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except Kevin's wasn't terminated... it was frozen and it is as secure as any other corporate pension - which is also protected by the PBGC if DL ever defaults on it. The PMDL pilot pension was terminated and there is no going back to where DL's other pension participants are today.

Kev and other non-pilot personnel are the ones that have lost nothing.... they don't even have to follow the PBGC's rules as UA and US non-pilot personnel do because DL still has complete responsibility and administration for all DL/NW pensions except for the PMDL pilots.
Lost nothing? Really?
Frozen or not, it's absolutely still a missed expectation for thousands of people. You trying to diminish that can only be seen as a deliberate attempt at spite.
BTW, I'm still waiting for some examples of my being a "master of misinformation." You working on that?
life is full of missed expectations. I'm sure you've had a few too. Ask anyone who has lived a decade past birth about missed expectations. Welcome to the human race.

But that is far different from what is earned.

You, me, and every other non-pilot DL or NW employee have nothing to complain about in comparison to DL employees.

I'm in the same boat as you and Baba and other ACTIVE DL employees - but I am not even going to suggest that I have suffered anything close to what Meto and other PMDL pilots have endured.

If you can't see the 3 points I clearly laid out above, it is because you don't want to see them - which comes as no real surprise.

maybe Josh has found 700's vote pusher after all. you two do seem EXCEPTIONALLY protective of each other.
If you can't see the 3 points I clearly laid out above, it is because you don't want to see them - which comes as no real surprise.
I expect you to be able to explicitly back such an accusation up.
Again, which 3 points would those be, and how are they misinformation?
let me make it simple for you.

700 managed to find it

1. You refuse to acknowledge that DL's non-contract employees received multiple pay raises over the same period as the DL pilots received 20% and the pilots also allowed scores of new large RJs while DL's non-contract employees gave up no scope.
2. You refuse to acknowledge that pilots thruout the US industry took enormous financial hits because of BK terminations of their pensions when everyone even remotely connected to the industry knows they did.
3. You have repeatedly mischaracterized the pension benefits which DL employees - ACROSS THE BOARD - received, including that DL paid out more profit sharing than DL employees have ever received, and in fact higher than any US airline - and probably in the world has ever paid out.
hurry back, Meto.
No I saw that post- that was you speaking to another board user (700UW).
You then referred to me as a "master of misinformation."
So, again,  where are the examples?
Hurry back.
I'm sorry if you thought I was directing it you. It's directed to 700 which is probably why he responded to it.

you may be idealistic but you are accurate with what you write. I rarely have qualms with the data you present.
You and 700 are horses of totally different breeds.

I prefer to deal with "your breed of horse"
Hey Kevin,

Can you post the raises that ACS has gotten since June 29, 2012 including the lower percentage employees.
WT admits not liking to quarrel with 700 cuz 700 has proven him wrong just like I have.  WT keep posting you keep looking better and better as you keep going on and on and on...
you and 700 have proven nothing.

the reason why I enjoy debating Kev is because he has a solid head on his shoulder. I may not agree with his goals and assumptions but he is intelligent and "fights" fairly.

you should be so lucky to have what Kev has
neither have you wt    you said that dl would file legal challenges from the nov merger   guess what  they have not   you keep changing your tunes    wonder why that is
No I have said that DL COULD file legal action IF it cannot remain at DAL but that will not happen until all other options are exhausted

Given that even E agrees that DL will likely be accommodated for its existing flights then it makes it all the more possible that DL will be able to push to add more flights

Meanwhile DL's expanded DAL schedule is still for sale
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