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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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I have my retirement, I cant collect it till I hit 50.
You left DL and took the money they offered in the buyout, so your not a true retiree, you left and ran.
And this is about Delta, not me, not US Airways, now is it?
You are the only non-delta employee that acts like they are still there.
And even if you were, your not ACS nor a FA.
Your last job at DL was revenue management when you left, and hadnt worked ACS for quite some time is what I remember you posts.
Kev3188 said:
Interview with an actual DL employee about the "safety smack down" and the draconian measures put in place on the MSP ramp to ensure compliance. 
I sure miss having a safety committee that worked for genuine change.
Is there some reason ramp workers "Would Not" follow safety standards or is there just a lot of horseplay going on?
700UW said:
I have my retirement, I cant collect it till I hit 50.
You left DL and took the money they offered in the buyout, so your not a true retiree, you left and ran.
And this is about Delta, not me, not US Airways, now is it?
You are the only non-delta employee that acts like they are still there.
And even if you were, your not ACS nor a FA.
No! This is about you and the IAM!
No! This is about you and the IAM!
accept when there is an opportunity to smack down someone who might raise a legitimate point that is different from your own, and most often, contrary to your own.

such as safety. After all, unions can brag about all that they have done for labor but to think that mgmt. would actually require an environment that ensures worker safety must be a bad thing
southwind said:
Is there some reason ramp workers "Would Not" follow safety standards or is there just a lot of horseplay going on?
I think the horseplay example is an extreme one. I honestly can't remember ever seeing any at any station I've been in. There's certainly "no running at my pool," and I think most people that carry themselves professionally hold their crews to the same standard.
Everyday, in my shop, the first thing mentioned, before anything else, is safety. Kinda hard to forget to put on a pair of safety glasses or forget to buckle your seat belt, then not accept to be held accountable for not following safety guidelines!
Yes, lots of "talk" about safety in mine, too. And that's where it ends... As usual, the theory in use doesn't match the theory espoused.

The issue isn't about why people don't follow the safety guidelines-I'm willing to bet that 99.9999% have no problem with them. Dunno know about you, but I'm a fan of going home in the same physical condition I arrived in.

Rather, the discussion should be; what is the company doing to foster genuine safety in the workplace? Talk is cheap, and right now all we see is a (possibly career ending) demand for compliance, but no addressing of underlying causal factors.

Nothing wrong with being held accountable, but that needs to be a two-way street. Under the current system, it is not.
can you give us some examples of how DL is NOT fostering genuine safety in the workplace? What causal factors exist which are not being resolved?
Kev3188 said:
Yes, lots of "talk" about safety in mine, too. And that's where it ends... As usual, the theory in use doesn't match the theory espoused.

The issue isn't about why people don't follow the safety guidelines-I'm willing to bet that 99.9999% have no problem with them. Dunno know about you, but I'm a fan of going home in the same physical condition I arrived in.

Rather, the discussion should be; what is the company doing to foster genuine safety in the workplace? Talk is cheap, and right now all we see is a (possibly career ending) demand for compliance, but no addressing of underlying causal factors.

Nothing wrong with being held accountable, but that needs to be a two-way street. Under the current system, it is not.
What more can the company do to accommodate safety in your workplace, besides telling you to stay in the break room where it is safe?
Maybe they're enforcing stiff penalty's to "Re-enforce" the safety policy..... we know that there are some in every group, that will never get it!
 I'm sure the company would like you to go home in the same condition you arrived in, also!
WorldTraveler said:
can you give us some examples of how DL is NOT fostering genuine safety in the workplace? What causal factors exist which are not being resolved?
Yes, please.

he's good at those "general lobs" but slow in providing anything to back them up.
southwind said:
What more can the company do to accommodate safety in your workplace, besides telling you to stay in the break room where it is safe?
Stay in the break room? The guy struck by lightning on the MSP ramp should be so lucky!

Seriously, all anyone wants is the actual resources to get things done the right way. Depending on the case, that may mean staffing adjustments, equipment repair, better training of new hires, or any combo of the three.

One way to work towards getting back to that is to have actual safety committees that operating independently (but in tandem with) company. I will not claim to know what yours are like in Tech Ops, but will tell you that ours are basically there so mgmt. can check a box saying they have one.
Remember all the Human Factors classes we had to take? Maybe you took some outside of work as well? How about we recognize those all the time- not just when it's convenient?

Of course, there is also the idea that securing commitment is preferable to demanding compliance. True leaders know that; most managers do not. Guess which ones we get to deal with? There is a difference between an honest mistake, and willful negligence. The actions being put in place across the system take that off the table. Any incident should be a teachable moment (yes, I know that sounds cheesy), not an excuse for shaming the employee, or worse.

It'd be nice if part of giving the company "a chance" had meant advancement in the areas I noted. It hasn't. It's time to try something different.
If the company truly wants people to go home in the same shape they arrived in- and I hope they do- then they need to help create the environment for that to consistently happen... and go about it the right way. This ain't it...
...we know that there are some in every group, that will never get it!
...And as far away from my crew & I is where I want them. But this isn't about the .01 that make for a good story. This is about all of us...
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