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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Did you know that with IAM-representation, our medical benefits would be a mandatory subject of bargaining under the law? Currently, they're not and Delta Corporate decides—without our consent—what plans are offered to us, what the plan design is and at what price.
Our Delta provided health insurance has among the highest deductibles in the airline industry (the amount of money we pay out of our own pocket before our insurance pays 80 percent). And we pay a hefty premium every month (the amount of money that is deducted from our paychecks for medical insurance) for these plans. Moreover, our deductible payments don’t even count toward our out of pocket maximum.
Same thing with our prescription drug plan. Delta Corporate decides what’s covered, at what price and can change the plan without our consent at any time for any reason.
We work for one of the largest and most profitable airlines in the world. We consistently attain among the best customer satisfaction ratings amongst the network carriers and are—by far—the most productive group of Flight Attendant professionals in the industry.
Why do we have among the most expensive medical benefits?
We can change this.
Sign a card card today, gain a voice, negotiate better benefits.
Click here to view and print a comparison of a sampling of IAM-negotiated health insurance plans to a sampling our plans offered by Delta.
Click here to print the flyer.
- See more at: http://www.iamdelta.net/2014/07/29/health-insurance-affects-everyones-quality-of-life/#sthash.lr0LxM5b.JnJ9mJRN.dpuf
Every year DL employees are paying more & more for less & less.
DL employees consistently deliver for each other, for our customers, and for our shareholders. We deserve better.
robbedagain said:
just one quest..  how the flip does an airline's check bounce when the airline is makin money
it doesn't and hasn't.

Kev3188 said:
That list of working conditions is a sad reality for far too many of us...
it is also exactly what you will find at other airlines and most other companies to boot.

don't try to pretend otherwise.
as if you are the self-appointed prophet of all things.

You've proven nothing but have tagged on to the same unproven charges that Kevin is happy to throw out.

He has been repeatedly asked to provide solid evidence of what DL has done to put DL employees in MSP at risk and he has failed to do so.

It's a pretty serious charge accusing the company of putting employees at risk. I'm sure he can find a citation in the Rules of the Road to justify his actions. Mgmt. is likely not amused, though.
I'm not running a campaign to discredit the company nor am I engaging in an endless campaign to vote down someone else's posts as if that proves anything.

Prove what? that you have once again stuck your nose into something about which you have no clue and no nothing?

what are you actually arguing about other engaging in some feeble attempt to boost your childishly bruised self-esteem?
Hypocrite and a liar, proove me wrong, I provided name and links, you have provided nothing. And last time I checked facebook and this are public forums. Keep up the lies.
you provided nothing. you haven't even said what it is you are trying to prove.

you argue for the sake of arguing.

yes, Facebook is a public forum but it is no more the truth than what you pander.

it's no surprise you can't keep it all straight.
metopower said:
Black ribbons... Bad idea. Bad enough that it is on all the tv monitors in the airport. Just what you want nervous flyers to think about before boarding. A memorial pin would be more effective and tasteful . Is it a show for the public or a show for our community of employees.
The company has allegedly decided that DL F/A's can support their fallen colleagues by wearing...white ribbons.

So while the rest of the industry comes together and works to rise above, our fly friends can wear something that traditionally marks celebration*. Delightful.

*Yeah, I know white often denotes mourning in Asian countries. We're an American company.
"Meet and Greet" sponsored by the IAM Tuesday, July 29th.
reportedly just 2 people showed up from 4:15pm thru 7:45 pm


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The track record of the IAM for F/A's doesn't look so good


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