IAM Stepping Up campaign

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and what does a workgroups share of OPERATING REVENUES have to do with what a labor group should get?

DL's revenues have increased because they are pursuing and winning over high quality passengers.

There is nothing except in the eyes of labor activists that says that increased revenues should be passed on to employees who should be paid because the company increases revenues.

And again, the IAM ALWAYS refuses to include profit sharing and operational performance awards - because if they did their story wouldn't be true.

DL employees get what it takes to run a profitable business that ensures a future for the company - and thus DL employees.

When the labor movement puts out twisted data like this that assumes that the company's increased revenues should be passed on to labor, they don't - and they won't get the support of anyone that is interested in a long-term future for the company.

The story the IAM is trying to present here is fundamentally flawed and based in the regulated era of aviation - which has come and gone by decades.

The reason the labor movement is dying in the airline industry - and fast - is because they continue to hold onto ridiculously absurd assumptions such as are presented in this chart.

and more significantly, why aren't you burning the house down trying to fix what is wrong at US who is MOVING DOWN on the list?

Because it is far easier to go looking for the log in someone else's eye than to remove the speck in your own.

oh, and in case you missed it, the AA FAs who are highlighted as doing so well were taken to the cleaners in 2012 while the co. was in BK while UA continues to shift flying from sUA to sCO FAs in a clearly winning formula for labor.

The only real winners by the revenue formula are WN FAs who work for a company - guess what - who knows how to extract a dollar from a gallon of sewage.
no, robbie, when labor uses flawed assumptions that no company will use as the basis of compensation, it's a loser.

Trying to argue that labor should fare better because the company is bringing in more money is flawed, plain and simple.

labor succeeds based on their market value.

Should Airbus or Boeing charge more for planes to an airline that can use the plane to make more money than one that cannot?

Should Exxon sell gas at a 110% premium to an airline that gets a 110% revenue premium to the industry compared to an airline that can only generate 90% of industry average fares?

I don't think so. In fact I know that won't happen.

Employees do get profit sharing - Boeing doesn't. Exxon doesn't. The IAM wants to pretend it isn't part of DL's compensation despite the fact that it is.

DL is succeeding and growing for its employees. Not so much with some other airlines that the IAM ranks higher on the list.
but that data in which the company uses  and its public  ringing in huge profits  including fees etc  is not flawed yet companies like delta will give a raise or whatever it takes to keep the unions out   now that part is seriously flawed
yet you can't grasp that a company doesn't have any obligation to increase its costs just because it brings in more revenue.

Doesn't work for fuel. Doesn't work for airplanes.

Yet you somehow think it should work for labor -

but wait you have been robbed again by your employer despite being represented by a union and you expect DL employees to think your company - and 700s alma mater - is an example... but in reality it is only an example of the failure of labor to deliver what they promised and yet they somehow think things will do better elsewhere?

How about you FIRST fix your own house and then show DL employees why US and AA are examples of labor success instead of the twice thru the wringer that they have put their employees through.

Further, IIRC, nearly all of WN's major employee groups are working under CBAs which are amenable and in which the company is nowhere close to offering the level of pay increases the company once gave. WN cannot and will not continue to have labor costs as far ahead of the rest of the industry as it has had for years - because more and more of WN's labor force is now aging and senior and because WN's revenues aren't growing anywhere near as fast as others in the industry.

Labor may love to make promises based on comparisons that cannot be sustained but anyone that understands the industry knows better than to believe it.
given wn is the most heavily unionized work group they sure are reapin in profits to which their employees are being paid quite well i might add   on the other hand  i used to work at piedmont commuter and 2 times we tried goin union  guess what sherlock  we got .25 cent raise  only for the election time  then guess what it magically disappeared  gee i wonder why!      as far as gettin my home in order  get yours done first  and dont worry about me.    you think your data and your mighty king delta are the top of the world  but you been out of work for yrs so learn to grasp the fact that times are changing   theres a heck of a lot more employees wanting to go union at delta than you think sherlock     delta is the walmart of the airlines    they can close a city any day with little or no notice..
and despite the mindset that the labor movement wants to push, WN employees are well paid because the company does an OUTSTANDING job of finding revenue and its employees are HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE. But much of WN employees' success today is based on what the company did in the past... it isn't a secret that WN is not delivering the kind of financial returns they did in the past, esp. compared to some of their legacy competitors who are growing their revenue base faster than WN.

There is a reason why WN, AA, US, and UA, not DL, are closing station after station and it is because they are chasing better revenues and trying to cut costs. WN esp. can't deliver the pay to its employees that it once did based on its current business model.

Being unionized has nothing to do with why WN employees are so well paid. Being unionized hasn't stopped UA from outsourcing hundreds of jobs and playing one union against the other... just like US.
And if you think that AA employees won't be subject to the same games that are being played at US and UA, you are in for a rude awakening.

The fact that WN built a darn good company that has been able to adapt to one change in the industry after another while their legacy peers have been much slower to adapt is why WN employees do so well.

Get over your "mighty Delta" nonsense and realize there are real business issues at stake which you apparently don't come close to understanding.

You can throw the Wal-Mart label out all you want but DL employees, customers, and stockholders are benefitting unlike anything that any airline, including yours, are doing.

Fix your own house and then come show DL employees why you should be an example to follow.

Until then, DL and its employees will do what continues to work better for them than its peers, including your employer.
you sure speak for all the delta employees   who the f are you to tell me to get over anything and all    last time i checked you are not my parent nor my boss   you are nothin more than a spokesman like person for delta       if delta has not closed stations  then what the f do you call cvg mem dfw etc  
robbedagain said:
you sure speak for all the delta employees   who the f are you to tell me to get over anything and all    last time i checked you are not my parent nor my boss   you are nothin more than a spokesman like person for delta       if delta has not closed stations  then what the f do you call cvg mem dfw etc
The same thing you call BOS or PIT for USAIR. They still operate but at a much reduced level of service.

But point is it has been reduced considerably from before which impacted headcount.

i do not remember how many we had back in 99 and 2000  but a quick check tonite i counted roughly 60 mainline flights in bos   and pit 14 mainline so yes the head count has been impacted  but the point is we still have mainline employees in both cities
US and HP have lost over 50% of its combined workforce since 2000, the highest percentage of any remaining legacy airline.

US employees have the lowest average salary of any legacy airline.

The notion that US employees or retirees are telling anyone else at another airline what they should do or criticize DL practices is beyond despicable.

If DL employees themselves believe they need to make changes, they will do so.

The yahoos who are the laughing stock of the industry are the absolute last example that DL employees will look at.
the practice of you telling the whole world that delta should never organize in a union based on the past of the current unions is well beyond despicable  just as is someone who said they have access to break rooms or that delta will file legal challenge  is just as despicable if not down right horribly despicable
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