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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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you altered your thread there, Kev.

if DL employees wanted a union, they have had more than enough chances to get one and have said no.
you altered your thread there, Kev.
Sure did. You quote mined the 2nd one. You shoulda seen the first version.
if DL employees wanted a union, they have had more than enough chances to get one and have said no.
That's hardly a revelation.

We'll see how it goes this time...
737823 said:
How was it such a great investment if your collective bargaining facilitated concessions during the bankruptcy and later agent got decertified as part of the merger?

WorldTraveler said:
you altered your thread there, Kev.

if DL employees wanted a union, they have had more than enough chances to get one and have said no.
Once again, how many times did the ramp vote in the past 10 years?
Thats not plenty of chances.
It took four times for the ramp at US to unionized and if DL isnt afraid, why did they spend millions in lobbying to raise the threshold to call for a vote?
and when US has done what it has done to people like robbed, it's not hard to see why US finally got the union it deserved.

DL people have given no indication whatsoever they are any closer to an election than they were the day the merger votes were announced.

We've seen a couple pictures of 10 or 20 people at these IAM events which won't cut it since every one of the major groups is about 10K or more employees.
except grievance cases are different compared to getting a TA let alone ratifying a TA.  While I still have a pending case Im not the only one in that boat.  But i sure as heck would not want to be an at will employee with no recourse in a similar situation or worse than my case
except that DL does have appeals processes and Kev has yet to prove that DL has any greater rate of termination or discipline cases than at other airlines.

and, again, if DL employees felt they were being taken advantage of by the company, they would vote for a union.

the fact that they haven't says the problem is just not there like some people want to argue that it is.
They dont have a grievance procedure under a federal and binding law.
They have a sham of a process, and you know this.
Actually, ACS doesn't have even the faux appeal process other groups do.

You get in hot water, and warranted or not, it's you against the bureaucracy. Alone.

Best of luck.
and apparently DL people either know how to play within the rules and don't manage to need the recourses you seem to think they don't have or they have more resources you don't know about.

come on... two weeks ago we were hearing that DL provided no resources to resolve payroll errors.

It's not difficult to frame the discussion about "no appeals and bureaucracy"
perhaps you can tell us how many DL employees get "indefinite suspension."

plz also tell us how many grievances exist at unionized airlines.
These two words are worth more than anything "Just Cause".
Let me give you a hint, it doesnt apply to employees at will.
we get the technicalities.

we (those of us who can admit that DL employees have repeatedly voted to stay OUT OF unions) just want to know how many DL employees are actually the "victims" of this thuggery you accuse the company of practicing.

and then tell us how many employees like robbed are victims of thuggery at airlines where employees are union represented.
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