IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Union salesman on commission?
He is really grasping at straws now.
WorldTraveler said:
And ask the WN mechanics how many pay raises they have received over the past 3 years.
I don't need to ask them. It is clearly defined in the CBA that I posted in the Gil West thread that you obviously did not read. You know the one that has paid moves, ability to exercise seniority if there is to be a layoff (of course that has never happened to any Southwest employee, ever).

Feel free to get the info and return here and tell us all, ok.
Kev3188 said:
Nothing more than flame bait intentionally thrown out there to get a rise out of other users...
and did it work?
and, Kev, your union dues may have kept your medical costs down by a net of about $50/month but your total compensation trailed that of your DL peers. That data is available from the DOT to confirm it.
Glenn Quagmire said:
I don't need to ask them. It is clearly defined in the CBA that I posted in the Gil West thread that you obviously did not read. You know the one that has paid moves, ability to exercise seniority if there is to be a layoff (of course that has never happened to any Southwest employee, ever).

Feel free to get the info and return here and tell us all, ok.
yet we get all of that... yet DL mechanics are about the most UNINTERESTED DL employees in a union. So they are called lazy and content. Maybe the IAM can sneak in and test the water in the bubblers in Tech Ops and nail DL for turning them into zombies.

And it still doesn't change that DL employees per capita are receiving more profit sharing than any other airline employees and they have beat WN employees for 2 years now.
If somone offered you $100,000 or $80,000 per year to do the exact same job, what would you do?

I guess you would be waving your paycheck that is $20,000 less than the other guy saying, "Oh yeah, but my profit sharing check was $1800 more than yours"!

But hey, whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better.
Actually, no WT.
I am not aware of what DL employees are bringing home for profit sharing, so how can we be upset? Since you do like to speak for all employees - and for more airlines than just DL, you should at least do some homework. We've had 2 raises in the last 3 years. How many has DL had? Oh, scratch that - I don't care. I guess we're all lucky (all active airline employees) that we've got you to speak for us.
I don't speak for anyone. I am simply here to keep the labor salespeople honest - or challenge them when they are not.

how many years do you want to count? that is the number of pay raises DL employees have had.
WorldTraveler said:
I don't speak for anyone. I am simply here to keep the labor salespeople honest - or challenge them when they are not.

how many years do you want to count? that is the number of pay raises DL employees have had.
Don't speak for anyone, yet say we are upset that DL got more in profit sharing than us?
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Has any other group at Delta gotten or getting a 20% raise like the pilots will since June of 2012 till the end of 2014?
Kev3188 said:
Speaking of math, I paid $46/mo. in dues. By doing so, I was saving well over $100/mo. in insurance costs alone.


Can you show us how you arrived at the conclusion that labor organizers are on a commission? I've never heard of that.

Surely, you're not just trying to wind other people up?
1. What makes you think "IF" you get a union your healthcare will go down $100.00, next go 'round!
2. I'm sure with BaRack-O-Care in the mix now, whether unionized or not, your healthcare will rise!
Glenn Quagmire said:
If somone offered you $100,000 or $80,000 per year to do the exact same job, what would you do?

I guess you would be waving your paycheck that is $20,000 less than the other guy saying, "Oh yeah, but my profit sharing check was $1800 more than yours"!

But hey, whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better.
If a union said "We'll get you the same amount of money the AMT's make at DL plus profit sharing like them but, you have to pay us dues, where would you work?
If a non-union and union company outsources work and lays you off, would you rather have more money in your pocket from not paying dues or sit at home and wonder why the hell you were paying a 3rd party money for nothing?
Are you that dense?

WN mechanics are making $10 /hr more than you and have layoff protection.

Are The dues worth $20000 per year to WN mechanics?

Btw, they have never had a layoff.
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