the vast majority of the employees aren't looking back...
That's right, we're not.

...And yet you continue to look backwards. Why is that?

Meanwhile, the activists I know are forward looking, intelligent, and positive. It's inspiring to be around them.

Many people across the system are working for fairness, agency, and progress.

If you want to continue to argue against any of that, have at it.
737823 said:
Show the board how NWA came out better than DL. Many NWA stations went to ZW, NW had fewer employees but the IAM kept riding high collecting dues. I remember MIA got contracted, not sure about FLL. The IAM encouraged NWA to outsource BDL, MHT because they still collect dues.

FLL lived. That's the 2nd or 3rd time you've asked that.

Tell us more about how the IAM and/or DL 143 specifically "encouraged" outsourcing of the NW operation in BDL & MHT.
737823 said:
Show the board how NWA came out better than DL. Many NWA stations went to ZW, NW had fewer employees but the IAM kept riding high collecting dues. I remember MIA got contracted, not sure about FLL. The IAM encouraged NWA to outsource BDL, MHT because they still collect dues.

Kev3188 said:
FLL lived. That's the 2nd or 3rd time you've asked that.

Tell us more about how the IAM and/or DL 143 specifically "encouraged" outsourcing of the NW operation in BDL & MHT
Collaborating with management to ensure Air Willy would be awarded the contract.

of course it is trolling to talk about the uncomfortable reality of what actually happened.

Unions that employees can't get rid of are solely interested in sucking dues out in a process that can't be ended and for which there really is no accountability whether Kevin wants to believe it or not.

When was the last time a union in the airline industry was removed and not replaced BY ANYHING? It is virtually impossible to return to a non-union status which is precisely why very, very few employees are willing to take a risk on something they can't return and get a refund. With labor representation, there is no realistic way to return to being non-union.

Talk about forward looking all you want, Kev, but DL employees are indeed the ones who are proud of what the company has accomplished, how it has brought significant benefits to employees, and how DL's momentum continues to build.

Looking forward involves a glance to the side often enough to know that no one else at any other airline is going to touch what DL employees are getting now.

Again, if this campaign was as broad-based as you want us all to believe, the evidence would be there.

When 700 (IIRC it was him) posted the celebration around 100 signed a-cards, I nearly choked on my coffee at how disconnected this media buzz is from reality. 100 new cards should be coming in EVERY 3 DAYS in order to get an election.

It's just not going to happen. DL people don't want unions; they can't prove their worth, and PMDL people have seen the disasters that have been labor-mgmt. relations at other unionized carriers and aren't about ready to risk losing what they have to put in place a system that will more likely than not lead to loss, not gain.

once again, the IAM is stepping up the campaign to look for replacement membership dollars to compensate for the cuts at other airlines. DL employees are not going to be duped into empty sales pitches.
again you are not an active dl employee  you have no flippin clue what is going on at delta..............  period  
times have changed since you left 
you have no idea how folks feel now vs then
you are soo terrified that its quite possible to see the iam come in and represent dl folks
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