IAM Stepping Up campaign

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No voice or say delta slashes profit sharing by 33% raises medical by 700 and highest costs paid by employees of any major airline

wt theres mo justification for that thats just mgmt being totally ignorant and greedy self centered a holes
robbedagain said:
No voice or say delta slashes profit sharing by 33% raises medical by 700 and highest costs paid by employees of any major airline

wt theres mo justification for that thats just mgmt being totally ignorant and greedy self centered a holes
certainly the above has got to be top10 of the dumbest things ever posted here
Fact: We received 6.67% last year in Profit sharing
This year we will be receiving 8.2%.
Jan 2013 we received a 5% pay raise
Apr 2014 we will receive a 3% raise.
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10% is less than 15%.
And when you get back to $63 per hour let us know.
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FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
certainly the above has got to be top10 of the dumbest things ever posted here
You must be talking about yourself.
robbedagain said:
not dumb. Its fact that delta can slash that profit sharing to their advantage
what's dumb - really quite stupid - is that there are unions in the airline industry that decided that profit sharing wasn't worth having so have they little to none compared to what DL employees have.

The reason why 700 loves to attack DL employees' profit sharing is because the profit sharing his union negotiated wouldn't come close in a career to what DL employees earn in a couple years.

700's logic is once again why DL employees want nothing to do with unions - if they can't understand that DL employees actually have higher profit sharing for 2013 than they had in 2012, how can they be trusted to negotiate a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Someone here said that it would be a good idea if people on this board at least demonstrated that they were of a legal age to post on the internet. We should ask why union leadership doesn't at least require competence in math at the level of GED for someone who comes on here impersonating a labor salesman.

Even used car dealers have better math skills.
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  • #339
How does it feel to be you?
Refute the facts, but you cant.
you do what you need to if you aren't big enough to deal with your issues right here.

How about instead you be mature enough to realize that there are people here who are willing to tell you the truth about why DL people want nothing to do with labor - but you are too defensive to hear it.

If you were half as interested in promoting the labor movement as you say you are, you would listen.

Since you plaster your mug all over FB, it goes both ways.
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  • #341
Are you making a threat?
No wonder why you got banned from www.airliners.net.
I'd ask you the same question.

Or you can learn to deal with the discussion here and accept that I am speaking for alot of people who find you - to put it mildly - not someone that any DL employee wants representing them.

Step back from the computer, go look in the mirror, and then come back and ask yourself if you are accomplishing what you say you are here to do.

All the evidence says no.

Whether you can accept that answer or not says alot more about you than the DL employees you say you are trying to woo for the labor movement.
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  • #343
Unlike you I dont claim to speak for the IAM nor any Delta employee.
You are the one who name calls and attacks people.
You avoid the questions asked to you.
Your own post Kevin called you out, you are not a Delta Employee, and yet you say "we" and claim to speak for all of them.
Time to grow up.
of course union workers have gotten the shaft in the airline industry.

DL people know it.

They expect someone to honestly talk about solutions and not distort basic facts like the amount of profit sharing they have received.

700UW said:
Unlike you I dont claim to speak for the IAM nor any Delta employee.
You are the one who name calls and attacks people.
You avoid the questions asked to you.
Your own post Kevin called you out, you are not a Delta Employee, and yet you say "we" and claim to speak for all of them.
Time to grow up.
I don't claim to speak for all DL employees. I do voice the perspective of many. The voting results show how the divisions fall - and the side you speak for has decidedly not been embraced by the majority of DL employees.
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