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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Wow, you two are so intelligent, maybe you will earn a Nobel prize.
Keep ignoring the topic and the facts, you are both great at that.
700UW said:
Wow, you two are so intelligent, maybe you will earn a Nobel prize.
Keep ignoring the topic and the facts, you are both great at that.
700 have you been on the Lear? Didn't you say before you were recognized by Buffy at one point?

700UW said:
Wow, you two are so intelligent, maybe you will earn a Nobel prize.
Keep ignoring the topic and the facts, you are both great at that.
Sorry 700, I believe the Nobel is out of the picture, I haven't taken the union seminars yet...
700UW said:
And DL is non-union, the have no scope language and are employees at will...
...DL does what it wants.
When you distill it down, the above pretty much sums it up. Some may be willing to settle for that. Others refuse to lower their expectations, and are working for positive change.
WorldTraveler said:
blah blah blah, repeat 1000 times
Weren't you supposed to stop participating in this union discussion, since you didn't have a dog in the hunt?...
When you distill it down, the above pretty much sums it up. Some may be willing to settle for that. Others refuse to lower their expectations, and are working for positive change.
except that DL employees, IN PRACTICE, have better real scope protection despite the fact that it isn't in the contract you seem to think provides security.

Please give us a list of stations that DL above and below wing employees are in now vs 5 years ago and also do the same for each of the other big 4.

Now tell us what DOT stats show regarding the total amount of revenue spent on outsourcing vs total maintenance spend. DL mechanics are better positioned relative to their competitors WRT outsourcing and DL is still number 2 behind native AA despite the huge amount of cabin refurbs that DL has done, most of which have been outsourced.

And unlike any of DL's US competitors, DL has a huge MRO which provides jobs to DL employees and offsets a major part of the airframe outsourcing that DL does do.

DO you realize that DL gets close to $500M in revenue from maintenance INSOURCING which equates to about 20-25% of all that DL spends to maintain its own fleet?
that makes DL's net outsourcing figure somewhere around 20-25%, as good as AA has been in the past.

No one is going to be swayed by a piece of paper that simply doesn't translate into real protections or advantages.

Add in that DL's competitors are dramatically increasing their outsourcing in multiple areas of their companies and it is even harder to argue that they have something that DL employees want.
Weren't you supposed to stop participating in this union discussion, since you didn't have a dog in the hunt?...
my offer was and still is that I will leave the representation discussions to ACTIVE DL employees IF and only if all of the other non-DL employees also leave the discussion.

Since that has happened, I am still here and will continue to participate
eolesen said:
Weren't you supposed to stop participating in this union discussion, since you didn't have a dog in the hunt?...
Won't ever happen. He can't help himself.
WorldTraveler said:
except that DL employees, IN PRACTICE, have better real scope protection despite the fact that it isn't in the contract you seem to think provides security.
Um, no. it doesn't exist. Not "in practice," and not in a CBA.
Please give us a list of stations that DL above and below wing employees are in now vs 5 years ago...
It's the same 43 that were there at merger time. Now tell us how many were brought to the table as a direct result of the CBA at NW? How many ramps did DL bring to the party? When you're done listing those- it won't take long; it's a short list- tell us more about how many have been insourced since '08. With all the talk from West & Co. about it, surely there were some, right?

No one is going to be swayed by a piece of paper that simply doesn't translate into real protections or advantages.
Help me out here: Are you referring to the Rules of The Road, The Way We Fly, or the ever changing HRPM?
eolesen said:
Weren't you supposed to stop participating in this union discussion, since you didn't have a dog in the hunt?...
Kev3188 said:
Won't ever happen. He can't help himself.
How come the same hasn't been asked of 700? He doesn't work for DL, he is likely involved with the IAM at some capacity but representational matters at DL are of no consequence to him...

700UW said:
Neither do you, yet you lie and post misinformation at every turn.
So should we both agree to stay out of this topic?

I'm game if you are.

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