IAM Stepping Up campaign

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In everything I have read concerning the Profit Sharing, Delta refers to it as EARNED....i
in fact there is a full page Ad touting our EARNINGS.....  not a gift
Since I don't know how to post a pic, you can view the ad in the USA Today
absolutely priceless, yoyo, and so worth the read.

little else matters in life as much as the lesson in that article for its ability to completely change the way life is lived.

We all have those same choices day in and day out and few of us exercise them.

"Forgiveness is a gift of love, an act of beauty that benefits not only the person being asked by way of reconciliation, but also the person requesting it, by way of redemption.

"Thanks to snow, a delayed flight and the selfishness of others, I had the chance to make things right, to set in motion a lifetime of redemption for my children.

"To Ron, the ticket agent at the Delta counter, thank you for giving me another chance."
737823 said:
But receive a proportional pay out to their annual earnings, correct?

AFAIK, yes.
700UW said:
In everything I have read concerning the Profit Sharing, Delta refers to it as EARNED....i
in fact there is a full page Ad touting our EARNINGS.....  not a gift
Since I don't know how to post a pic, you can view the ad in the USA Today
Copy the link, then when composing your post here, click on the thing that looks like a little picture. Paste the link in the box that pops up, and voila!

If you're using the mobile version, your guess is as good as mine...

From Yoyo's article:
"Who's going to shovel all that snow off the wings before we take off?"
Some of the best rampers in the business, that's who. :)
700UW said:
How is that profit sharing working out for them fleet agents again???
And I guess PIT MTC is not closing after all??
Or do tell us again how US Air gave you industry leading contracts thru both bankruptcies...
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Change the subject much?
See PIT MTC is protected in the CBA, in your eagerness you make a fool of yourself.
And at least US had to negotiate with the unions, did that happen to the FAs, or ACS at DL?
How come PMNW did so much better and got checks for thousands after NW exited chapter 11 and Delta didnt?
How is that pension?  Oh wait you dont have one, it was frozen, yet all three IAM Groups at US have a defined benefit plan, you dont.
The Company, no later than January 31 of each year, will provide to the union and/or the union’s advisor, documentation necessary to verify the Company’s compliance with outsourcing provisions including a summary of the previous calendar year’s base maintenance paid hours and vendor airframe base maintenance billed hours. On an ongoing basis the Company will provide to the Union no later than the end of the following month a summary of the previous month’s base maintenance vendor’s billable hours including tail numbers of the aircraft.
In any year where the vendor billed hours are more than fifty (50%) percent of the total combined vendor billed hours and the Company base maintenance paid hours, such deficit hours will be added to the current calendar year required company base maintenance paid hours.

The Company will not furlough to the street any Base Mechanic who is active as of the effective date of this agreement provided such employee exercises their seniority to the fullest extent. (Subject to force majeure provisions as described in Article 5.F and 20.D.2).

The Company shall maintain a minimum headcount of six  hundred seventy-five (675) active Base Maintenance Lead  Mechanics, Mechanics, Inspectors, Lead Utility and Utility employees combined. (Subject to force majeure provisions as
described in Article 5.F and 20.D.2.)

Yep they have a pension, IAMNPF that pays a pathetic multiplier that is impossible to live off and you gave away the store to get it.

And yet US spends a higher percentage of its total maintenance bill OUTSIDE US on contractors than any other US network airline

It must be envy Meto because it can't be rationally defended
737823 said:
Yep they have a pension, IAMNPF that pays a pathetic multiplier that is impossible to live off and you gave away the store to get it.
Including profit sharing
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737823 said:
Yep they have a pension, IAMNPF that pays a pathetic multiplier that is impossible to live off and you gave away the store to get it.

Ah the peanut gallery, for M&R it pays $84 a month, they have only been it since 2008, and in Section 6 asking for $104 multiplier, its funded to 105% and its still better than having nothing like Delta non-union employees who have to use their own gross wages to fund their retirement.  And the only thing that was given up was the 401k match, that is for M&R.

Fleet has been in it since 2000 I believe.
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The spend is component mtc, and US overhauls the majority of its fleet inhouse, while Delta farms out all their heavy checks, and mods, planes sitting in SIN and GSO right now getting interior mods, why not in TOC?
You can spin numbers anyway you want, walk through the hangars and see what is being done, and it took two chapter 11 cases and an abrogation for US to farm out work.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Walk though PIT, CLT and PHX and you wont see non-US employees working on planes, nor non-licensed, can you say the same about DL?
How about those high school kids working at TOC and having others sign for their work?
How about DGS contractors at TOC doing DL work?
I need spin nothing.

US like all other airlines in the US of A reports its maintenance spend to the DOT both for work done inhouse and what is contracted out.

In 2012, US outsourced 56.5% of its maintenance spend.

So congratulations on keeping 50% of airframe overhauls inhouse - but you left the barn door open to mgmt to outsource a whole lot of the rest of maintenance - so much in fact that US has the highest ratio of maintenance outsourcing as a percent of total dollars spent on maintenance of any legacy US carriers..

Here is the data for you and the rest of the world to see.


I don't do spin. I do make sure the whole truth is known.
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