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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Lots of internal comms. set up across the system. Steady volume of both new cards & re-signings. Leafletting in various stations generally being positively met. Progress in ATL, and other cities that were fairly quiet.

F/A campaign hitting critical mass, IMHO. ACS has work to do, but nothing worth doing comes easy. Building coalition requires taking the long view...
excellent summary, Kev.

Keep them coming... and more significantly be THE leader in making your dreams come true.

You are THE MOST qualified person to run this campaign. You are smart, articulate, and passionate.

And most importantly, you are an ACTIVE DL employee which gives you a credibility that nobody from the outside can have.

This is YOUR campaign. Make it happen. I will be the first one to stand up and cheer from the grandstands at every turn.

And you seriously might want to consider how DL employees feel about unionization if it is part of a large, multi-employer, multi-industry movement.

Consider the greater success that AA pilots and FAs have been able to have relative to other workgroups in the industry by having an independent union rather than one that is beholden to the interests of outsiders.
700UW said:
If you make a claim or an accusation to have credibility you have to back it up, otherwise its just nothing.
You made a statement numerous times, that OD is behind this, now back it up.
If you dont have to answer anything, I dont either, it works both ways.
And you will have to ask GVP Sito Pantoja about a new District Lodge for Delta if the campaign is successful.
You are putting the cart before the horse.
But how are they signing a cards if the district that holds the certification is in question?

737823 said:
All fine and wonderful but until they get support from DL employees at large it doesn't mean anything. Do you think DL management feels the campaign is serious now?

I was talking about employees at large.

Company absolutely feels both campaigns are "serious."
737823 said:
But how are they signing a cards if the district that holds the certification is in question?

A district does not hold the certification, that would the be International.
The District Lodge, negotiates and enforces the CBA.
They sign a card to call for a vote, see they take a pen and fill it out and sign it, then turn it in to the union, when said union reaches the target number of cards they submit them to the NMB for them to verify and schedule a vote.
so, just to put a little focus in the conversation, how does all of this affect what DL employees will receive - good, bad, or indifferent - by being a part of a huge multi-industry, multi-airline union.

And more significantly, show us the track record that this type of union has which should be an advantage - not a liability - that DL employees could leverage?

IF there aren't SOLID results to show what the IAM has accomplished in the past few years, then why should DL employees choose a union like this and not form their own independent union, at which there will be no conflicts with any national/international interests?
WorldTraveler said:
so, just to put a little focus in the conversation, how does all of this affect what DL employees will receive - good, bad, or indifferent - by being a part of a huge multi-industry, multi-airline union.

And more significantly, show us the track record that this type of union has which should be an advantage - not a liability - that DL employees could leverage?

IF there aren't SOLID results to show what the IAM has accomplished in the past few years, then why should DL employees choose a union like this and not form their own independent union, at which there will be no conflicts with any national/international interests?
Compare the chapter 11 at PMDL and PMNW and see who made out better, bottom line.
Did the ramp at DL negotiate their 2% or 3% raise?
Did they negotiate the 33% reduction in their profit sharing?
Is any of their pay, work rules, benefits, or any policy guaranteed?
we've been thru all of that before and you can't prove that unions did a better job simply because of the AMFA walkout which saved a lot of cuts that other NW employees had to take... and the rest of the answer is that DL employees have regained far more than their peers at other airlines who are represented by unions.

We want to know why DL employees should get themselves involved with a union that has suffered such losses at the hands of mgmt. at other airlines, both in BK and since those other airlines emerged while DL employees have posted the most pay raises and increases in profit sharing in the industry - and unions for non-contract employees had nothing to do with it.

Focus on a valid side by side comparison of what the IAM has accomplished. No employee - DL or otherwise - is going to sign a blank check for the rest of their careers to hire a union that can't document precisely how they can benefit employees better than what they have or have gained.
The AMFA strike had no bearing on the other concessions, each union was given a bogey number to reach.
Shall we have Kevin explain it to you once again on how the IAM saved a bunch of stations from the chopping block?
And the losses can be attributed to the chapter 11 frenzy, unionized workers for the most part came out of bankruptcy better than their non-union counterparts.
US filed twice within two years, that is why things were cut, yet the US ramp still managed to have a pension and the M&R followed up in 2008 with getting a pension back.
And the UA CBA is due to the poor decisions of the UA/CO merger that they still havent figured out.
At DL why in a 2 1/2 year period will the pilots received a 20% raise and increased contributions to their pension and other non-union groups havent?
700UW said:
The AMFA strike had no bearing on the other concessions, each union was given a bogey number to reach.
Shall we have Kevin explain it to you once again on how the IAM saved a bunch of stations from the chopping block?
But at UA they facilitated, supported, and encouraged the closing of small line stations in the recent agreement.

The members ratified their CBA, not the District and not the International.
People are greedy and they voted for the retro and the pay, same happened with the transition agreement at US in 2008.
The members used their democratic rights to vote in the CBA, not the DL or GL.
But the DL reps endorsed the agreements and the GL spoke highly of it on the website. Face it they wanted the dues, just like at DL.

Why aren't you harping on the UA members like you do with freedom?

They were getting dues from PMUA and some PMCO employees.
The amount gotten from PMCO Agents is miniscule.
The members made their choice, I have voted against CBAs that the DL or the GL has recommended, its a personal choice.
Bottom line is the member ratified it and have to live with their choices.
So you defend the UA agreement and the District actions. Would you have supported it as either a UA employee or NC member?

Like it or not, DL employees realize the danger of organizing the IAM and losing their stations with a similar agreement. DL has 43 ramps and 17 cargo locations, how many will UA have a in a few years time? Only seven stations and no cargo.

Did I say that?
Stop putting things in a post that I did not. Dont attribute things to me that I did not state.
I simply stated the facts that the UA IAM Members exercised their democratic right to vote on their CBA.
I never spoke for it nor against it.
And once again this is about DL not UA.
I base my decision on a CBA based on scope, pay, and benefits.  Scope is the most important thing in any CBA.
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