700UW said:
Hey Kevin, Can you post the raises that ACS has gotten since June 29, 2012 including the lower percentage employees.
Sure. Sorry I missed it on my last pass through...
01. July.2012: 4% for TOS, and either 2 or 3% for every one else.
01. Jan. 2013: 5% for TOS, and 4% for everyone else (this one was the infamous give-to-get with the unilateral change to the PS formula).
01. Apr. 2014: 3% TOS and 2 % for everyone else.
These increases drive a wedge between TOS and employees and everyone else. The 9 year guy next to me isn't worth the increase I got? How is that fair? It's not, and that doesn't even touch on the injustice of the RR pay scale (or lack thereof)...
Meanwhile, every pilot will see an equal increase in base rates (percentage-wise), regardless of time with the company. Obviously book rates by type are a separate issue.
The other truth is that while the pilots will get fixed increases over the life of their CBA, there is nothing saying anyone else will get anything, let alone anything that's ultimately on par with 20%. If anyone can state
with certainty that ACS/IFS/etc. will, then we need to discuss tonight's lottery numbers.
...And yeah,
every one of these increases has involved a quid pro quo for the non-contract groups...