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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Yet you have been asked by me numerous times and even today about that and you still ignore to answer, what are you scared of?
How many times has ACS at DL voted in a representational election in the past 10 years or even 20 and when was the last time?
Why did Delta spend millions in lobbying to change the threshold?
Why does DL spend millions on third parties to stop a union drive and why does DL use third parties in regards to their own employees?
You are so dramatic,but figured that from your video, lol.
He has a pay issue about being furloughed and coming back, if he was at Delta he has NO procedure to address this, with a CBA that has a grievance procedure, he does.
Hey look! Another post by someone that has no affiliation with DL or the IAM!
Hey look a post from someone who doesnt have a brain.

And doesnt have anything to do with the representational campaign.
WorldTraveler said:
It's not difficult to frame the discussion about "no appeals and bureaucracy"
Describing reality never is.

If you feel know of an dispute resolution/appeal mechanism available to an ACS employee, then by all means share it with the board.
Airlinelifer said:
It's called "indefinite suspension"
...And an unpaid one at that!

At least under our CBA, if found yourself wrongfully accused, you and/or your family didn't suffer financially because of it...
like the representation process, DL's appeals procedures are an internal matter for DL employees.

If you aren't sure of one, consult one of your leaders or feel free to contact me personally so that I can explain the process to you. Like the payroll help desk, it isn't for public display but exists nonetheless.
I'm quite familiar with the structure, thanks.

There's nothing confidential about something that doesn't exist.
But by all means, feel free to share what options an ACS employee has.
No need for anything prorietary; an outline will do.
I appreciate your perspective but you have repeatedly said you want something in writing when the evidence is overwhelming that structures do exist and which the vast majority of DL employees find acceptable or are not willing to change by putting a union in place.

and part of the reason why the vast majority of DL employees don't believe they need a complex structure is because DL really doesn't abuse its power as an employer as some here say they can do.

We simply do not see dozens of employees being sent home on these "indefinite suspensions"for offenses that a union could save... the few that have been publicly cited have involved fighting with coworkers, stealing or destroying company or airport property....

DL people are free to unionize if they think they can improve on what they have but they haven't.
He wont answer,he has had the opportunity too and hasn't. He has gotten caught out there again.
Funny he has been gone from DL for many years, worked in Revenue Management, yet he knows exactly what is going on at DL and who gets disciplined and for what.
Yea, I got ocean front property in AZ for sale too.
And here we go once again:

Yet you have been asked by me numerous times and even today about that and you still ignore to answer, what are you scared of?
How many times has ACS at DL voted in a representational election in the past 10 years or even 20 and when was the last time?
Why did Delta spend millions in lobbying to change the threshold?
Why does DL spend millions on third parties to stop a union drive and why does DL use third parties in regards to their own employees?
here let me help you out there 700 since he refuses to answer... 
1.... terrified the results may be significantly different now compared to when he worked there..
2.... 1 time  may be 2
3... bec they want to keep unions out  simple tatic to keep doing what they want to do to the at will employees..
4... plz see answer on the previous!!
would you give wt that ocean front property for free if he were to answer the questions!!
YOU three are the ones who are trying to sell a product for which YOU can't prove the need.

I HAVE NOT tried to say I know what is going on with discipline at DL.

I can, have, and will use the OBVIOUS proof that DL employees have refused to seek unionization as evidence that the incessant charges that DL is abusing its position are not real.

If YOU would like to convince someone that your sales job is necessary, then provide the proof that DL employees are being disciplined at a greater rate than at any other airline.
Your attempt at flipping the discussion is duly noted.

Again, a simple outline listing what the process/steps for any affected employee are will be just great. If you feel like doing a compare/contrast between ACS and IFS & Tech Ops, that would be all the better.
no, there is no flipping.

you are trying to create a discussion about needs which have yet to be demonstrated as necessary.

You can't prove there is any abuse of the powers which you charge DL is doing so the best you can do is throw up "DL doesn't have resources for this, can abuse their power because of that.... " despite the fact that you ignore the resources which are available and can't validate that there is a need for the services which you say DL employees need from a union.

the voting results speak volumes.

sometimes there is a time to state your position, sit down, and yield to the will of those who are in the majority.
Yet you have been asked by me numerous times and even today about that and you still ignore to answer, what are you scared of?
How many times has ACS at DL voted in a representational election in the past 10 years or even 20 and when was the last time?
Why did Delta spend millions in lobbying to change the threshold?
Why does DL spend millions on third parties to stop a union drive and why does DL use third parties in regards to their own employees?
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