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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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There you go again.

Can you ever stay on topic?

You claimed IAM activists staff the lounge, you are wrong, and yet you just try to throw a dig out.

The tables are staffed by Delta Flight Attendants, not IAM staff.
700UW said:
There you go again. Can you ever stay on topic? You claimed IAM activists staff the lounge, you are wrong, and yet you just try to throw a dig out. The tables are staffed by Delta Flight Attendants, not IAM staff.
Who supplies the coffee, donuts, and literature?

737823 said:
Who supplies the coffee, donuts, and literature?Josh
Who feeds you all the anti union rhetoric?

Once again, you and 700 personally attacking each other will turn a worthwhile discussion into the same inane crap all threads do when you go at each other.

Haven't you both said all that can be said about each other at this point? Stop repeating on each. And. Every. Thread.
You can't seem to grasp that DL pilots got the EXACT same percentage of their salary in profit sharing as other employees.
Full stop. Period. End of discussion

To argue pilots got proportionately any more demonstrates either a lack of understanding of math or it is a lie. there are no other ways to see it.
Rampers or FAs or any other worker don't deserve to get an equal dollar amount of profit sharing as pilots unless THEIR SHARE OF THE TOTAL PAYROLL OF THE COMPANY IS THE SAME as a pilot

If you or Kev or anyone else believes otherwise you are out of touch with reality and will live a very frustrated life because you won't get what you want
And there is very wide difference between the profit sharing that any two pilots rec'd between a 747 or 777 captain and a new FO

Period full stop

Josh's question is valid. Who provides the donuts? If it is anyone other than DL FAs it isn't entirely a grassroots effort.
I know the answer so quit trying to claim that DL.employees provide anything other than their time
The only reason the IAM isn't in the lounges is because lounges are normally restricted access areas.

Post the payment receipt and the appropriate credit card for the tex mex gig if you want to argue the IAM hasn't bankrolled this "grass roots" effort
doughnuts has nothing to do with this topic.    no youre the one who is not in reality as you have not been with delta in yrs
when you buy the boards  you make the rules    plain n simple  end of discussion
as for the percentage  thats pure bologny   and you know it    the pilots are getting nearly 20% profit sharing thru the beginning of the summer   what part do you not understand..
you know the answer to everything   but when people like kev 700 or anyone challenge you  you change the tunes
who pays for the donuts and literature absolutely does matter.  It is not a grassroots effort in its entirety if any outside group provides any help, including funding.   I know full well that DL FAs didn't pay for the literature, donuts, etc.
I don't have to work at any company to understand the concept of percentages... profit sharing is divided IN THE SAME PERCENTAGE as one's part of the total payroll.
Pilots didn't get 20% profit sharing.  Full stop.  You are simply arguing with incorrect data. 
700 or the IAM didn't say that the pilots got 20% profit sharing.  GO read again what they are claiming. 
I know the facts... and I am not afraid to argue them.
Pilots got over 13% raise which in turn increased their profit sharing by $17 million.
WorldTraveler said:
You can't seem to grasp that DL pilots got the EXACT same percentage of their salary in profit sharing as other employees.
Who's arguing that? Everybody got a PS check ~ equal to 8.2% of their income. But to conveniently omit the fact that a higher income obviously means a higher payout is disingenuous at best.

Rampers or FAs or any other worker don't deserve to get an equal dollar amount of profit sharing as pilots...
...And there you have it.

According to WT, building/creating value is a matter of some people being more equal than others.

Josh's question is valid. Who provides the donuts? If it is anyone other than DL FAs it isn't entirely a grassroots effort.
I know the answer so quit trying to claim that DL.
You tell us, then.

The only reason the IAM isn't in the lounges is because lounges are normally restricted access areas.
...So active employees' access may be restricted, but a retiree can flit in & out at will? Ok, then...

WorldTraveler said:
who pays for the donuts and literature absolutely does matter.  It is not a grassroots effort in its entirety if any outside group provides any help, including funding.   I know full well that DL FAs didn't pay for the literature, donuts, etc.
I know the facts... and I am not afraid to argue them.
Not always right, but never in doubt. Good for you.
700UW said:
Pilots got over 13% raise which in turn increased their profit sharing by $17 million.
full stop dead wrong.
DL pilots have not received a 13% raise. 
and Kevin, your 8.2% of your salary is proportionate to what your salary is for every other purpose.
I truly am dumbfounded that you are arguing that you should get a higher profit sharing percentage than another group in order to have a similar dollar amount.
If you truly believe you will get it, I can't help you and I'm not sure that anyone else can either.
Do you think you should get the same paycheck as a pilot or topped out mechanic other than during profit sharing payouts?
I will tell you won't get it... not at DL and not with any other company.
DL FAs are not buying the donuts out of their own pockets.    The IAM is bankrolling this supposed grassroots effort. 
Yes they have since 2012 till the end of this year they would have received 20% raise, how many times do I have to remind you, when I get home I will repost it again.

...And I'm dumbfounded by your selective comprehension. No one's arguing for a higher percentage for one group over another. I said equal distribution was my preferred method. That it would also happen to mean higher net PS payouts for most scale employees is all the better.

Still waiting for proof of your "bankrolling" accusations. Surely you have some, and aren't merely attempting to deceive?
WorldTraveler said:
I know full well that DL FAs didn't pay for the literature, donuts, etc.
You know no such thing. You are a common liar if you cannot back it up right now, full stop.

When we did the AMFA grass roots drive, we sold T-Shirts, stickers, patches, etc., to pay for each and every function. We used restaurants, local VFW halls, and people's houses and businesses to gather. In fact, we all pitched in to have hundreds of T-Shirts made then sold them to fund future activities. You seem to not be able to comprehend that people will actually volunteer their own time and money to do things for the betterment of all.

I can understand why with the content of your posts/character.

Refreshments at our functions, if any, were always provided by the volunteers of our drive. Most were homemade or were purchased with funds from the proceeds from the sales referenced above.

The literature was produced by us and printed at our local Kinko's using funds from the AMFA stuff sold.

In today's world, printing literature is very inexpensive. I could produce those brochures and flyers on my MAC and color printer for very little money.

Who pays for your video production and South American jaunts?
WorldTraveler said:
full stop dead wrong.
DL pilots have not received a 13% raise. 
Here you go mr dishonesty.
June 29, 2012
The nearly 11,000 pilots will receive a 4% pay increase on this week, another increase of 8.5% in January and then two annual increases of 3%, according to an earlier union bulletin that explained the terms of the deal reached May 15. By the end of 2014, pay rates will be nearly 20% higher than they are today, ALPA said in that bulletin. A 737 captain who earned $153 an hour in 2008, the year Delta and Northwest Airlines merged, will be paid $217 an hour effective in January 2015.
So DALPA and WSJ are lying and you are correct?
I am so relieved to know that you are only HOPING for an equal PS check as pilots but do know the difference.  Man am I relieved.
while you are working on that list, why don't know you post the raises that non-contract employees got over the same period.  The DL pilots received that increase over several years - and DL's other employees received raises of the same amount or higher in every year EXCEPT for the first one - in which the pilots agreed to scope concessions and productivity improvements. 
Tell us what other DL employees offered the same concessions and improvements?  I'm not expecting you will since you haven't yet.... DL rampers and ACS and even maintenance at times work on DCI flights while DL pilots never work DCI equipment.
DL FAs are being hired by the hundreds just for mainline equipment. 
dispense with the pilot envy.
You look incredibly juvenile, nobody in their right mind believes they will ever get pilot salaries if they aren't a pilot, and  you just prove how out of touch the IAM and union movement is to be pushing that agenda.
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