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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Get thee to a ready room ASAP. The mood is changing across the system. You need to get up to speed.
just one quick question... do I need a SIDA badge to access a ready room?

... and a comment....

I'm still not sure how you feel so unappreciated, Kev. I really don't.

The fact that DL hires professionals to help execute its business strategies strikes you as wrong because they would never do the same thing regarding legal issues, or procurement, or tax issues?

Again, Kev, you yourself noted the productivity of DL workers relative to their unionized peers. Does it not become apparent to you that DL's non-union status translates into a more efficient workforce that DL is not going to lose without a fight... and yet DL still could do nothing if the employees really voted against the company, now could they?
Just one quick question... do I need a SIDA badge to access a ready room?
You tell us...

Nobody has said anything about DL hiring professionals to execute it's legal/tax issues.

Nobody ever said DL would cede their autocracy w/o a fight.
WorldTraveler said:
no, PMNW ramp did better in terms of pay cuts simply because NW wiped out the entire maintenance division and received a huge percentage of the cuts they needed.

PMNW cut a higher percentage of jobs over the same period of time than DL - and because of AMFA, the payroll was larger because mechanics were and are above average compensated compared to other ground personnel.

Absolutely untrue!
Each group has an ask in Chapter 11, it didnt go down because of AMFA's strike.
Compare ramp to ramp, not ramp to mechanics.
PMDL lost more ramp jobs and stations than PMNW.
Those are the facts.
Do I need to have Kevin post it again and re-educate you so you stop posting falsehoods?
I've never disagreed that NW ramp did better than DL ramp in BK.

But as much as you want to believe otherwise, the total "ask" at NW was heavily satisfied by the shutdown of maintenance ops.

GO back and read what NW said it got in labor cost cuts and then see how much of NW's labor costs came from maintenance.

AMFA saved the backside of a lot of their peers at NW.

There is simply no denying that.
700UW said:
Do you not understand the concept of the "ask"?
I got a good laugh at Roach's reaction to AMFA wanting NW to increase their ask of the IAM. What a novel concept-a union looking out for their members. They can cover themselves up with "solidarity" but the more concessions the IAM gave, fewer concessions would have been needed from AFMFA. He also gets really upset when Delle referred to him as "unskilled".


southwind said:
Why didn't you fight for the mechanics st NW?
Because the IAM was bitter towards AMFA because AMFA took expendable IAM duespayers. It's all a business and all they care about is maximizing dues.

southwind said:
Why didn't you fight for the mechanics st NW?
I wasnt an AMFA member nor a NW employee and there were no AMFA represented employees at NW in CLT, when they went on strike.
Why didnt you?
They had a large base of mechanics in ATL.
I bet you ran over to fix NW planes when needed too.
737823 said:
Because the IAM was bitter towards AMFA because AMFA took expendable IAM duespayers. It's all a business and all they care about is maximizing dues.

So now you are labor expert too and know the inner workings of the IAM and everything in regards to the Airline Business and labor unions.
700UW said:
So now you are labor expert too and know the inner workings of the IAM and everything in regards to the Airline Business and labor unions.
Prove it's untrue. I challenge you.

Prove it's true, you made the statement, now back it up with facts.
Jesus Josh... You gonna take a white glove off and smite him too?

At any rate,

You missed the most important part of that equation; the enmity was at the PDGC level (and above). The feelings of the rank and file were much different. If you want to tell that story, it's an important distinction to make...
Kev3188 said:
Jesus Josh... You gonna take a white glove off and smite him too?

At any rate,

You missed the most important part of that equation; the enmity was at the PDGC level (and above). The feelings of the rank and file were much different. If you want to tell that story, it's an important distinction to make...
I agree with you and that speaks to my point that the leaders are out of step with their members and are working to maximize dues not what is best for the people they represent. But wasn't Roach the one who said "IAM members will not be duped into standing with AMFA"?

You have said before you are no fan of Roach, Buffy, or Delaney for that matter. I know you and other IAM members supported the AMTs and that was the right thing to do.

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