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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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737823 said:
I'd like to hear Kev's perspective. The IAM has shown us this is the best they can do and DL employees can and will judge accordingly.

No, the NC at UA has shown us "the best they can do." There is a difference.

DL people will negotiate an agreement that meets their needs.
Well said Kevin, I agree 100%.
Josh is just a fecal stirrer.
Ford and Harrison at work again.
I could see a similar thing playing out a AA/US. The alliance holds both unions unaccountable, I could see US closing stations like BDL, MHT, PVD and AA closing some of the smaller mainline stations in exchange for unlimited part-time at hubs since that is now industry standard.

Ok Ms Cleo.
The IAM nor the TWU will back down on scope.
Unlimited part-time?
Are ignorant are you?
And there are no JCBA negotiations taking place and the IAM wont negotiate a JCBA until Section 6 negotiations are completed at US with new CBAs for all three IAM groups at US.
Any can and will be held accountable, that is why there are elections for leadership and that is why a union that the members are not happy with can be replaced.
It has happened at US, UA, WN, AS and numerous others.
Go call Gerry and see what he wants you to post next.
Once again this is about Delta and the Ramp and Flight Attendant organizing campaigns.
How many things are you going to throw out that have nothing to do with this?
Wrong again Gerry.
Everyone has a choice, its called a vote.
Stop with the lies and misinformation for a change.
I will call you out EVERY single time.
I like the concept of the association that the IAM and TWU has during the AA/US merger. Something "out of the norm" could work, if people would drop their egos at he door and work for the better good.

I don't know a lot about e DL ops, but is there a big ratio between benifited employees vs RR people? Does this protects the topped out people and affects more of the mid people who are on the "B" scale trying to make "A" scale? Because it seems like the RR program is in full swing and it is the de facto hiring system.

Also, we don't have an in house "C" scale workforce like DGS. That alone puts pressure on our wages as well. Problem is that AA could possibly expand on this concept with Eagle. More full timers replaced in line stations by the contractors.

It's going to be hard, but not impossible.
kev  I wish you all at DL the very best at getting unionized at DL   i truly hope it comes true  and when it does  I wish you all the best in getting the very best contract for all!
T5towbar said:
I like the concept of the association that the IAM and TWU has during the AA/US merger. Something "out of the norm" could work, if people would drop their egos at he door and work for the better good.

I don't know a lot about e DL ops, but is there a big ratio between benifited employees vs RR people? Does this protects the topped out people and affects more of the mid people who are on the "B" scale trying to make "A" scale? Because it seems like the RR program is in full swing and it is the de facto hiring system.

Also, we don't have an in house "C" scale workforce like DGS. That alone puts pressure on our wages as well. Problem is that AA could possibly expand on this concept with Eagle. More full timers replaced in line stations by the contractors.

It's going to be hard, but not impossible.
According to Kevin, the B-scalers dont make it to the A-Scale and they only received a 2% raise while the others got 3%.
T5towbar said:
I don't know a lot about e DL ops, but is there a big ratio between benifited employees vs RR people? Does this protects the topped out people and affects more of the mid people who are on the "B" scale trying to make "A" scale? Because it seems like the RR program is in full swing and it is the de facto hiring system.
The stated goal is 50/50 system-wide. All hiring for both AW & BW is done via the RR program.
Also, we don't have an in house "C" scale workforce like DGS.
Ready Reserve is our "C" scale, with seasonal help becoming the new "D" scale. In a lot of ways, it seems like we're one step from taking the ramp van to the local Home Depot parking lot and picking up day laborers...

robbedagain said:
kev  I wish you all at DL the very best at getting unionized at DL   i truly hope it comes true  and when it does  I wish you all the best in getting the very best contract for all!
Thanks man!
700UW said:
According to Kevin, the B-scalers dont make it to the A-Scale and they only received a 2% raise while the others got 3%.
Post '09 hires eventually top out, but only after suffering a penalty totaling 1000's of dollars comparatively while on the middle steps.

If you were referring to RR, then you are absolutely correct that they never top out... Unless you count the one and only raise they receive...

You are also 100% accurate that TOS employees get a larger percentage increase than those that are not yet there yet. How anyone can see that as fair is beyond me...
The best?
I doubt that, UA is in a precarious situation.
They havent recovered from the merger.
If you want to discuss UA, go over to their board.
but what is the benefit of a union if it takes outstanding performance by the airline to get anything?

The value of a union should be to hold the company's feet to the fire when times are bad - and history overwhelmingly says unions don't do that very well - in fact they do it poorly.

DL employees are getting records at a faster rate than their peers at unionized airlines. WHy should they think that a union can improve on what they are getting already. There is no track record to show that would happen.


"Extremely proud of this agreement"

"Very fond of this district [141]"

 and blind to the consequences that would come despite the fact that many, many people saw it coming.

No, the NC at UA has shown us "the best they can do." There is a difference.

DL people will negotiate an agreement that meets their needs.
No, negotiations are based on industry average. There is nothing that says that DL has any obligation to continue pushing its employees to the top of the industry.

If you argue that half of the reason DL employees are paid so well is so that DL can keep the unions out, then with unions that incentive is lost - and DL people will lose.

in your Utopia, DL people will just get adding to what they have but reality is far different.
The stated goal is 50/50 system-wide. All hiring for both AW & BW is done via the RR program.

Ready Reserve is our "C" scale, with seasonal help becoming the new "D" scale. In a lot of ways, it seems like we're one step from taking the ramp van to the local Home Depot parking lot and picking up day laborers...
and you can watch again but DL's 2009 changes will allow DL to continue to retain its own people in far more stations than other carriers.

You bemoan the churn of contracts which AA and UA will most certainly do but you can't seem to accept that each carrier has no choice but to be competitive with others on costs - which are well known via DOT data - and that means that you either cut stations and contract them out or you provide lower paid staff to make incremental employees more cost efficient.

It is no different than what the regional carrier industry is to the legacy carriers or what AA did with the B scale several decades ago.

As much as you might want to believe otherwise, unions have been completely unable to hold back the genuine economic forces that affect a company.
A 2% or a 3% raise is not records nor is a 33% reduction in profit sharing and an increase in medical costs.
except you can't admit despite the fact that it is reality that DL's non-contract employees have received raises of 12% over the past 3 years.

DL employees have also gained 25% increases in profit sharing despite the percentage reduction.

Tell me what IAM represented groups have seen 12% increases in pay over the past 3 years or bring home the equivalent of an extra month's salary in profit sharing.

There are very good and solid reasons why DL people would be taking a gigantic step backward at considerable loss to be represented by a union vs. what they have now.

They simply are not willing to take that risk. That's not my interpretation. The ballot box results prove it.
And what would the payout have been if they had gotten the full 15%?
WN's IAM represented Agents.
The TWU Ramp at WN.
So why doesnt DL employees get retro pay?
A step backwards, you cant prove that, Ms Cleo.
And the last election was how many years ago?
You cant say either way if they would vote yes or no.
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