Delta Air Lines this week reported its financial results for the second quarter of the year and the results were, as expected, stunning. Delta executives and Wall Street analysts praised the carrier's performance and its seemingly sustained return to profitability.
Delta reported a mammoth profit for Q2 of approximately $800 million. Delta's stock price has nearly doubled in less than a year and Delta executives and shareholders have profited handsomely.
But, what about Delta's employees who sacrificed during industry restructuring so our airline could regain its financial health? Have we, Delta Flight Attendants, benefitted in the same way as Delta management and its shareholders?
Sadly, the answer is no.
In 2003, the average annual salary of a Delta Flight Attendant was $45,441. Ten years later in 2013, the average salary of a Delta Flight Attendant increased to only $47,803. That's an increase of just 5.2 percent in 10 years. Adjusted for inflation, we have lost much ground. Considering we now pay more for health insurance and our prescription drug plan, the financial picture is even more troubling. During the same 10 year period, the average annual salary of Delta management employees rose from $54,845 to $93,590, a whopping 70 percent, and far outpacing inflation (source: US DOT Form 41 via BTS, Schedule P6 and P10).
We expose these facts not to be confrontational, but because it is the truth, patently unfair and we deserve better. We deserve a contract that recognizes fairly our contribution to the most profitable US airline.
We can right this wrong by attaining union representation. No unionized Flight Attendant at any major carrier has experienced such meager salary increases over the last decade, has had to pay more for their health insurance or deal with such vague and changeable work rules than we have at Delta Air Lines.
The time is now to gain a voice and make a change for the better.
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