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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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I know where the data came from = but you have no idea what AVERAGES represent and why the data says what it does.

And you REFUSE to explain why US FAs are moving backward or why AS FAs are at the bottom of the list.

Not surprising from a low information pôster such as you who represents a low information union like the IAM
The data is quite clear, its states average salaries, last time I checked Profit Sharing is not a salary.
US has been hiring and just signed a new CBA what gave them raises, something I all ready posted and yet you fail to comprehend that fact, oh wait, it doesnt fit your agenda so you dont use it.
And once again you insult when you cant make your point using facts. 
Jesus would be so proud of you.
The Association of Flight Attendants said their members are in line for more than $45 million in annual improvements, through higher pay rates and improved sick time and other benefits. The attendants will receive $1,700 signing bonuses and the new contract will offer a voluntary severance package valued at $40,000 for attendants with at least 15 years of seniority.
So if US FAs raised their salary, how come the averages are GOING DOWN? You posted the data, can you not read it?

You can't admit that the AVERAGE includes lots of new hire FAs who make low wages and pull down the averages.

That's ok... I wóuldn't expect low information and low processing capability posters to get it but the rest do.

DL's AVERAGES like AS and US are lower than the AVERAGE of all carriers because DL, AS, and US are growing while the ABOVE AVERAGE carriers are not.
WorldTraveler said:
my attempts (successful) at showing the truth is what you should see....
All I see is a continued attempt at controlling the narrative with occasional fits of pique thrown in for good measure.

Sure, you can point out the additional costs that DL employees pay for insurance and medical. DL itself tells you its goal for what percentage of medical cost sharing between employer and employee that DL uses. Every company has a percentage that it uses and DL's average for health care cost sharing is comparable to US industry, not US airlines.
Know what's interesting? When it comes to salary statements, guess what DL uses? Industry standard. You know, averages. For the industry. Know what they don't use? Variable compensation.

You can't rail against the IAM for using them, then turn around and use the same method to bolster your own argument.
700  I think its sooo funny that wt is terrified.. no wait...  petrified that delta could become unionize      thinks its time for him to go preach in brazil 
absolutely incorrect, Kev.

DL most certainly includes profit sharing and incentive pay in its salary comparisons.

DL looks at the total salary.

And again there are employees like you that don't even have DL insurance. Deductions are specific to each employee.
WorldTraveler said:
So if US FAs raised their salary, how come the averages are GOING DOWN? You posted the data, can you not read it?

You can't admit that the AVERAGE includes lots of new hire FAs who make low wages and pull down the averages.

That's ok... I wóuldn't expect low information and low processing capability posters to get it but the rest do.

DL's AVERAGES like AS and US are lower than the AVERAGE of all carriers because DL, AS, and US are growing while the ABOVE AVERAGE carriers are not.
Learn to read the data was from 2012, the new CBA was ratified in 2013.
Your desperation is showing, must suck to be in fear like you.
so US FAs were going down even before then? Are you truly that dense?

I'm not desperate. I am simply dumbfounded that someone that tries as hard as you do to convince DL employees why they need a union can't understand basic data.

No wonder you are DL mgmt's best case for why a union is a REALLY bad idea for DL employees.

You have absolutely no clue about the data that you throw out thinking you can convince a few low information DL employees, as they are sometimes called.
There pay was stagnant under the previous CBA, only raises issued were for those who werent topped out.
Too hard to comprehend?
Its not ticket revenue so I dont expect you to know about labor contracts, lol!
no, the data you posted that US FAs were seeing their average salaries REDUCED, not remain stagnant.

Can you explain how that happened or would you like to admit that stagnant pay COMBINED with GROWTH will push the averages DOWN?
Hiring new employees and no raises for topped out employees since the majority of all the FAs were topped out, only new hires got raises and by hiring new hires it brings that average down.
Too hard for you to figure out?
It took eight years to get a JCBA from US and they voted down two previous tentative agreements.
and it took you how many pages to admit that is what I said in the first place. The reason why DL FAs did better than their peers at US on relative terms is because DL employees DID see salary increases.

Thank you for acknowledging what I said from the beginning.
WorldTraveler said:
absolutely incorrect, Kev.
Um, no. Absolutely correct.

They use/post base rates of TOS employees to arrive at "industry standard." They then conveniently deduct average union dues at the applicable carriers.
And again there are employees like you that don't even have DL insurance.
True. I wasn't willing to pay more & more for less & less. As a self-insured company, I'm sure there were no tears shed by DL when I didn't renew my coverage. The truth is, for about the same price as the Gold OOA plan, I have exponentially better coverage across the board. IOW, I am living proof that your theory of DL simply mirroring the marketplace is not entirely true.

As for peer carriers & employee costs, I was using equivalent plans and assuming equivalent coverage (in this case, family). I had assumed you would've grasped that. My mistake. I'll be sure to be more literate going forward.
and then they include profit sharing. because it is part of total compensation.

There are alot of companies that offer better coverage than others... I'm glad you found a solution that Works.

And guess what? Your take home pay went up and your total health care costs went down.

DL DOES provide coverage comparable to what American industry provides but that doesn't mean that you can't find a better deal elsewhere.

I know a number of people who have or have had health care coverage thru state insurance plans that is far better than private sector employers because the government is larger and can negotiate better deals.

But DL's coverage still is AVERAGE compared to American industry.

There are a whole lot of reasons why an employer would want to provide above average compensation in áreas besides health care but only average health care coverage.
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