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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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speaking of non delta interference  you must also include yourself since you have not been with delta in yrs.  
Hey Kev,  I see you are doing what I did.  Great job, it does work you know.  And he doesn't have a clue.  He never saw it from me, he just kept rolling with it like a puppet on strings, and now look at the results.  Keep it up Kev, fun to watch at sideline for a change...
you go right ahead and take the bench.... I'm still playing.

let's get one thing perfectly clear.

I absolutely have a vested interested in the future of Delta Air Lines. I invested the better part of 3 decades of my life there and I can trace significant and major contributions that I personally made that have positioned DL where it is today.

I **still** have access to the same facilities I had access to when I left DL, valuable benefits that I regularly use, and a very real financial interest in DL's future.

Let's also be very, very clear that you, 700, and the rest of you that never were issued a DL ID have absolutely no personal interest in the future of Delta Air Lines.

I will defer to active Delta employees regarding a vote but I will NEVER yield the floor to you, 700, or anyone else that want to inject themselves into discussions about the future of Delta Air Lines with the expectation that I sit on the sidelines.

Am I absolutely perfectly clear?

Again, when you can tell us the success unions have done for you and your peers at US, then you might begin to have the right to tell DL employees why they should choose a union.

When you chose your username on this forum based on your continual experience of being shafted by US mgmt, then you opened yourself to being asked why you can't fix your own house but expect others to listen to what you have to say about theirs.

Add in the fact that the IAM endorsed a contract at UA which will be the most significant cut of jobs that any airline has made outside of BK and 700 and the IAM are in absolutely no position to be telling DL employees why they need a union - esp. the IAM.
LET ME BE PERFECTLY CLEAR to you...   there is NO WAY you have access to any of the facilities beyond security pal  if you do then it is a heck of a security violation.   Secondly  you come on every darn thread and turn it into pro delta which has been met with the appropiate responses..   so no you are and you will never ever be clear with me.   then you have the flippin balls to hammer me and others about our grammar and you think you are mr perfect    He!! flippin no way you are not perfect and neither is DL.   DL has their corkers just like any other airline   Why dont you pay SWAMT your bet and secondly  admit when your wrong when you been shown the facts    you twist your data to fit your narrative  plain n simple  now do i make myself clear to you
you have no clue what I or any other DL employee or retiree have and don't have.

You don't work for DL and never have.

I can accept fat fingers on a smartphone... I can't accept the same repeated grammatical errors which other people do from computers with keyboards.

I sent you an apology which you accepted... apparently it didn't mean much to you. Perhaps I should post it here so everyone can see.

swamt hasn't won the bet. DL still has access to DAL, hasn't pulled its flights from there, and the bet was whether WN would win the gates over DL. If WN doesn't win the extra gates, he doesn't win the bet regardless of what happens to DL - which will still be at DAL, BTW.

let me reiterate one more time... I will NEVER yield the floor to you or 700 or anyone else who has never had a DL ID and who has no financial interest in DL's future regarding a subject as important as labor representation.

If Kev wants to bring 10,000 active DL employees on here and you and 700 and every other non-active DL employee sit on the sidelines, I will too. But I will never sit quietly and allow you or any other non-DL employee to speak on a subject such as representation.
let me reiterate to you this  not many retired or former dl employees have access you allegedly have   i know this bec my dad is a retired dl employee/mgr after 33 yrs  
when you buy the boards  you make the rules
do not tell me or any other poster what to say or do
yes i did  but recently you nailed someone else for their grammar
also for representation  i hope the IAM does become the union reps for a good majoritiy of DL  bec we all know DL employees except the pilots sure as hell dont have any way of having voices concerned regardless of what YOU SAY
All retired DL employees have the same access I do; former non-retired, no. ... the fact that you don't seem to understand what is at stake shows why you have little understanding of how DL works.

I'm not telling you what you can or can't say. I'm telling you what **I** will write IF you write about certain subjects.

The IAM is tarnished and damaged goods. DL employees want nothing to do with a union that has as poor of a track record at DL's direct peers.

That is not to say that unions at DL couldn't ever work - but it surely won't be the IAM.

If Kev wants to discuss that aspect, I'll be happy to do so with an ACTIVE DL employee whose voice I respect on the subject.
swamt said:
Hey Kev,  I see you are doing what I did.  Great job, it does work you know.  And he doesn't have a clue.  He never saw it from me, he just kept rolling with it like a puppet on strings, and now look at the results.  Keep it up Kev, fun to watch at sideline for a change...
Says the 700 version of WN...
really????  ill tell you what WT,  let me ask my dad if he has access to galleys and break rooms like you? 
ummm  no he does not..  it would be a security violation alone.
you also DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUTURE IS for the IAM and DELTA    the only reason you dont want a union on DL property is bec you are VERY ANTI UNION  AND IT SHOWS
yeah, your dad does have access the same places I do. whether he goes there or not doesn't make it wrong for those who do.

I'll treat you to lunch - and 700 and Kev too - if the IAM EVER wins the right to represent a major DL employee group. How far is the nearest Ruth's Chris to you. Darn good steaks - and salads for those of a different mindset.
ill take you up on that offer if the IAM does become the bargaining unit   as for the Ruth's Chris Ill have to look and see.  
WorldTraveler said:
yeah, your dad does have access the same places I do. whether he goes there or not doesn't make it wrong for those who do.
Just awkward and not a little creepy.
I'll treat you to lunch - and 700 and Kev too - if the IAM EVER wins the right to represent a major DL employee group.
Pass. I'll be too busy working to build a better workplace.
How far is the nearest Ruth's Chris to you. Darn good steaks...

actually wt  my dad DOES NOT have the security privileges you claim you have...  and he is a retired STA MGR    
Kev I hear ya on that bro  I am pretty darn sure we dont have that restaurant here in md.
your dad has the same privileges as any other DL retiree whether he is aware of them or not.

You might also consider that there are tens of thousands of DL employees who do not have access to secure areas of the airport even as active employees. They do have access to many non-airport DL facilities and non-secure areas of the airport. You do realize that even the Delta Credit Union has a facility on Concourse A of Atlanta that is accessible to the general public?

there is nothing creepy about DL retirees accessing DL facilities where they are allowed to do so.

I respect your decision not to eat meat... but there is indeed a big difference between humans and animals. We don't have time to get into it here but there are people on this planet who believe there are gods in plants.

Let me ask you what unions represent any animal. I bet we could list hundreds of activities that humans do that animals don't and there is no comparable activity in the animal kingdom.

I love animals. Have one sitting at my feet as we speak but I will never view him as an equal to me in any way, shape, or form. It is my job to care for him and use him wisely just as I would expect anyone to do with anything we are given on this earth, including the coal buried in the earth which has been given to us for our own betterment. You do heat your house with fossil fuels don't you? you probably don't think about what you are burning.
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