IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Holy cow. Are you two for real?  You guys sound like 2 little 3 year olds, how childless you two are...
Fact: We received 6.67% last year in Profit sharing
This year we will be receiving 8.2%.
Jan 2013 we received a 5% pay raise
Apr 2014 we will receive a 3% raise.
What will those that aren't topped out get?
WorldTraveler said:
what's dumb - really quite stupid - is that there are unions in the airline industry that decided that profit sharing wasn't worth having so have they little to none compared to what DL employees have.
There are. I haven't seen anything from the IAM saying it'd go away (and we had it at NW, too, FWIW). Since it seems to be popular with the rank and file, there's no reason it would disappear.

What would disappear is the company's ability to change things when they see fit.

WorldTraveler said:
When all 3 of you grasp that I have as much of a right to speak on the subject as anyone else...
Oh, you're free to speak on whatever you want- and your posts all over this board are proof of that. Likewise, we're all free to point out the absurdity of this idea that you can still use "we" as if you're an active DL employee. You're not.

Like I said a few months ago, Baba, Meto, myself & others will make sure your retirement's secure. Enjoy the view from the stands...
700UW said:
That would be brake, not break.
careful. there are some people here who get real defensive regarding corrections of spelling and grammar.

but if you're ok w/ pointing out grammar and spelling, then you should work on "your" vs "you're" and Kev might take a look at the use of the personal reflexive (myself)  
Kev3188 said:
What will those that aren't topped out get?
8.2% of one's salary is the same percentage regardless of one's position on the scale.
Kev3188 said:
There are. I haven't seen anything from the IAM saying it'd go away (and we had it at NW, too, FWIW). Since it seems to be popular with the rank and file, there's no reason it would disappear.

What would disappear is the company's ability to change things when they see fit.
of course profit sharing isn't going away because unions have never been able to control what DL pays its employees while DL knows what its employees want and provides them based on what they provide.

profit sharing is a part of the salary that helps ensure that employees reach deep inside to do their best and get rewarded for keeping the company at the top of the industry.

besides, WN is unionized and they have had healthy profit sharing for their entire existence so DL should do the same, right?
Kev3188 said:
Oh, you're free to speak on whatever you want- and your posts all over this board are proof of that. Likewise, we're all free to point out the absurdity of this idea that you can still use "we" as if you're an active DL employee. You're not.

Like I said a few months ago, Baba, Meto, myself & others will make sure your retirement's secure. Enjoy the view from the astands...
I find it laughable that you have spent five years telling us that there is no Delta family and then come on here and bring people who have never been a part of it - even by DL's definitions - and then say it doesn't exist.

If it doesn't exist, then why do you spend so much effort trying to exclude someone from it?

Your ID might have SIDA credentials on it and you will get to vote on any union drives while the rest of the family doesn't, but there are a whole lot more benefits to members of the family than you care to admit.....

what the issue really boils down to is that you want to have the freedom to speak unchallenged about what you see at Delta Air Lines and what you think needs to be changed and you sure don't want anyone who might know as much or more as you speaking up.

And the real logical flaw in your argument is that you allow 700 and Q to try to argue who is and isn't in the DL family and speak as if he knows what is going on....

in the meantime, enjoy the profit sharing... something active employees do uniquely share and something that has been well-earned.
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Which is greater?
8.2% of a top out wage or 8.2% of a new hire, or someone not topped out?
Which is greater 15% of 10%?
holy cow.

a new entrant's salary for a scale employee is going to be lower than a topped out employee.

DL employees are earning about 33% more in profit sharing this year compared with last year.

of course you can't admit that DL employees are doing better financially this year since unions had nothing to do with it - but that is absolutely the case.

BTW, can you tell me how much profit sharing AA/US employees have earned for 2013?
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You still cant admit that cutting the profit sharing from 15% to 10% is a decrease.
Go back to school and learn math, its a 33% reduction, bottom line.
US earned $190 million as the fifth largest carrier in the US in profit sharing for the employees.
no, we all get that they decreased the percentage accrual.

But as you do with all statistics, you throw them out in isolation.

DL reduced the percentage accrual because they already knew they would have higher earnings which has driven a 33% increase in actual profit sharing....

and DL gave pay raises as well.

So, you continue to harp on that percentage reduction because it is only one part of the group of statistics that govern compensation.

DL employees know the true picture and the reason why they pay you and the union movement no attention is because you continue to manipulate statistics to try to make a point which DL employees know is not the case.

DL employee compensation is far higher this year than last and unions not only had nothing to do with making it happen but also have a far worse track record on the subject at other airlines.

Now, how much is the profit sharing for AA/US employees for 2013?
quote name="WorldTraveler" post="1057303" timestamp="1390916877"]
8.2% of one's salary is the same percentage regardless of one's position on the scale.


That's not what Baba's referencing, though...

If it doesn't exist, then why do you spend so much effort trying to exclude someone from it?
Why are you trying so hard to include yourself with active employees? You're not one. You left on your own accord (?) years ago.

what the issue really boils down to is that you want to have the freedom to speak unchallenged about what you see at Delta Air Lines and what you think needs to be changed and you sure don't want anyone who might know as much or more as you speaking up.
Once again, you're conflating the ability to voice an opinion with the absurd notion that you can still include yourself in with the active employee base.

And the real logical flaw in your argument is that you allow 700 and Q to try to argue who is and isn't in the DL family and speak as if he knows what is going on....
Um, no.

...And when either of them infers they're a part of the active employee base at the Widget like you do, I'll make a note of it.

in the meantime, enjoy the profit sharing... something active employees do uniquely share and something that has been well-earned.
I will. After all, those of us on the property earned every nickel of it.

Enjoy the view.
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Read this from actual Delta Employees, and then maybe you will get it.
Profits for 2013 are 70% more than 2012, so even with the 33% reduction in profit sharing, the total payout is more. However, we would have had higher total compensation if they would have left our previous compensation package formula unchanged.

Delta came out ahead giving us 3% base pay increase while reducing profit sharing. It was a concessionary trade off for employees.
You got that right. I calculated I lost over 2300 this year than I would have got with the old percentage. My 3 % raise will generate 1500 more for me this year if I fly he same as last year. So I am still losing 1200 with this new deal. How can that be good.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
Your question was all ready answered.
except that there was no assurance that they would have paid 15% of that salary anyway.

You argue that DL is free to change compensation but then act as if you are entitled to claim the percent that existed in the past.


But the real LOGIC FAIL is that the unionized pilots got not only an increase in salary and higher profit sharing - but THEY ALSO AGREED TO IT.

The notion that DL is screwing over its employees is more union rubbish and why the union movement doesn't and won't have any credibility with DL employees.

uh, Kev,
I have never said I am an active employee.
You can lay back down and stop swinging your stick at strangers in the night now.
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  • #373
WorldTraveler said:
except that there was no assurance that they would have paid 15% of that salary anyway.

You argue that DL is free to change compensation but then act as if you are entitled to claim the percent that existed in the past.


But the real LOGIC FAIL is that the unionized pilots got not only an increase in salary and higher profit sharing - but THEY ALSO AGREED TO IT.

The notion that DL is screwing over its employees is more union rubbish and why the union movement doesn't and won't have any credibility with DL employees.

uh, Kev,
I have never said I am an active employee.
You can lay back down and stop swinging your stick at strangers in the night now.
You unknowingly posted why there are card drives going on.
The Pilots N E G O T I A T E D, and voted and ratified, did anyone else have the luxury?
And post what a pilot earns compared to a Flight Attendant, A CSA or a Ramp Agent makes.
A pilot makes SIX figures, easily, a ramp agent, a mechanic, etc... dont.
You played right into it and didnt even realize it.
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  • #375
Once again someone is posting misinformation.
US Airways filed bankruptcy twice within two years, Section 1113 C of the Bankruptcy code forces a union to negotiate concessions or face an abrogation.
Fleet came to an agreement and ratified, as did all the unions on the property except the Mechanic and Related, who had a CBA abrogated in court.
Both Fleet and M&R got improvement in their CBA in the 2008 Transition Agreements bringing the former America West employees under the CBA.
Both groups are in Section 6 negotiations currently seeking new agreements and the NMB is in charge of the mediated talks.
What negotiations took place for all the non-union Delta employees during and after bankruptcy?
Why did the PMNW employees fare better in bankruptcy than their DL counterparts?
And both M&R and Fleet at US got guaranteed raised after the amendable date of the CBA.
All delta employees except the pilots and dispatchers are employees at will and have nothing guaranteed to them.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
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