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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Good for you. No one's saying you weren't. Obviously you're not there now, which I assume is why you yourself stated that "WT won't be voting."

That's a fairly obvious truth, and other than your gauche use of 3rd person tense, I can't imagine why I would "complain" about such a statement. Same goes for this statement:

Again, Kev can complain all he wants about my participation in the DL representation election..
and the point remains that neither will most of the other people on this forum who interject themselves into DL labor discussions.

I have long been willing to let DL people decide their own future. But I am not going to sit on the sidelines if the discussion is taken over by outside labor interests and by people who themselves have never been DL employees.

The discussion is yours to lead and control, Kevin. it is up to YOU to decide whether you want to speak for yourself and tell everyone to butt out or whether the conversation here will be controlled by many outside voices.

You are a smart guy, Kevin. Very articulate and very passionate. Take control of the conversation but take it back completely.
The Pilots got over a 13% raise, which in turn increased their profits sharing since June 29, 2012.
No other group at DL got that kind of increase, spin it however you want, those are facts, by the end of this year the pilots will have seen a 20% increase in pay, no one else at DL got that, now did they?
that's soo true     sad to see that WT cant seem to understand that.   kev that's a great flyer too bro 
WorldTraveler said:
and the point remains that neither will most of the other people on this forum who interject themselves into DL labor discussions.

You are a smart guy, Kevin. Very articulate and very passionate. Take control of the conversation but take it back completely.
No thanks. I have zero desire to "control" a discussion on here; that's your bailiwick...
700UW said:
The Pilots got over a 13% raise, which in turn increased their profits sharing since June 29, 2012.
No other group at DL got that kind of increase, spin it however you want, those are facts, by the end of this year the pilots will have seen a 20% increase in pay, no one else at DL got that, now did they?

As WT notes, the same percentage of income is correct. What he conveneiently leaves out is the raise(s) the pilot group negotiated---> larger gross income--> larger profit sharing check.

You can make the argument that they're already the highest paid scale group, and therefore would by default receive the largest payouts. In tandem, you could also argue for equal distribution across all ~80k employes, which would mean a MUCH larger payout for almost everyone.

But in the end, the point remains: you get what you negotiate. It's never more clear than right here. The percentage increase(s) of base rates for the pilot group is far larger than what any other group has-or will- receive over the same time frame.

They have a voice. ACS and IFS do not.
first of all, Kev, thank you SO MUCH for your constant attention to good grammar and spelling. Your cause is greatly aided by having a literate and articulate spokesman.

As to the question of profit sharing, I admire your sense of equality but I can absolutely assure you that the pilots of ANY airline are not going to accept an equal dollar profit sharing distribution as much as you or anyone else thinks that is what they should do.

Since profit sharing is a type of performance based competition and performance based competition is usually tied to one's individual salary, you will have a very hard time convincing the majority of the world that profit sharing should be equally distributed on a dollar basis.

Perhaps you can give us some examples of companies that do that across widely differently paid employees.

If you are happy to let any non-active DL employee talk on the subject of representation, then you shouldn't be surprised if you get any non-active DL employee, not just the ones you want to participate in the conversation.

BTW, DL's non-contract employees just received a pay raise that equated to the same percentage the pilots gained, did they not?
WorldTraveler said:
first of all, Kev, thank you SO MUCH for your constant attention to good grammar and spelling. Your cause is greatly aided by having a literate and articulate spokesman.
And this has what to do with the topic?
This isnt an English class, people make mistakes, just as I have pointed out the ones you have made in the past.

Get over it.

Pompous donkey.
Another lame back handed attempt for you to insult others.
Glass house.
700 why do you always misuse "all ready" for already when you have been shown to be wrong repeatedly but refuse to educate yourself? Are you that obtuse?

737823 said:
700 why do you always misuse "all ready" for already when you have been shown to be wrong repeatedly but refuse to educate yourself? Are you that obtuse?

Why do you constantly lie and post misinformation?
Our pay is in comparison to other pilots not to historical payscales. If that were the case then I am still not equal to what I was payed before 911. Not taking inflation but just in dollars. We are the only group that lost our retirement (thank You union) and the pay in part is to make up for that. But since we can not be treated un equally (thanks alpa) NWA pilots not only get thier retirement but get all the benefits that are in the present contract. . Equals windfall for them.Take flying lessons we are hiring or go into management if you want to compare pay rates. Otherwise compare your pay to the people across the ramp that are doing the same job.
737823 said:

You refuse to educate yourself even after you are shown to be wrong.

TWA and AA integration.
And a host of other things the list is so long.
So who is systematically voting up your posts? You jumped all over WT for creating the spectator alias, someone is making a deliberate effort to elevate your negative score who would that be?

And when will you stop misusing already VS all ready?

You are off topic again.
It isnt about me, ever realize that I purposely do things certain times as thats all you guys can focus on.
I have over 25,000 posts, this is the only screen name I have.
So why do you post misinformation and lies all the time?
And you had a very negative score before and you are in the green now, who voted you up?
And thanks for the negative votes on this thread, I will make sure to give you a few now.
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