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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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WorldTraveler said:
except they are bold faced lies, which is exactly what we would except from a union that is trying DESPERATELY and without repeated success to unionize DL employees.And we would expect only the sheep to believe such info.DL's non-pilot personnel had the same percentages of profit sharing before and after the changes. To even try to argue that there is any difference between pilot and nonpilot personnel is something you could only believe while under the influence of something that is not likely to be legal in at least 48 states and maybe 50.and of course the IAM CAN't STAND the thought of including profit sharing in their rankings....
You could refute those line by line WT with facts from actual employees or actual data.

It seems you have been out of sorts lately. Are you ok?

Too much of the holy water?
the actual facts are that ALL, not one, not two, but ALL of DL's largest employee groups rejected unions in the representation elections post merger that SHOULD HAVE BEEN the easiest elections any union could have run... and yet they lost BADLY and not one vote has been scheduled since.

I can speak with pretty strong authority and facts to back it up in saying that DL employees don't want anything to do with unions. They HAVE spoken.

My job on this forum is to speak the truth. If it makes people squirm, I'm succeeding.

Based on the responses on this forum.... I pull down A+s on a daily basis in making my points.
The info comes from the BTS, its the most reliable source, he cant prove it wrong.
WorldTraveler said:
I can speak with pretty strong authority and facts to back it up in saying that DL employees don't want anything to do with unions. They HAVE spoken.

My job on this forum is to speak the truth. If it makes people squirm, I'm succeeding.Your job on the forum?
Who pays you since its your job?
And who anointed you the truth?
And now you are speaking for Delta employees, something which your not.
So now you are self-proclaimed authority?
You are having delusion of grandeur.
And they are speaking again by having grassroots, you do know what means right?
Grassroots campaigns started by Delta Employees, something which I need to remind you once again you are not.
no, I am pointing out what DL employees have said. They spoke for themselves... you can't seem to accept that they really don't want anything to do with unions but that is exactly what they said.

BTS data, like any, can be sliced and diced any way you want. Your statistics don't include profit sharing because you don't want to admit that DL employees really do a whole lot better than just basic salaries.

THe IAM has NEVER been willing to include the whole benefits package.

DL employees know the truth and the want nothing to do with any more unions, and esp. not the IAM>
You are claiming its lies, then refute it.
You cant and your filled with rage and desperation, pathetic if you ask me.
They are signing cards,  they want a union, get use to it, and what has happened in the past doesnt matter, what is happening now is all that counts.
Go visit some breakrooms and galleys, lol.
If they want nothing to do with the IAM then why are they signing cards?
You are losing it, and I think its funny.
No the unions lost.
And you have lost your commission check for all those new union members.

DL people know what is best for them and it surely doesn't include the IAM.

I have lost nothing but thank you for your concern
bs wt    delta only pays to keep the unions out    im not concerned for you period  never was  never will!   unions have not lost   
WorldTraveler said:
No the unions lost.
And you have lost your commission check for all those new union members.

DL people know what is best for them and it surely doesn't include the IAM.

I have lost nothing but thank you for your concern
Commission check?
No such thing in a union, you are lying again.
Why are they signing card?
Funny you keep ignoring what is actually going on, oh wait, you cant cause you arent a DL employee, no breakroom or galley visits lately?
yeah, the unions have lost, robbed. The situation in the US airline industry is all DL employees need to see to keep them from choosing a union. They look at the rest of the industry and the only logical response is "I'm not touching that mess with a ten foot pole."

you can't accept that the data speaks for itself- votes by DL employees AGAINST the labor movement. You fool no one except for yourself.

DL employees know better.
You cant refute the data.
And you cant handle that there are two grassroots campaigns to unionize.
There you go again, being the self-anointed Deltoid spokesman.
the data is SELECTIVELY pulled.... ie base salary.

You want to label me as a self appointed spokesman but I am simply reporting what the DL employees have done - which is to consistently express that they DO NOT want any more unions. There have always been grassroots campaigns at DL - and that is fine with me and DL mgmt. But the real test comes at the time it is necessary to vote, and that is when the unionistas have been unable to convince enough DL employees to vote in unions.

those aren't my opinions... that is supported by decades of activity by DL employees.

when looking at the failure of unions to obtain anything that is better than what DL employees have, it isn't hard to see why.
Sure it is, you havent refuted one iota of data.
If they dont want unions then why are the delta flight attendants and ramp running a grassroots campaign and signing cards?
Keep trying to change the subject, but it wont work.
What has happened in the past doesnt mean a thing today.
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