Yes. The IAM, under the Canale regime, agreed to ready reserve in the 2008 non bankruptcy agreement. No vacation, no holidays, no pension, no health care, not subject to the 'hours of service' article, nothing. Not included in part time counts. Can be up to 10% of the workforce. Oddly, the IAM tells the Delta workers to sign an IAM card to dump ready reserve, yet the IAM supported ready reserve in several of its non bankrupt contracts. Years ago, before the internet, a union could tell one group one thing, then say something else to another group. Sorta how the IAM told the United members that if it rejected the monumental agreement that such a rejection would force congress to hammer the members, but at US AIRWAYS, it tells 10,000 members "We striking" and has steadfastly refused to negotiate a section 6 first bite contract as it opted instead to negotiate a comprehensive contract. The risk to doing this was seen at United where the failed strategy ended up goose-egging the United members prior to joint talks with $0, then, as a partial result of not getting the first bite, the IAM mindlessly gave up and just told the members if they don't ratify a TA then congress will deliver 'great pain' to them.