robbedagain said:
josh the iam may suck but gotta tell you go ask the aa folks about the TWU and how about UPS with most part timers under the ibt talk about suck those 2 unions have worse contracts than the iam
first, UPS' work is highly concentrated at certain times of the day. Part-time work at UPS makes a whole lot of sense. BTW, UPS is unionized, isn't it. If TWU contracts are worse than the IAM - and both AA and UA ramp was taken to the cleaners in the last contract - it argues even more why DL people shouldn't expect their peer airlines to provide any lift if DL ever was unionized.
metopower said:
To answer you question you are right on all counts. ALPA was too smart to save the retirement. They were too forward looking and believed that the group would come out better if they took stock and the pbgc .they were wrong and it cost me about 1/2 of my final earnings. But you will never convince them of that. But other airlines learned from what dalpa did and we're able to protect their retirements much better.
thank you for sharing that and I am truly sorry for what you have suffered financially
There is no ground worker or FA at any US airline that suffered the financial damage as pilots have who had their pensions terminated.
And it still doesn't change that DL pilots pulled off the most flawless merger between DL and NW pilots of any of the big 4 mergers and probably of all time for airlines of that size.
The cooperative engagement of DL pilots with the company has contributed mightily to DL's post merger success.
Hard to argue that WN's unions are paid so well because they have done the same thing with their mgmt but DL pilots should not be.
robbedagain said:
so if companies cannot give to their employees what they don't have then may be the CEOs and the higher ups should not be at all making anything close to what their making. companies such as delta PMUS are profitable not only bec of the fees but the ch 11 did turn them around
if the companies don't have the money to give any employees pay increases, then mgmt shouldn't be taking them either.
But that isn't the same thing as arguing that all labor groups should get the same level of increases. That mindset is from socialism, not from free market capitalism.
737823 said:
Ready Reserves do get pay increases, there may not be steps on the pay scale but a raise is a raise. They get NRSA privileges on DL (that's a benefit), opportunity to bid for other opportunities. Roach secretly likes RR because it's more heads to collect dues from.
thank you... and lower seniority employees disproportionately use their pass benefits precisely because many know they are working for an airline long enough to work their way thru college and see the world and then leave. There are few RRs that enter with the expectation of making it a career. Some, but not many. Most have insurance via other means and they don't get vacation because they can work as much or as little as they want, depending on the airline's needs.
BTW, RRs do get to vote in unionization elections, IIRC.