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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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except that the job security you promise hasn't secured a higher percentage of maintenance jobs throughout the maintenance operation.

The IAM negotiated a subset while the company beat the IAM at the total pie.

And then look at what UA is doing to its IAM protected (yeah right) ramp workers.

You can't stand dealing with the reality that the IAM hasn't been able to provide any meaningful protection, esp. when compared to DL employees who supposed don't have any but aren't facing the same degree of outsourcing and/or cuts

well done, IAM and their snake oil salesman.

well done, DL employees for seeing thru the smoke.
It took two chapter 11 filings and a CBA abrogation for US to have the right to outsource.
In the 2008 Transition Agreement the IAM negotiated a 50% increase in scope language.
And those ramp workers at UA have a clear defined process of what happens if their job is cut, does DL?
we understand what C22 did to US employees - not unlike what it did to CO before them.

Yet, employees aren't interested in hearing a recap of history as excuses as to why US hasn't moved forward or is moving at a much slower pace than other carriers. If anything, it is precisely because US employees are so low paid on average compared to their other legacy peers that it should be easier for the unions to get the pay increases moving - US' revenues have certainly moved up quite nicely.

The expectation has always been that US would be forced to raise rates at some point.

It is precisely because of the merger that US employees will begin to see pay increases and no one on here has ever said that we don't want to see US employees gain those increases. We have said, however, that there will be an impact to new AA's finances by pulling up that many workers to higher pay scales at the same time that AA's headcount is much higher than other carriers when size is equally compared.

Further, if the merger is what is resulting in the dramatic pay increases and finally close to equity with the rest of the industry, then the IAM and other unions can't claim credit for making it happen.

Parker made it happen because he wanted the merger bad enough that he made the numbers work (or convinced the creditors that he could make them work) to give pay raises to a lot of people in order to get AA's hand.

We are happy to see increased job protections and pay raises but let's be clear that it was the merger that drove most of those increases, not any great successes at the bargaining table by US' unions.
700UW said:
Job Security and a Union CBA.
How many planes does DL outsource for overhaul and mods.
Survey says:
All of them.
How many more mechanics would DL need if they actually overhauled and modified their own fleet instead of flying planes to Asia, to get overhauled or mods done?
DL even ferries their 777s to Europe to get the interior sprayed with bug spray.
thats a wasted flight,   not to mention an A330 to SIN to get interior mods done   what a waste of plane to ferry such a long haul distance
except that the spraying can't be done on US soil.

UA apparently does theirs in SYD by changing the ground time on a few flights... I'm not sure why DL does it.

BTW, I was just on a foreign airline on which the FAs came thru the cabin spraying it before departure from Europe heading to Asia.

Lots of people put up with having the A/C turned off and FAs walking down the aisles with aerosol spraying all over people's heads but I continue to find the practice completely inhumane. Thankfully I was on the window so fared better than other people.

BTW, AA is sending a lot of its widebody heavy maintenance to China now.
Has 700 "EVER" worked for DL? Because he sure seems to be leading the charge!
Bump! Why is everyone tag-teaming against WT, simply because he "WORKED" at DL and not a peep concerning 700, who has absolutly no ties to DL.............maybe he's just saying what you want to hear!
Kev3188 said:
You get out to Camp Creek the other day & help the guys do leafletting?
Leafleting in a parking lot? Isn't Camp Creek the airport Marriott along the tram line?

WorldTraveler said:
I'm DELIGHTED that you want to know these kinds of numbers. They are available from the MIT airline data project site here which I have repeatedly noted.


the answers you want are in the Employee Data and Analysis tab for each of the carriers.... I am just including the big 5 here

There are details by workgroup which I'm sure will be of interest to you but I am not going to transcribe all of that data here.

There are also multiple years worth of data including for CO and NW which no longer exist so you can indeed compare what NW was at the time of the merger to what DL was then and is now.

AA ASMS/employee (total) 2,365,000, revenue/employee 290,000

DL 2,559,000 and 311,000

WN 2,833,000 and 341,000

UA 2,458,000 and 293,000

US 2,375,000 and 283,000

This type of fact-based discussion is exactly what I enjoy having here, Kev, and I am more than happy to help walk thru the sea of data that is on those pages with you or anyone else.
I know where to find them, and what they represent. Airlinefinancials is a good one as well (and will be updated by 4/14).

I can't help but notice how much rhetoric comes from the keyboard of someone who claims to enjoy "fact based discussions." Why is that?

At any rate, here are some facts:

As you've shown, DL employees are extremely productive. We are not "cost centers." We are revenue generators. We are also professionals whose performance merits the respect that comes with collective bargaining- not the free-for-all that ACS & IFS live with now.

This company talks a good game about standing shoulder to shoulder with the workforce. Reality is something quite different.

The people advocating for change are not some 3rd "interlopers." They are active/actual DL employees who want a say in the direction of their career. Contrary to what's been posted, there are currently NO non-contract equivalents in place on the DL property.

This company asked for-and received- "a chance." They've blown it.

That revenue trend you noted? Who do you think keeps this enterprise on an upward trend? Not just the pilots & DX'ers...

Fairness. Agency. Possibility. That's what we're working toward. You (or anyone) wants to argue against that, go right ahead.

Kev from your perspective is the fact that DL is performing well financially an impetus for employees to organize and (hopefully) realize gains through the collective bargaining process that DL otherwise wouldn't provide?

That's certainly part of it, I suppose. But from what I'm seeing, it's more an issue of them not even trying to follow their core values any more.
thank you for your response.

I'm not sure why any Delta employee would not believe they are not part of DL's success. I'm really curious how you think that DL could show more gratitude to you for your contribution or why you don't feel that they are doing enough to acknowledge your contribution. What core values is DL not following that they followed before and are you really sure that other people don't view things differently - and more favorably?

I have long said that DL's turnaround is driven by their ability to generate revenues - and it starts from flying to the right places at the right times - a relatively few people decide that - but the execution at DL has been far ahead of other carriers for several years. I understand that every airline has its merger issues to work out - the Airline Quality report reminded us again of the challenges - but DL is going well beyond where other airlines have operated regarding reliability. And DL people do make an enormous difference.
I just submitted a letter of commendation for a DL employee who went way beyond even the DL standard.

I know that you and your peers do what you do very well - and it does show

as for who is speaking, I have never doubted that there are active DL employees who are involved in the representation process. My beef comes from the need for non-DL employees including those who have no interest in DL at all to inject themselves into the discussion when DL employees keep the conversation among themselves.

I have repeatedly said that if DL employees organize on their own, that is ok with me. But given that DL people have consistently said at the ballot box that they don't want more unions, I have to ask where the disconnect is between what you and the minority see.

your question belies the reality that DL employees ARE enjoying more of the fruits of DL's success that any airline has been able to provide in a similarly positive turnaround - even when rescaled since what DL has done is unprecedented in the industry... remember DL has now become the world's most profitable airline.
WorldTraveler said:
I'm not sure why any Delta employee would not believe they are not part of DL's success. I'm really curious how you think that DL could show more gratitude to you for your contribution or why you don't feel that they are doing enough to acknowledge your contribution.
It's not a "gratitude" issue. It's one of respect.

What core values is DL not following that they followed before and are you really sure that other people don't view things differently - and more favorably?
The torrent of cards and feedback tells a different story.

as for who is speaking, I have never doubted that there are active DL employees who are involved in the representation process. My beef comes from the need for non-DL employees including those who have no interest in DL at all to inject themselves into the discussion when DL employees keep the conversation among themselves.
Then you should immediately express that contempt with your former employer; they're paying millions to outside firms to do just that...
I have repeatedly said that if DL employees organize on their own, that is ok with me. But given that DL people have consistently said at the ballot box that they don't want more unions, I have to ask where the disconnect is between what you and the minority see.
I have to ask why you keep looking backwards. The last vote was awhile ago, and the landscape's quite different than it was before.

Get thee to a ready room ASAP. The mood is changing across the system. You need to get up to speed.
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