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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Agree if 700 stays out of the topic I'll do the same. But he can't attack me and you for not being DL employee when he himself has never worked a day in his life for DL.

737823 said:
Largest win maybe but the IAM still has fewer dues payers today than even 10 years ago let alone at their peak. They are fighting to survive and need to impose "representation" on the DL workers. And the formerly unorganized sCO ATW doesn't like the IAM. Had the old NMB rules applied passenger service would be unorganized. I had an agent at IAH tell me a few weeks ago she has been in this job nearly 20 years never needed a union and now is forced to join and sees stations getting closed.

The AA agents would rather be unorganized than join the CWA.

So now you have surveyed every single PMCO employee or did you hire Gallup?
If your Grandmother had testicles she would have been you're Grandfather.
No one is forced to join the union, they can become Dues Objectors and only pay what's germane to the CBA.
And the AA vote was close and now the PMAA agents are signing cards like crazy for the CWA/IBT association.
737823 said:
For the last time I don't work for AA/US. Been posting here nearly four years only in the past year or so have I been active in the US fleet thread and you have been saying you suspect I work for AA, even before the merger. What gives? And my first year had very little contact with you.

You are dishonest, plain and simple.
WorldTraveler said:
everyone here just wonders why you are so committed to unionization at DL if you supposedly have nothing to gain.

As much as you or anyone else want to argue otherwise, I absolutely have a financial interest in DL's success.

Thus, the question of what you stand to gain by selling your message - which is consistently riddled with half truths is very much a fair question to ask.

I, once again, am willing to leave the discussion regarding representation issues - but only if you and every other non-DL employee does also.

But you can't stand quietly on the sidelines because you have an irrepressible urge to inject yourself in a discussion that should be left to active DL employees.

As for profit sharing.
Why are you committed to be the Self-Appointed spokesman for ALL Delta Employees as you always speak for them?
It is apparent you dont understand the concept of a message board.
You arent a DL employee.
How many AA agents do you know? I am personal friends with a number of agents at BOS, LAX, and MIA they don't want the CWA nonsense. They have coexisted how many years now without a union?

700 are you traveling for Passover? Will you be with your family in MIA? Wanna come to our Seder?

Why are you committed to be the Self-Appointed spokesman for ALL Delta Employees as you always speak for them?
It is apparent you dont understand the concept of a message board.
You arent a DL employee.
I AM a Delta employee... and that just absolutely kills you. I am retired but I have been and always will be a part of the Delta family, of which you are an outsider.

There is no speaking for all DL employees other than to recount the voting results which are no more secret or difficult to understand than for someone to say the day after Obama was elected that the people of the US had no faith in any presidential candidate.

There are clear facts which you can't admit- DL employees don't want unions and they have consistently expressed their preferences AT THE BALLOT BOX
WorldTraveler said:
I AM a Delta employee...
You are not.

And that absolutely kills you.

WorldTraveler said:
the voting results which are no more secret or difficult to understand than for someone to say the day after Obama was elected that the people of the US had no faith in any presidential candidate.
737823 said:
How many AA agents do you know? I am personal friends with a number of agents at BOS, LAX, and MIA they don't want the CWA nonsense. They have coexisted how many years now without a union?

Being friends with a "few" alleged agents doesnt speak for the thousands of them, and how they had no say in what happened and happens to them.
Times have changed.
There is a reason why the airline industry has the highest percentage of a unionized workforce.
You are not.

And that absolutely kills you.

yes, I am a RETIRED Delta employee which means that I have many of the privileges of DL employees and a financial interest in DL's future.

Since you have now said that you don't have DL pass benefits, you are not retired.

Feel free to argue all you want how this discussion is not one I should be a part of but I'm not going away.

You might focus your energies on explaining the enormous strategic failures such as the AMFA strike and the IAM's and TWU's willingness to walk away from profit sharing right at the time when all of the industry experts predicted the industry would be moving into the best profitability it has seen in decades. They were right and DL employees who didn't have to listen to uninformed union leaders are the ones walking home with bigger and bigger profit sharing checks....

ONE AND A HALF BILLION DOLLARS over the past four years.
You dont go to work for Delta, You dont get a paycheck from Delta.
Did you get a profit sharing payout this last time?
Nope, so you are not an employee.
You are a FORMER/RETIRED employee, maybe you will understand that concept one day.
Did you learn Math from George Bush?
As its fuzzy, 10% is 33% less than 15%, the payout was cut, without any choice from the non-union employees.
The pilots got a 13% raise all ready for their cut in profit sharing, which increased their payout, and will have received a 20% increase in pay from June 29, 2012 to the end of 2014.
No one else at Delta received that.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
I do have financial interests in DL's future in the form of pensions...

It doesn't matter how badly you want to argue otherwise, I am a part of the discussion and will yield it ONLY to active Delta employees - my colleagues.

You aren't and never will be a part of that discussion.

it's rather rich that YOUR giving me lessons, ALL READY.

DL pilots got an 8% EXTRA pay raise compared to the rest of the employee groups and they allowed 70 some additional large RJs.

ALL Delta employees received the same percentage of profit sharing - that included payouts at 20% since DL's profits were so high - and are expected to keep growing.

I'm still waiting for the list of profit sharing payouts at union represented airlines.

Delta employees have earned ONE AND ONE HALF BILLION DOLLARS in profit sharing over the past four years.


Delta employees know what they have received and want nothing to do with the inferior pay and benefits that unions have provided for their employees.

To put ONE AND ONE HALF BILLION DOLLARS in perspective, that is more than the entire ANNUAL payroll and benefits for either AS or B6.
Look in the mirror you never worked for DL, and are a former/retired USAIR employee. You are so ridiculous, I mean you come on here acting all knowing about everything in the airline industry and when asked questions you don't like and don't want to answer you attack others, change the subject, say they are off topic. How many times have the IAM and other unions tried and failed to organize DL? Get the message they don't want your SH*T. If it was of value they would have organized a long time ago. Fruitless organizing drives are a disservice to your members, couldn't union efforts and resources be better used on something else?

And you have no right to say a thing, you aren't a DL employee, nor have you ever been.

You say you aren't and never were an employee nor a union member, so you have the gall to say something about my or other's status.

Using how you think then you shouldn't post a thing about any subject in regards to labor and management.

So enjoy this fine Sunday and go call timmie to see what other lies and misinformation to post and make it about me and others instead of the topic at hand.
Just clarify this 700...you are saying myself WT should stay out of this thread but you are entitled to post despite the fact that you too are not a current DL employee? A simple yes or no will do.

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