IAM Stepping Up campaign

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you can't grasp that a % is the same regardless of what one's salary is?

DL employees, including Kev, said they wanted larger base salaries and lower profit sharing. DL gave them pay raises and still gave them larger OVERALL profit sharing even with a reduced percentage.

DL people don't vote. They have a mgmt that listens to them.

And it doesn't change that the pilots used a union process while non-contract people used a direct mgmt process and came up with the same result.

No union mess. No 700. What a deal.

everyone wins by staying away from you and the unions.

and you still haven't answered those pesky questions about how your union members have fared with profit sharing.

service after the sale?

the only reason why NW employees like Kev had smaller cuts in BK was because of the massive strategic failure of AMFA that eliminated thousands of the 2nd highest paying job classification at NW right before NW filed.
If you look at 9/11 to end of BK, DL employees had less cuts than their NW peers.

AMFA saved Kevin's butt.
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Your lying again, Kevin said no such thing and he even refuted you on that claim, why do you insist on lying again?
Keep avoiding the truth and facts and questions poised to you.
Pilots negotiated and ratified and got a huge salary increase, did the others?
The nearly 11,000 pilots will receive a 4% pay increase on this week, another increase of 8.5% in January and then two annual increases of 3%, according to an earlier union bulletin that explained the terms of the deal reached May 15. By the end of 2014, pay rates will be nearly 20% higher than they are today, ALPA said in that bulletin. A 737 captain who earned $153 an hour in 2008, the year Delta and Northwest Airlines merged, will be paid $217 an hour effective in January 2015.
So did the flight attendants, ramp, csa get a 20% raise over a two year period?
Delta's pilots ratified that CBA in June of 2012, and they secured more work.
Aside from the higher pay rates and an increase in the company's contribution to the pilot's pension plan in 2014, the Delta pilots won increased flying as the airline is acquiring 88 small Boeing Co. BA +0.24% 717s jetliners that will be flown by them, not pilots at Delta's commuter affiliates. In return, the pilots will let Delta add 70 smaller jets to its regional airline operations and require Delta to phase out some of the smallest 50-seat jets flown by the regional affiliates.
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  • #380
Kev3188 said:


Good one.
Hey Kevin,

WT is saying you voted on taking a cut in the profit sharing and getting a lesser raise, I could have sworn you told him that didnt occur.
no I didn't say Kev voted.

but he shared his preferences online.

other employees shared their preferences directly with the company.

The pilots agreed to significant productivity improvements as well as allowed more large RJs in order to gain part of their pay raise.
All DL employees have received pay raises. All DL employees will receive the same 8.2% of their defined earnings.

your notion that DL non-contract employees didn't want, had no say so, and lost out because of changes in the profit sharing percent calculation are completely wrong.

you still haven't answered the questions of why you did what you did for your own union members.

DL employees want to know your answer to that question... while they enjoy what they gained without union help.
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  • #382
Kevin stated to you numerous times, that they did not vote on the cut in profit sharing and the raise, it was not in the surveys.
And I asked you did any other group at Delta get a 20% raise and a huge increase in pension contributions from 2012 till the end of 2014?
This is about Delta and not US, and if you cant read then thats your problem, I have posted my past history numerous times.

Keep trying to change the subject.
DL employees want to know what the labor movement is doing for its own members who pay dues for union services. Since you can't answer those questions and try to manipulate data and results which DL employees are quite happy with, there is no reason why they want to trust you with anything.

DL employees vote no to further unionization.

go shovel snow.
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DL employees want to know?
Man its amazing that you arent a DL employee, and yet you know what ALL the delta employees want.
And the information is being given to any current Delta Employee, see if you were one, then you would know what.
Is this you speaking for ALL the Delta Employees?

Not snowing where I live, go preach to some kids in Brazil.
700UW said:
Once again someone is posting misinformation.
US Airways filed bankruptcy twice within two years, Section 1113 C of the Bankruptcy code forces a union to negotiate concessions or face an abrogation.
Fleet came to an agreement and ratified, as did all the unions on the property except the Mechanic and Related, who had a CBA abrogated in court.
Both Fleet and M&R got improvement in their CBA in the 2008 Transition Agreements bringing the former America West employees under the CBA.
Both groups are in Section 6 negotiations currently seeking new agreements and the NMB is in charge of the mediated talks.
What negotiations took place for all the non-union Delta employees during and after bankruptcy?
Why did the PMNW employees fare better in bankruptcy than their DL counterparts?
And both M&R and Fleet at US got guaranteed raised after the amendable date of the CBA.
All delta employees except the pilots and dispatchers are employees at will and have nothing guaranteed to them.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
One could sum up all you've written above like this:  IAM got spanked by US
BTW:  to negotiate does not mean to cave in to all of management demands.  As a highly trained union negotiator, you should know that.
Is it any wonder there is no appetite for the IAM at DL?
Dl can do as they see fit when it comes to paying most their employees knowing full well most of them do not have a say
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  • #387
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
One could sum up all you've written above like this:  IAM got spanked by US
BTW:  to negotiate does not mean to cave in to all of management demands.  As a highly trained union negotiator, you should know that.
Is it any wonder there is no appetite for the IAM at DL?
You truly dont get it.
No one caved, the judge abrogated the M&R CBA
Do you understand that and the section 1113 C process?
Lets see at AA, UA, NW, DL all the unions on the property which are ALPA, AFA, APA, APFA,  CWA, IAM, TWU were forced by law to negotiate of face an abrogation, which happened to the IAM Mechanic and Related under the law, those unions at least negotiated and voted on any concessions, did Delta employees not including the pilots and dispatchers have a say? Did they negotiate? Did they Vote?
Nope, DL imposed anything and everything they wanted to on the non-union employees and still do to this day.
Why did the PMNW employees get a better deal and more returns on their concessions than PMDL employees?
And in the 2008 Transition Agreement many things were gotten back, better pay, vacation, pension, scope and benefits, and they are all guaranteed, can you say the same about Delta?
From 2012 till the end of this year Delta pilots will see an increase of 20% in wages and huge pension increases, did that happen to any of the non-union employees?
it's not snowing in Brazil either.
I'm sure you can find snow somewhere in the US... probably where DL employees are waiting for your answers about "what have you done with our union dues lately?"

UA employees want to know too. Can you wind down your PR machine and give them an answer? any thread on this forum will do.

so, US mgmt's lawyers in BK were smarter than the unions' and despite nearly a decade of being out of BK, US' unions couldn't regain what was lost?

and you want DL employees to vote for a union with that track record?
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  • #389
I dont have to answer anything to you, you are not an delta employee, anyone interested in unionizing at Delta has the resources and information available to them.
See I dont claim to speak for the Delta employees, unlike you, and I dont claim to speak for the IAM and I dont work for the IAM and I am not involved in the two current organizing drives that are happening at Delta, which are grass root efforts started by real and actual Delta employees, not a keyboard warrior like yourself.
See if you were an actual employee you would know this.
And where did I say it was snowing in Brazil?
And keep changing the subject to avoid the real issue at hand.
you sell your wares on a public forum and I can challenge you whether I work for Ford Motor Co. or the Government of India.

The real issue is that the labor movement hasn't delivered to its current customers.... no one at DL wants to hire anyone with the track record that labor has.
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