So with all this discussion in this thread, maybe Kev or 700 can weigh-in on how the IAM has "stepped up" the campaign. What is different now?
Excellent question and the responses that follow are highly insightful.
700 was the one who jumped in to respond with the IAM’s assessment of how the campaign is “progressing” while Kev answered nothing on topic.
As much as Kev and 700 would like to tell anyone otherwise, this is a representation campaign that is being led by the moneyed interests of the IAM who are doing all they can to replace the thousands of dues payers they will lose from both UA and AA as a result of their mergers. DL is and always has been a rich target for the labor unions…. There was ample press on the subject at the time of the representation campaigns post-merger.
DL employees aren’t interested in bankrolling the labor movement’s continued decline, esp. at airlines where the unions have made one strategic mistake after another such as the UA contracts and writing off profit sharing even when industry experts said that profits would grow and employees could have benefitted. The industry experts were right while legacy carrier airline employees are walking away with less and less at the same time that DL employees continue to see the fastest increase in salaries and benefits that the airline industry has probably ever seen.
Who is picking up the tab at the Virigina Ave. Mexican restaurant event in Atlanta? Who is printing materials and buying donuts for DL FAs to hand out?
This isn’t a campaign that is led by DL employees. It is a campaign that the IAM happened to find a few DL employees who want unions and who are being used as a front for the IAM’s sales push.
If this is really a DL-led campaign, then Kevin should be answering the questions, not 700.
And the rest of DL employees, who want to remain distinct and separated from the rest of the labor problems in the airline industry, will only be interested in representation if it involves an independent union such as what AA pilots and FAs and US pilots, among others have done.
The cesspool is too polluted for any national, multi-airline union to ever win the support of DL employees.
There will be a union organizing meeting in MSP on Wednesday, April 16, 11PM at the Bloomington Eagles Club. We have collected over 100 A cards since our last meeting and going strong. Please bring any signed A cards you have to the meeting. We will also discuss holding a large event on Friday, May 2. Activists from SLC, ATL, JFK and LGA will give reports on progress in their stations.
That’s wonderful but you do realize that any union that wishes to represent DL FAs needs to be collecting AND HOLDING approx. 30 cards PER DAY from DL FAs in order to prove that they have sufficient support from employees.
Since A cards, like prescription drugs and Twinkies expire, the IAM better be gaining far more than a run of 100 cards to even come close to moving the representation ball forward.
I am fully vested in the Delta contract employees retirement plan. I am not a retiree and do not claim to be an "employee". I chose to sever my ties to the company as part of the strike settlement rather than be placed on a recall list. I would have been recalled with my seniority, but I had already moved on to a much better job with higher pay/benefits/QOL so that decision was rather easy.
Also, I have never "argued" that you should not be part of this discussion. I really do not care if you post here, or anywhere. I can choose to read your posts or gloss over them.
Thank you for clarifying on all points.
Let’s be clear that DL does not have a contract mechanic pension. The pension is a former NW pension for which DL has assumed responsibility and in which no DL employees participate. They have their own pension plan.
You made the choice to leave NW and the airline industry and not accept being a part of DL should the opportunity arise. I respect that, but let’s also be clear that DL’s current mechanics, including those that were hired by NW after the AMFA failure and you are quick to call scabs, have no interest in representation – and for good reason looking at the state of the industry and DL mechanics’ position relative to it.
And the last elections were finalized in?
Hint: Not '08.
Don't forget the moratoriums that followed.
Response moved from the SEA thread since the topic is not relevant there.
Were you not writing on this and other forums against DL’s HR policies and non-union status even before the merger was finalized, yet alone before the representation results were released?
If so, then your campaign has been going on for six years.