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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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WorldTraveler said:
can't you start a "thermometer" for us to see how close we are?
Who is we and us?
You arent employed by Delta or are you?
You arent in ACS of a FA.
Here you go again.
WE would be this WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE that is anxiously awaiting this vote which we have been told has been coming for, like, half a decade now. it has nothing to do with being a part of DELTA.

if being a part of Delta was the issue, then talking about it on the WWW with you piping in would not be necessary.
Kev Im glad to hear that the ACS is doing everything as right as possible to get unionized and all  I wish you and all the ACTIVE DL folks the very best of luck in becoming UNION.
WT has slammed anyone who mentions "we" in discussions here but it appears its ok for him to use it..  figures..  Im not in any hurry to see the results  Ill gladly see it when it happens in the correct way
Kev Im glad to hear that the ACS is doing everything as right as possible to get unionized and all  I wish you and all the ACTIVE DL folks the very best of luck in becoming UNION.
WT has slammed anyone who mentions "we" in discussions here but it appears its ok for him to use it..  figures..  Im not in any hurry to see the results  Ill gladly see it when it happens in the correct way
no, you missed that the WE has nothing to do with being inside of DL or not.

and, no, you are confused.

YOU and 700 are the ones that have gotten bent out of shape about WE.

As I type this, there are 8 people looking at this page. there are a WHOLE Lot of people that are waiting to see this whole unionization process actually come to fruition.

I do agree, let's wait, and get it right..... Moses was willing to lead a bunch of people around the desert for 40 years until the time was right to enter the Promised Land.

what was that commercial "anticipation... making you wait..."
robbedagain said:
Kev Im glad to hear that the ACS is doing everything as right as possible to get unionized and all  I wish you and all the ACTIVE DL folks the very best of luck in becoming UNION.
WT has slammed anyone who mentions "we" in discussions here but it appears its ok for him to use it..  figures..  Im not in any hurry to see the results  Ill gladly see it when it happens in the correct way
Right on.
Anything of real value takes time.
no WT  im not CONFUSED with anything at all.  even though I put it in the post  I am not confused period.   and no not waitin on any commercial anticipation  as Kev said   Real Value Takes Time
Very good post from a current DL FA:


Please allow me to share my experience and thought about Aviation Unions.
As a Northwest Airlines Flight Attendant I can say with first hand experience the Union was welcomed and useful to corporate in helping them to achieve our company goals, as noted in the Richard Anderson interview from the Northwest Airlines inflight magazine.
This is what was and is so confusing to me. The resistance and the push back from the very people in corporate who seemed to promote the following quote "working with our unions is vital to our well being."
Additionally I have had a hard time grasping the push back from our coworkers. How can 49.9% of our combined work group be wrong.
For that matter why would a guy like myself walk into a crowded inflight lounge and exclaim - "I support a Union Contract and Governance" if I thought it was a bad thing, What the hell do I have to gain? I hope people don't think guys like me are just doing it to be resistant to change.
If this is in fact the thought process I can assure you - you are incorrect.
I have bills to pay, my own family to support and this is my now career like it or not.
You have to ask yourself. Why would people like me jeopardize this commodity? Because we are just resistant to change? -
Because myself and others know having a union enhances our day to day life with work rules guarantees, pay step guarantees, Insurance that's not created by the Mattel Toy Company, and a basic stable lifestyle all of us can count on so that we can all plan our life for more than one month in advance at a time.
Isn't it time we get our retirement back as well, or something that represents some kind of retirement plan for the future.
I don't know about you but the financial planners I talk to say the 401k should only be used as a supplement and not a means to an end. I've also been told by financial planners (three in fact) "Anyone who tells you a 401K is a great retirement is either lying to you or has no clue what they are talking about." The 401K you invest in today could be worthless tomorrow.
My point is if you the person reading this insists that a union is a bad thing read this again and again until you get it - please.
Look - I understand your complaint about the union saving idiots jobs who would probably be better served stocking the shelves at WalMart and I get that you don't like how the PAC money is spent in elections and I get that your entire life you have been lead to believe unions are of the devil.
Think again and ask yourself why all the other majors have flight attendant unions and why guys like me who have nothing to gain but a better way of life will openly stand up and support a union.
Just so you know - I am from the South. I am from Orlando before it became the melting pot that it is now. My original family roots came from North Carolina and before that Scotland. (we are a very hard headed and proud people) I grew up in a military family, and a Christian family, and I'm a business major. I was the marketing director for a travel corporation in Florida prior to my arrival in the flight attendant business, I owned my own corporate and leisure travel agency. So I know what it is to be anti-union as its all I knew. Hell it was beaten into me.
However once I started working as labor and working in this industry I learned very quickly why unions exist and how they play an intricate role in keeping the proverbial "Leash on the dog." It all boils down to rational reasoning and not listening to one loud quack, but rather listening to the consistent quack and content of the larger flock.
I suppose people will come into their own moment of understanding and awareness. I guess I was just lucky it happened to me sooner than later.
So in closing today I would like to say "If I have moved you in some small way toward thinking a union might be a better choice for your family - just sign a card today - and - give it a year."
In my career I have seen first hand how easy it is to change union brands if you don't like the one you have.
So give it a shot. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
There is a saying I used to hear from one LARGE quacker - and it was probably the only thing I agreed with from him, and it was -
So do what you will - I will continue to support having a union and a contract.
Feel Free to share

"In my career I have seen first hand how easy it is to change union brands if you don't like the one you have.

So give it a shot. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

uh, no.

and IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of a union when you find out that they haven't delivered for you.

You don't just "try" pregnancy and you don't "try" a union.
Once again you show your ignorance.
Lets see NW mechanics went from IAM to AMFA, their Flight Attendants went from IBT to PFAA to AFA.
UA mechanics went from IAM to AMFA to IBT.
US pilots went from ALPA to USAPA.
WN mechanics went from IAM to IBT to AMFA.
Shall I list more?
Keep trying and dont let the facts get in your way.
You can change unions, it happens in the industry.
Better e-mail Ford and Harrison and get some new propaganda to post.
700UW said:
Shall I list more?
sCO F/As IAM to AFA.  They were given a company wish list agreement, and the company preferred the IAM over the AFA because the IAM gave them everything they wanted.
I am not counting mergers, those changes are mandated by the RLA and airline mergers, what I posted were voluntary campaigns that changed the certified bargaining agent.
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