How nice of you to talk about yourself.
Maybe OM needs to know the real you.
feel free to share whatever you want.... as long as you don't mind me showing up on your doorstep.
It's either all on the board or none of it is.
You have misrepresented not one but 3 major issues in the hope of trying to convince people that the IAM is viable alternative to what DL employees have now.
1. You refuse to acknowledge that DL's non-contract employees received multiple pay raises over the same period as the DL pilots received 20% and the pilots also allowed scores of new large RJs while DL's non-contract employees gave up no scope.
2. You refuse to acknowledge that pilots thruout the US industry took enormous financial hits because of BK terminations of their pensions when everyone even remotely connected to the industry knows they did.
3. You have repeatedly mischaracterized the pension benefits which DL employees - ACROSS THE BOARD - received, including that DL paid out more profit sharing than DL employees have ever received, and in fact higher than any US airline - and probably in the world has ever paid out.
feel free to call it what you want but for you to call other people liars and then misrepresent - deceive, lie - about so many very obvious facts should result in you being classified as short on gray cells or else of very low character.
Either way you are (you're) classified, there is no way you can claim to be both honest and intelligent and write what you have written on here this afternoon.
if it hurts your feelings to have people confront you about such things, then my suggestion is for you to stop writing what you are writing instead of trying to go running to someone who you can also deceive (lie to) in hopes of winning them over.