WorldTraveler said:
except they are bold faced lies, which is exactly what we would except from a union that is trying DESPERATELY and without repeated success to unionize DL employees.
And we would expect only the sheep to believe such info.
Okay, let's unpack these "bold faced lies" a little, then.
specifically in either flyer is a lie, and what is the true number/fact/etc.?
DL's non-pilot personnel had the same percentages of profit sharing before and after the changes.
Sure did. Can you show us where that was otherwise stated? I don't see any mention of that. What I
do see are points raised about boosts in base rates and how that affected PS payout amounts.
To even try to argue that there is any difference between pilot and nonpilot personnel is something you could only believe while under the influence of something that is not likely to be legal in at least 48 states and maybe 50.
Well, you're arguing something that doesn't even exist. What does that say about
your consumption habits?
Glenn Quagmire said:
I would like to see the results of the "survey" that has been bandied about here. You know the one that Kev3188 supposedly had and "voted" for the profit sharing for pay scheme.
Me too. So would a
lot of actual DL employees...
WorldTraveler said:
the actual facts are that ALL, not one, not two, but ALL of DL's largest employee groups rejected unions in the representation elections post merger that SHOULD HAVE BEEN the easiest elections any union could have run... and yet they lost BADLY and not one vote has been scheduled since.
They all lost "badly?" Hmmm...
I can speak with pretty strong authority and facts to back it up in saying that DL employees don't want anything to do with unions. They HAVE spoken.
The cards that continue to stream in, the increase in counter messaging by the company, etc. all tell me people
ARE speaking.
WorldTraveler said:
BTS data, like any, can be sliced and diced any way you want.
I'll keep that in mind next time you present a set of stats as an unassailable truth.
As Josh might say, "saved for future use."
THe IAM has NEVER been willing to include the whole benefits package.
You're kidding, right?
WorldTraveler said:
the data is SELECTIVELY pulled.... ie base salary.
You want to label me as a self appointed spokesman...
No, I think you did that all on your own...
WorldTraveler said:
I'm not trying to REFUTE data...
Sure you are. What else can one call labeling something as "bold faced lies?"