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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
And by the way, there isnt an IAM FA local in ATL. ATL is made up of US, UA, and WN.
So and there is nothing in the election results and nothing official out by the IAM, who wrote the e-mail and who responded?
Well there are red flags all over an anonymous e-mail you posted.

First of all there are no flight attendants in the local IAM lodge in ATL.

Second there are no flight attendants in district 141 which is listed on the top of the posting.
And third you are saying to file a protest with Dave Supplee who is the ST of District lodge 142.

Too many inconsistencies to believe its true.
Still didn't answer the question...."WHY"?
southwind said:
Still didn't answer the question...."WHY"?
Once again let me repost this, this time take the time to read it slowly and comprehend it.  Have you overhauled too many lav pumps and the blue juice fumes getting to your brain?
Can you not comprehend what was in the letter and what I typed?
First of all there are two different districts mentioned in the post.
Its starts out saying District 141, and it ends with saying you should file a protest with Dave Supple, he is the ST of District 142.
142 has NOTHING to do with District 141 and their elections.
Second of all most FAs vote absentee in District Elections.
Third, ATL Local for FAs is Local Lodge 2339A.  Nothing on their web page nor either districts.
Fourth, there is nothing official out in the 142 election results nor 141 about what was posted.
No names, not who wrote it, who it was sent too etc...
Like I said too many inconsistencies in the post.
In reading, it looks like the author mistakenly wrote 141 instead of 142 no?

Steve Holub

How the IAM district 141 level runs a election.
To Our Flight Attendants that took the time to Vote,
It makes me very sad to inform you that the Atlanta vote did not count in the district election. Apparently, within the IAM, there are many rules on how to handle paper ballots depending on whether it is a local, district or international election. With both the International and local elections, instructions were included with the ballots and tally sheets. Not so with the District election. The person in charge of the election was told to do as she was trained. She was trained for a local election as this was our first district election. She worked very hard to insure that all rules were followed that she was aware of. Unfortunately, no one told her she had to send in the paper ballots with the tallies. How would she know? The district was aware of this error almost immediately but chose not to make her aware of it until yesterday when they were almost finished the count. She offered many solutions including flying them out there on the next plane but all were turned down by the District. Our local was not the only local that was not counted. We are trying to find out how many were disqualified because of a lack of instructions. Frustrating? Yes, indeed but direct your anger and frustration at the IAM, specifically to David Supplee - Secretary Treasurer
Air Transport District 142
400 NE 32nd St.
Kansas City, MO 64116
Office - 816-452-6646
Fax - 816-455-4793
Cell - 727-415-6628
This was not a local error but an error by omission on the district level. We will be protesting this election.
From my own experience in running elections there is an instruction sheet that comes with the ballots and tells the RS how to run the election and where EVERYTHING needs to be sent in.
Like I said, neither DL 142 nor LL 2339A has anything out about this incident.
Like I said, its all hearsay, and there are too many inconsistencies in the post.
if you take the poster at his word, then why can't they make the election right by including ballots
that were not counted.  Especially since this was their first election with them.  Bound to be mishaps no?
Every vote should count right?
Also, just because they didn't post  on the election results page (july 9) and "uh oh we didn't include ATL"
doesn't mean it didn't happen? right?  Don't they have a process for this ?  
Because there is no chain of custody of the ballots, no one knows if they were altered in any way.
There is a process for anyone effected to address it with the District, then the International and then the DOL.
No one know what happened, I pointed out the red flags.
And just because you have an anonymous posting on the internet no one knows if it happened.
Like I stated too many inconsistencies on what you posted.
No matter what the cause, it doesn't instill a sense of leadership in the union and would make me think twice before I gave any control, over my wallet, to the IAM!
See your ignorance is showing, I have been in 3 unions and not one of them ever controlled my wallet, you are truly clueless.
700UW said:
See your ignorance is showing, I have been in 3 unions and not one of them ever controlled my wallet, you are truly clueless.
So, you are saying you never had any dues money coming out of your wallet and that the unions you "USE" to belong to, never negotiated your pay..........got it!
Dues never came out of my wallet and it was the best $40+ a month I have ever spent.
See if you actually used your brain and educated yourself on how things work you wouldnt be posting stupid things.
Every CBA the terms are negotiated, is that too hard to understand?
Everything that is spent at the local level is approved by the membership, and the bylaws and constitution guides how money is spent.
And EVERY single penny a union spends is public record, can you say the same about corporations or the government?
No  you cant, so unions are held to a higher standard than business and governments.
Spin it however you want , still money coming out of your wallet/paycheck!
Kev3188 said:
Who cares?
My experience is the same as 700's; one of the best investments one can make in their career.
How was it such a great investment if your collective bargaining facilitated concessions during the bankruptcy and later agent got decertified as part of the merger?

Take your flame bait somewhere else.
Here's a few things off the top of my head to take with you on your way out the door. You're welcome.
Accountability (for both the employee & company)
5 yr. pay scale as opposed to the 11 yr. my DL counterpart had to climb.
Saving on insurance premiums
Work rules that were consistently applied/enforced
A safety committee that, you know, actually did something
Ownership of one's seniority
Transparency when it came to awarding of positions
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