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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Um, no. it doesn't exist. Not "in practice," and not in a CBA.

It's the same 43 that were there at merger time. Now tell us how many were brought to the table as a direct result of the CBA at NW? How many ramps did DL bring to the party? When you're done listing those- it won't take long; it's a short list- tell us more about how many have been insourced since '08. With all the talk from West & Co. about it, surely there were some, right?


Help me out here: Are you referring to the Rules of The Road, The Way We Fly, or the ever changing HRPM?
just answer the question of how many stations don't have DL employees since the merger vs. what competitors have and the answer will be obvious as to who has real scope and who doesn't.

NO one is debating what NW ramp was able to hold onto in BK.... given that 700 repeatedly uses the excuse that maintenance outsourcing at US went into full force with BK 1, the question isn't what happened in or before BK but


NO one pays union dues to commemorate what happened in the past... they pay union dues to get improves TODAY.

ON that basis, DL has delivered far more to its non-union employees than any of the other airlines have done - more and bigger pay raises, far more profit sharing, and far more work insourced back to DL employees than has been lost - the largest event being the freighter operation which was clearly losing money before the merger but which NW left to DL to deal with.

Further, I grasp (see I can do it to myself) that your deal is the ramp but DL has no linked requirements between the ramp and above wing workgroups and DL has dozens more mainline staffed AW stations than what is on the ramp and that number is not going down as it is at other carriers.

Yes, Kev, DL employees have scope protections IN PRACTICE> Your unwillingness or inability to detail how DL employees fare compared to their peers at other airlines shows that they are far better off than you want to admit.
WorldTraveler said:
That's like asking "when did you stop beating your wife?"

You know outside of ALPA & PAFCA that there isn't currently a collective bargaining agent on the DL property (yet), so why ask?

NO one pays union dues to commemorate what happened in the past... they pay union dues to get improves TODAY.
...And yet in almost every post, you insist on looking backwards. Why is that?
to use your analogy, then, everyone has beat their wife in the past.

Are you going to file a police report based on what happened 5 years ago or are you going to work on your marriage based on his behavior over the last five years?

No one is going to pay union dues based on what happened in the past, Kevin.

As bad as the past was, it is the past.

They want representation based on what a union can do for them today.

And, again, DL employees have gained far more from the company in the past 5 years than any of their unionized peers have gained.

DL's increased profitability, including the very real possibility that DL is on the cusp of a major cost advantage relative to its peers means that very few DL employees are going to mess with a formula that should only continues to benefit DL employees better than their peers at other airlines.
WorldTraveler said:
No one is going to pay union dues based on what happened in the past, Kevin.
That's right, they won't.

...But no one's asking them to.

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that the platform of this drive is built on past actions. It's not. It's based on the idea of delivering solutions to issues in today's workplace and working toward a better tomorrow.

They want representation based on what a union can do for them today.
Yeah, I know. I've repeatedly stated that. You would too if you'd been to half the break rooms you claim to have hit...
The Sounds of Silence

In our last communication, we highlighted the fact that Delta Pilots rank near the top the industry in wages and salaries as a percentage of Delta’s operating revenue while Delta Flight Attendants ranked near the bottom. Delta Corporate claimed all Delta employee groups—including Pilots—would rank near the bottom because of the sheer amount of revenue generated by Delta.

That’s simply not true.

Delta Corporate hasn’t said much since we pointed out this inconvenient fact. One must ask, why?
If we ranked third in sharing our airline’s revenue instead of seventh, our average wages and salaries would increase by well over $10,000 a year. Don’t we at least deserve to be third among industry Flight Attendants?

Better yet, shouldn’t we be number one?
With a Voice we can negotiate higher salaries that are fair and commensurate with the success that we work so hard to help create.
Please submit an electronic election authorization card here. The IAM will mail you a pre-filled card. All you have to do is sign, date and return. Don’t worry about postage, it’s already paid.


737823 said:

How come the same hasn't been asked of 700? He doesn't work for DL, he is likely involved with the IAM at some capacity but representational matters at DL are of no consequence to him...

Prove your accusation, because you are being untruthful once again.
now just who is'n't who couldn't help themselves, Kevin?

For well over 24 hours, you had the labor issues on the DL forum to yourself.

The sounds of silence were indeed sweet.

I guess all good things have to come to an end, right?

The IAM can't and won't obtain any more of any company's revenues just because DL is generating revenues superior to the industry and more importantly because DL employees are more productive than other airlines.

Was it not just a few days ago that you were saying that DL employees were more the reason for DL's success?

Why does a company buy new aircraft but to increase profits? If they spent money on more fuel efficient aircraft and then turned around and gave the savings to another source other than the investors, why would any company invest in new technology?

Companies become more efficient because by doing so they increase their profits and their return to their investors.

That the IAM would make promises that it can discard basic economic theory and make promises they can't keep is what is not truthful... in fact it isn't even 1% true.
of course youre way a ok with the fact delta takes the employees ps and drop it down  all bec they do not have a say    and the pilots make out like bandits
the ramp has a lot of responsibilities while the plane is on the deck  not to mention the tests etc   but I guess in the warped minds of delta  its ok to rob the employees to pay the pilots
robbedagain said:
the ramp has a lot of responsibilities while the plane is on the deck  not to mention the tests etc.

Too bad so many of our peers sell themselves short and buy into the idea that they're "just a ramper."
robbedagain said:
of course youre way a ok with the fact delta takes the employees ps and drop it down  all bec they do not have a say    and the pilots make out like bandits
except that profit sharing INCREASED.

You and 700 are free to continue to look like idiots trying to argue that the employees are at will and have no say in anything and then complain when the company RAISES their profit sharing.

That's right, I'vebeenrobbedbyUSAirwaysagain and I'maboutreadytogetrobbedbyParkeragainwhoisnowusingthenameAmericanAirlines.
robbedagain said:
the ramp has a lot of responsibilities while the plane is on the deck not to mention the tests etc but I guess in the warped minds of delta its ok to rob the employees to pay the pilots
are you serious?

ALL of DL's non-contract employees have received pay raises as well as profit sharing increases.

No one was robbed of anything (except you by your mgmt. team).

DL employees are doing quite fine.

Your bosses are the reason you need a union and you got the best one money can buy - which isn't saying much.

Kev3188 said:
A: Who is WorldTraveler, Alex.
The accurate answer to the question of who would stay out of discussions about representation among DL employees as long as other non-DL employees stayed out as well

I kept my word.

The snake oil salesman, no surprise, wouldn't and couldn't.

Buyer beware. VERY aware.
don't recall EVER giving you permission to use my name for anything on here the way you have  and this is not the first time ive picked up on that    so stop that as of now.   
secondly,  as has been pointed out to you,  pilots are gonna have 20% more in ps than ANY OTHER GROUP
ASK KEV how much his is  then compare it to the pilots...   bet there will be nothing close to it...
yes the RAMPERS do have a hell of a lot of responsibilities out there on the ramp and in all weather conditions
you don't see CSA outside   nor pilots (except the pilots doing the walk around)  do you?   You don't see FAs outside do you?
when you do  then discuss it  otherwise grasp the idea that RAMPERS do have a lot of responsibilities  and yes im quite sure folks like KEV would love to see a ps be a lot higher than what theyre getting
it's your user name, robbed, with a few alterations.

You just need to explain to us why it's ok for you to tell us that you have been robbed repeatedly by US mgmt. and you can't figure out how to get your union to help you but you can find plenty to criticize about non=union employees at DL who have seen plenty of pay raises and a share in the world's largest profit sharing at an airline so far as I can tell.

I have never said that rampers or anyone else have less responsibility. But salaries are set by the market and the market for ramp workers is less than pilots. I'm sorry if that comes as news to you but it is the truth.

No, pilots are not getting 20% more profit sharing than any other group. It is precisely because there are gullible people like you that listen to 700's crap and can't figure out the truth for his lies that I have no choice but to post.

The pilots got the exact same percentage in profit sharing as all other DL employees who participate in profit sharing.

The only difference in compensation was that the pilots got 8% more - not 20% - Kevin posted the non-contract wages to prove it which increased pilot profit sharing because they got larger salaries - but not by 20%.

And I'm still waiting for you or Kev or 700 or someone to tell me how much profit sharing other airline employee groups in the US.

UA employees have come the close but I'm still not sure if you took all of the airlines in the US and added them together that their profit sharing would equal the $1.5 BILLION in profit sharing that DL has paid out over the past four years.


That is a HUGE amount of money. Esp. since it isn't even in writing for most DL employees so the company really doesn't hve to give it to them.
first of all ive been using my user name for yrs on this board  second I never gave you permission to use my name to alter it to fit your story  so in short... STOP ALTERING MY USER NAME   PERIOD!
the CSAs at US as well as the other work groups made out pretty good again this yr bec of the profits PMUS made   don't know how much but it was good from what ive heard.. but then again it does not belong here  but you brought it up bec you cant help yourself.
Again does 700 or Kev have to repost the FACTS that were put out showing the how much each group got or will get?   bec you cannot do the math properly  the pilots are getting a lot more than ANY OTHER WORK GROUP   20%  by may or june   NO OTHER GROUP IS GETTING THAT
doesn't belong here? 
Profit sharing is public knowledge.  I'm not asking to see your paycheck.  I'm asking you to tell how much profit sharing your workgroup and US in total paid out.
It is not privileged information.
I know full well it is nowhere close to a tiny fraction of what DL paid its employees.
No, robbed, you are confused with your numbers about DL profit sharing.
I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about.
Sadly, you can't even realize you are misquoting numbers which even 700 twisted.
I have never seen Kevin use a number incorrectly or out of context. If you and 700 followed Kevin's lead we would have a whole lot less to discuss on this board.
But let's not forget that you two aren't happy to let Kevin do the talking.  He is the active DL employee and I and Josh have both said we would leave the representation discussion to active DL employees but you two just HAD to jump in. 
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