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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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737823 said:
Collaborating with management to ensure Air Willy would be awarded the contract.

WorldTraveler said:
When was the last time a union in the airline industry was removed and not replaced BY ANYHING?
You're kidding, right?

It is virtually impossible to return to a non-union status which is precisely why very, very few employees are willing to take a risk on something they can't return and get a refund. With labor representation, there is no realistic way to return to being non-union.
Sure there is. It's also possible to change collective bargaining agents if that's what the workforce decides, but your fear mongering is duly noted.
Talk about forward looking all you want, Kev, but DL employees are indeed the ones who are proud of what the company has accomplished, how it has brought significant benefits to employees, and how DL's momentum continues to build.
Of course we're proud of what we've built (and continue to grow). Why would that even factor in here?

Again, if this campaign was as broad-based as you want us all to believe, the evidence would be there.
You refusing to see it does not mean it doesn't exist.

It's just not going to happen.
It must be nice to be able to so clearly predict the future. Good for you.
Reality of what happened?
Yep josh was there and saw and heard it all.

Gimme a break, you both are delusional.
737823 said:
But the IAM did sell out the membership, read the video on your Machinists New Network and you'd see the members identified keeping the pension for new hires as priority in the negotiations (and even used an emotional appeal by having children express their interest working for the company one day) yet the leadership gave into the company. Management prevailed here no matter how you spin it.

signals said:
I can vouch for that at NW!
signals said:
Then that must be what NWA workers meant that they would have made out better if they moved, or bumped(?), to a major hub.

In my area, former NWA employees were replaced by Air Wisconsin. Maybe as a whole IAM members made out, but small areas were outsourced,and many former employees either moved or moved on.
again you are not an active dl employee  you have no flippin clue what is going on at delta..............  period  
times have changed since you left 
you have no idea how folks feel now vs then
you are soo terrified that its quite possible to see the iam come in and represent dl folks
someone must be itching to get thrown out in the cornfield... didn't you hear Kevin's "get your dicks off the table" pronouncement about not making statements about who can/cannot participate?

Yes, Kev, I am serious. Deadly serious. just answer the question of when an airline union has ever been voted off the property and not replaced by any other union.

there are 75K other DL employees who have also contributed to DL's success and they don't need a union to change what has been a very successful run for DL employees - and one that isn't about to come to an end.

Meanwhile, US people are still waiting on the union-negotiated benefits that Parker isn't interested in delivering.

And you wonder why DL people don't want to be associated with the labor-mgmt. failures in the rest of the industry.

I don't.
WorldTraveler said:
Yes, Kev, I am serious. Deadly serious. just answer the question of when an airline union has ever been voted off the property and not replaced by any other union.
I can't tell; are you being coy here, looking for a "gotcha," or has it honestly escaped you?

I'm serious too... think about the question before asking again.
WorldTraveler said:
someone must be itching to get thrown out in the cornfield... didn't you hear Kevin's "get your dicks off the table" pronouncement about not making statements about who can/cannot participate?
It wasn't a pronouncement, it was an offered proposal to the thread's participants. So far, no one's taken me up on it.

Why not set an example, and be the first?
He never could Kevin.
He posts misinformation and spins everything.
He doesnt know that you dont have to sign up for DCO, you can pay yourself for dues payment.
Kev3188 said:
I think you'd be surprised at the "mix" of people involved; I certainly have been.
That's what we heard last time.
Didja miss the part where our employer lobbied successfully to get the bar raised again?
Say what? You mean a company lobbies just as hard to keep a union out, as a union does, trying to get in? The nerve of them!
robbedagain said:
again you are not an active dl employee  you have no flippin clue what is going on at delta..............  period  
times have changed since you left 
you have no idea how folks feel now vs then
you are soo terrified that its quite possible to see the iam come in and represent dl folks
Like you have any idea what it is like to work at Delta.  The one that is terrified is you, why? Because you have no clue just how monumental of a concessionary contract your precious IAM is getting ready to deliver to sUS fleet.  No need to look further than UA, and no matter how many times 700 blames the UA "membership" for voting in that piece of crap, ultimately it was delivered to them by the NC from the 141DL, and encouraged to go for it, since it was as good as it gets.  You are here either because you figure that misery loves company, and hope that Delta ACS will share you pain of getting BOHICA'd by the IAM, or you figure if the IAM was to gain more members it wouldn't be such a concessionary, push over union.  The IAM is so WEAK, that instead of asking the NMB for an election, and making the case to the sAA fleet on why they should be the bargaining agent instead of the TWU (another push over union, just ask the AA workers), they instead chose to make and "alliance" with the TWU, all to continue the union dues flow.  By definition, union means cohesion, not division.  Doug Parker is going to whipsaw one union against the other, just like the US pilots did all this time.  When it is all said and done, I bet DGS will be a better place to work than AA, but then again, since you guys will be so low paid, who knows, you might be taking away contracts from vendors.
If the workers at Delta want a union, I implore them, make your own.  Don't elect a dues collecting corporation.
I have more of an idea given that my dad was w delta for 33 yrs and I work at us and where dl is is right next to us  so yes I do have quite of bit  and from what most of those folks tell us is they wish to be unionized    bec theyre tired of being screwed around
wt  i wont be the one to get tossed out   
robbedagain said:
I have more of an idea given that my dad was w delta for 33 yrs and I work at us and where dl is is right next to us  so yes I do have quite of bit  and from what most of those folks tell us is they wish to be unionized    bec theyre tired of being screwed around
wt  i wont be the one to get tossed out   
I hear ya, I know brain surgery, because my neighbor is a neurosurgeon, and has been my friend for over 5 years...  And he tells me its easy
robbedagain said:
wt  i wont be the one to get tossed out
you can't get tossed out if you aren't in to begin with, right?

BTW who said anything about getting kicked out?

what daddy did when you were a kid doesn't matter one iota.....

BTW, how long ago did your mommy and daddy send you out into the big bad world to figure out how to make it on your own?
WorldTraveler said:
what daddy did when you were a kid doesn't matter one iota.....

BTW, how long ago did your mommy and daddy send you out into the big bad world to figure out how to make it on your own?
So what you did doesnt matter one iota, unless you are on Ford and Harrison's payroll.
And you wonder why people call you condescending, proof is right there.
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