IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Once again you are avoiding the reality.
It took a CBA abrogation for US to be able to outsource the work.
In less than three years, the IAM was able to bring the majority of the HMV back inhouse.
The spend you quote is components which were outsourced after the abrogation, is that too hard to understand?
Where is the contract language that can prevent Delta from doing the same, oh wait, there isnt any, that is why DL outsources all their heavy checks and interior mods and flies the planes all over the world to get done by cheap labor.
Why are they building a hangar in Mexico when they have hangars they shut down?
Cheap Labor!
I get that the total amount of maintenance spend by US exceeds that of all other legacy airlines.

Congratulations to the IAM for bringing back what they could... but there is still a higher percentage of maintenance dollars being spent IN the hangars of AA, DL, and UA than in those of US.

That is a fact.

Even with all those widebody cabin overhauls that have been done in Asia, DL outsourced 41.3% of its total maintenance spend.

56.5 at US.

41.3 at DL.

No messy CBAs or union dues.

Just the job protections that DL mechanics want.
700UW said:
700UW said:

Hmm, never saw the word "layoff” in any of the articles above....pullin’ your misdirection sh!t again 700?
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WorldTraveler said:
get over it, 700.

You don't get any. those that do are happy with what they have.

If they aren't, it is because they don't understand the tax system, not because they don't like the pay.

DL's profit sharing is top of the industry - at least in the US and probably the world.
Why dont you get over it?
You dont get any either, now do you?
And once again you are speaking for 80,000+ Delta employees.
Delusional is what bests describes you.
Best in the US and the World, why dont you back that up!
700UW said:
Ah the peanut gallery, for M&R it pays $84 a month, they have only been it since 2008, and in Section 6 asking for $104 multiplier, its funded to 105% and its still better than having nothing like Delta non-union employees who have to use their own gross wages to fund their retirement.  And the only thing that was given up was the 401k match, that is for M&R.

Fleet has been in it since 2000 I believe.
On the table means nothing, the company hasn't agreed nor has the membership ratified the changes, do you not understand the process? It is still the employees money going into IAMNPF, they simply aren't the ones putting the money in the envelope, do you not understand the concept? The company considers the aggregate cost of your CBA, including IAMNPF so other areas of the agreement could have been improved w/o the pension.

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Do you not understand that is what the membership wants?

Do you not understand that is what the membership said in the surveys?

You certainly don't understand what the membership wants or needs.
job protections there wt?  go ask the 54 dtw folks  how they feel about losing their jobs   yea that some job protection there
700UW said:
Do you not understand that is what the membership wants?

Do you not understand that is what the membership said in the surveys?

You certainly don't understand what the membership wants or needs.
Yep and the membership indicated in surveys at UA scope and healthcare were their number one items, and how did that turn out? Oh that's right you'll reply "not my district" because you don't want to admit what an epic failure that has been.

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This isnt UA, this is US, and remember the members did vote to ratify it.
Go back to earning money to give your fraudulent company to pay the $20 billion in fines and your CEO his $20 million raise, you and your employer is what is wrong with this country.
700UW said:
This isnt UA, this is US, and remember the members did vote to ratify it.
Go back to earning money to give your fraudulent company to pay the $20 billion in fines and your CEO his $20 million raise, you and your employer is what is wrong with this country.
Actually this is DL, Delta Air Lines

How did I know that would be your response? But yet you have no problem bringing up other carriers when it suits your agenda.

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You go off topic, now go earn some fraudulent money so JP Morgan can pay their $20 billion in fines and give their CEO a $20 million raise.
Only in America can you run a fraudulent company and get a raise and not go to jail.
Yes it is Delta, but in your eagerness and weird obsession with the IAM and US you had to bring up US and the IAM on this thread.
You need to get a life.
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