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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Kev3188 said:
Stay in the break room? The guy struck by lightning on the MSP ramp should be so lucky!

Seriously, all anyone wants is the actual resources to get things done the right way. Depending on the case, that may mean staffing adjustments, equipment repair, better training of new hires, or any combo of the three.

One way to work towards getting back to that is to have actual safety committees that operating independently (but in tandem with) company. I will not claim to know what yours are like in Tech Ops, but will tell you that ours are basically there so mgmt. can check a box saying they have one.
Remember all the Human Factors classes we had to take? Maybe you took some outside of work as well? How about we recognize those all the time- not just when it's convenient?

Of course, there is also the idea that securing commitment is preferable to demanding compliance. True leaders know that; most managers do not. Guess which ones we get to deal with? There is a difference between an honest mistake, and willful negligence. The actions being put in place across the system take that off the table. Any incident should be a teachable moment (yes, I know that sounds cheesy), not an excuse for shaming the employee, or worse.

It'd be nice if part of giving the company "a chance" had meant advancement in the areas I noted. It hasn't. It's time to try something different.
If the company truly wants people to go home in the same shape they arrived in- and I hope they do- then they need to help create the environment for that to consistently happen... and go about it the right way. This ain't it...
So now the big greedy corporations are suppose to predict lightning strikes.................sh!t happens!
Please don't change the current conversation by interjecting union wants! This is about some dude who's not happy about the consequences he faces, if he doesn't adhere to standard safety practices set by the people who sign his check!
US has lightning detection systems I know in CLT and TPA at the least as they are #1 and #2 in lightening strikes.
It is a traffic light system all over the whole airport that alerts all the workers of  a green, yellow or red alert and take appropriate procedures.
At US we had a mechanic killed in MCO when he was on the headset during pushback and the plane was struck by lightening.
southwind said:
So now the big greedy corporations are suppose to predict lightning strikes.................sh!t happens!
Don't need to predict it when we already have great systems in place. Unfortunately, mgmt. is often demanding that employees stay out there, even as the alarms are sounding.
Please don't change the current conversation by interjecting union wants! This is about some dude who's not happy about the consequences he faces, if he doesn't adhere to standard safety practices set by the people who sign his check!
How 'bout the company adhere to those same standards?

It's not about what a "union wants." It's about what Dept. 120 deserves; a safe workplace. That's a 2 way street. You wanna argue against that, have at it...
I'm very sorry to hear of an injury to anyone but esp. a DL employee.

How is he/she doing?

Can you tell us a little more of what happened and how DL didn't do what it would have done in any other situation to have prevented it?
So why did a Delta Paper Payroll check bounce?
Geez, I thought they had money?
who said anything about payroll?

we know you couldn't keep in context but there hasn't been a single airline employee that had a payroll check bounce.
WorldTraveler said:
who said anything about payroll?

we know you couldn't keep in context but there hasn't been a single airline employee that had a payroll check bounce.
Your a liar.  You arent a DL Employee, you dont work in payroll, so how and why would you make this statement?  Didnt know DL has payroll in Brazil, thought you took the early out and left like eight years ago.


L. Sam Robinson
July 27 at 9:44am

My Delta paycheck BOUNCED! I got a call from my bank. Huge overdraft. Had to go get a replacement check. Just amazing!

  • L. Sam Robinson I don't have electronic deposit. Yes, everyone at the base who gets a paper check had the same problem. This happened for the 15th check.
L. Sam Robinson It was Delta's negligence. The bank submitted it twice. The check had to be reissued
you have clearly fallen off the wagon.

you are the one that brought up the notion of payroll despite the fact that it is an issue which you created and are pushing.
Are you that brainwashed?
I provided the link and the ACTIVE Delta FA who posted it, if it was a lie, DL would discipline her.
Now why dont you provide facts to refute that DL FA's at her base who received a paper check and they bounced.
Facts are right there in what I posted and the link.
Are you sure you are not a long lost relative of Baghdad Bob?
Gee your lying again, I did not create the issue, keep ignoring the facts.
More from the "family":
NO TO BLACK RIBBONS! On the IFS website, a flight attendant very respectfully asked if we could wear black ribbons as a show of support for those that lost their lives in the four accidents that have occurred within the past four months. CNN did a news segment about it and showed air crews from around the world wearing the ribbons. The question was posed on July 25th. The company finally answered today and said that we would not be allowed to wear the ribbons but they were "looking into other options that would reveal a more personal touch from the DL family". I was stunned. I guess since it wasn't their idea, we are not allowed to independently join together in a show of support. More of that "control" factor I guess. Hundreds of flight attendants had posted support. That wasn't good enough to get it approved. AND--it took four days to get an answer that should have been a no brainer for anyone with a heart. The company is my employer--not any part of my family. My real family IS wearing black ribbons right now because I asked them to do it and they agree it's important to those that lost loved ones. My "family by choice"--my friends--are showing support.
Inexcusable, but not surprising. We can't have any sort of unity with another carrier(s), now can we?
This F/A's mistake was in asking. They should've just done it.
just one quest..  how the flip does an airline's check bounce when the airline is makin money
Black ribbons... Bad idea. Bad enough that it is on all the tv monitors in the airport. Just what you want nervous flyers to think about before boarding. A memorial pin would be more effective and tasteful . Is it a show for the public or a show for our community of employees.
I think it's for the employees much like police officers nationwide often show support after one is killed in the line of duty. The aviation community is close-knit in that same manner.
IMHO, either bands or pins would send the same message. My guess is that bands are infinitely quicker (and cheaper) to acquire/distribute widely...
As for the passengers? I think they "get it" more than either of us might think. Those that would get nervous at the sight of a pin/band would've been edgy either way...
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