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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Delta Air Lines this week reported its financial results for the second quarter of the year and the results were, as expected, stunning. Delta executives and Wall Street analysts praised the carrier's performance and its seemingly sustained return to profitability.

Delta reported a mammoth profit for Q2 of approximately $800 million. Delta's stock price has nearly doubled in less than a year and Delta executives and shareholders have profited handsomely.

But, what about Delta's employees who sacrificed during industry restructuring so our airline could regain its financial health? Have we, Delta Flight Attendants, benefitted in the same way as Delta management and its shareholders?

Sadly, the answer is no.

In 2003, the average annual salary of a Delta Flight Attendant was $45,441. Ten years later in 2013, the average salary of a Delta Flight Attendant increased to only $47,803. That's an increase of just 5.2 percent in 10 years. Adjusted for inflation, we have lost much ground. Considering we now pay more for health insurance and our prescription drug plan, the financial picture is even more troubling. During the same 10 year period, the average annual salary of Delta management employees rose from $54,845 to $93,590, a whopping 70 percent, and far outpacing inflation (source: US DOT Form 41 via BTS, Schedule P6 and P10).

We expose these facts not to be confrontational, but because it is the truth, patently unfair and we deserve better. We deserve a contract that recognizes fairly our contribution to the most profitable US airline.

We can right this wrong by attaining union representation. No unionized Flight Attendant at any major carrier has experienced such meager salary increases over the last decade, has had to pay more for their health insurance or deal with such vague and changeable work rules than we have at Delta Air Lines.

The time is now to gain a voice and make a change for the better.

Sign or renew your election authorization card today!


Sign a Card, Gain Voice!


Please click "auto card" to have a pre-filled election authorization card mailed to you. All you have to do is sign, date and return to the IAM. And don't worry about postage, it's already paid. Just drop it in the mail. Thank you!

its down right sad that mgmt. pay has increased a whopping 70% while the workers who do the ACTUAL work only got 5.2% over the 10 yr period   pretty say
700UW said:
Delta Air Lines this week reported its financial results for the second quarter of the year and the results were, as expected, stunning. Delta executives and Wall Street analysts praised the carrier's performance and its seemingly sustained return to profitability.

Delta reported a mammoth profit for Q2 of approximately $800 million. Delta's stock price has nearly doubled in less than a year and Delta executives and shareholders have profited handsomely.

But, what about Delta's employees who sacrificed during industry restructuring so our airline could regain its financial health? Have we, Delta Flight Attendants, benefitted in the same way as Delta management and its shareholders?

Sadly, the answer is no.

In 2003, the average annual salary of a Delta Flight Attendant was $45,441. Ten years later in 2013, the average salary of a Delta Flight Attendant increased to only $47,803. That's an increase of just 5.2 percent in 10 years. Adjusted for inflation, we have lost much ground. Considering we now pay more for health insurance and our prescription drug plan, the financial picture is even more troubling. During the same 10 year period, the average annual salary of Delta management employees rose from $54,845 to $93,590, a whopping 70 percent, and far outpacing inflation (source: US DOT Form 41 via BTS, Schedule P6 and P10).

We expose these facts not to be confrontational, but because it is the truth, patently unfair and we deserve better. We deserve a contract that recognizes fairly our contribution to the most profitable US airline.

We can right this wrong by attaining union representation. No unionized Flight Attendant at any major carrier has experienced such meager salary increases over the last decade, has had to pay more for their health insurance or deal with such vague and changeable work rules than we have at Delta Air Lines.

The time is now to gain a voice and make a change for the better.

Sign or renew your election authorization card today!


Sign a Card, Gain Voice!


Please click "auto card" to have a pre-filled election authorization card mailed to you. All you have to do is sign, date and return to the IAM. And don't worry about postage, it's already paid. Just drop it in the mail. Thank you!

So, what's the hold up?
If these people are so miserable, you'd think a union would have been voted in 2 years ago when the IAM tried to get their foot in the door!
apparently the majority of the actual people and not the son of a retired DL mgr - the ones who get a chance to vote - don't think that DL treats its employees so bad.

Do you have issues with your father, robbed. You do realize he was in mgmt. and yet every post you write about mgmt. includes a slam.

Of did it all go down the tubes as soon as he left?
even if I have any issues with any of my family  it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS    You have a very serious mental health issue   U have a serious DL issue with interjecting DL into every flipping thread and how wonder and gungho delta is compared to all the others.   I for one am a PRO LABOR man who wishes to see the folks at DL become UNIONIZED   Theres no reason to doubt that graph poster that 700 put up.  Not to mention that DL folks in my station tell me what goes on there.   How come their make up is outsourced but the ramp is mainline?    Yes I am more than well aware that he was a member of MGMT and while he is not a big fan of unions  he for sure is glad not to be working in the aviation world and UNLIKE YOU he sure as hell does not miss it one iota bit.     So take your issues and go seek professional help
Kev3188 said:
What's your rush?
You constantly complaining about DL, application of policies, desire to gain representation and a CBA.

even if I have any issues with any of my family  it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS    You have a very serious mental health issue   U have a serious DL issue with interjecting DL into every flipping thread and how wonder and gungho delta is compared to all the others.   I for one am a PRO LABOR man who wishes to see the folks at DL become UNIONIZED   Theres no reason to doubt that graph poster that 700 put up.  Not to mention that DL folks in my station tell me what goes on there.   How come their make up is outsourced but the ramp is mainline?    Yes I am more than well aware that he was a member of MGMT and while he is not a big fan of unions  he for sure is glad not to be working in the aviation world and UNLIKE YOU he sure as hell does not miss it one iota bit.     So take your issues and go seek professional help
I get along fine with authority.

We could say the same thing about your bombarbment of DL with your drivel.

Glad your daddy is having a lovely retirement.
we could also get along without your bombardment of how "great" dl is too.  And I have never called my dad daddy or anything like   even when I was a kid I always called him bud buddy or dad  period    And yes he does enjoy his retirement   something you don't seem to enjoy since ur constantly gloating about DL this DL that
and why is it so hard for you to accept that, if DL does something better than other airlines, it matters not if it is said including that OUR employees aren't interested in unions.

WE have a system that works.
why is it you must interject DL into every dam thread   Its a no wonder youre the main culprit in getting threads locked.   DL does SOME things better but EVERY TIME SOMEONE POSTS POSITIVES ABOUT ANOTHER AIRLINE  YOU must throw your DL BS in it.  All Airlines have a system that works for them    There are employees in DL that ARE interested in UNIONS  You been out of DL for yrs
WorldTraveler said:
and why is it so hard for you to accept that, if DL does something better than other airlines, it matters not if it is said including that OUR employees aren't interested in unions.

WE have a system that works.
"OUR"  "WE"?
There you go again, you really have some serious separation issues with Delta, you arent part of "OUR" or "WE".
You took the money and ran, you are an early out retiree collecting a frozen pension check.
There you go again.
As an actual DL employee, I can tell you unequivocally that there are many things "we" need to see improvements on. Safety is one, consistent application of policy & procedure is another.

The current structure doesn't facilitate that.

It's time to try something different.
you just have to convince 50% plus 1 and so far they aren't interested.

I think you were posed a question a while back that you never answered.

Can you tell us the period of time after the merger at which you gave DL a chance as a non-union company and ceased from your pro-union activities? the record here can easily be entered as evidence.
"OUR" "WE"?

There you go again, you really have some serious separation issues with Delta, you arent part of "OUR" or "WE".

You took the money and ran, you are an early out retiree collecting a frozen pension check.

There you go again.
AND yet PLURAL YOU gets so worked up about it.

Do I recall that you just up and quit your job at US and didn't stick around for any kind of retirement?

perhaps that explains your disdain for someone who actually played by the rules and walked away with the trophy.
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